Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Short and Sweet

Good Afternoon,

And, yes it's late again! But, it's spring and that's that. Weather, fences, blogs, books and business; not to mention my very patient ponies.

Had to go back an look at my email, even remember where I started out this mornin'. Upside, the weather's calmed down; blew and rained some yesterday. So far, today, sunny, mild and calm; big puffy, white clouds floatin' along, east.

And, truthfully, I suppose, might have ta leave it there; still gotta feed the nieghbor's critters, try and make the tradin' post and haul some water for the bunch out yonder.

So, hasta man~ana...

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful lilacs .. the smell is intoxicating! Really miss the good Illinois black earth sometimes. You could grow anything there. :) Too many people there now ... I guess I'll just have to grow pine trees and weeds. Planted flowers and the deer thought they were quite tasty. Next time, I suppose I should provide salad dressing.

    Well, some days are just like that ... busier then a centipede at a toe counting contest, from sun up till sundown. Hope you got everything done you wanted to, but then it feels so good to crawl under the covers and know what a good life you have.

    Sending my weary bones to bed. Came home from town, and there was a forest fire started right across my road from a lightening strike last week that had finally smouldered to a full-fledged fire. I thought if they block off my road, I'll have to run up through the woods to get my Girls (2 dogs). I don't care about the "stuff," but my dogs are a whole different story. I'd have to get them out. Fire out though, but I'm checking on it in the morning ... so is the fire department and the man who owns the land. Mine would have been the first cabin burned to the ground. My Sacred ground has remained untouched though. I am indeed waaaay beyond grateful. :)

