Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Four Blind Mice

Good Mornin'

Well, the storm has passed; for the moment, I suppose, best added. It is spring and ya can't be too sure what the weather's like ta do, makin' it's way ta summer; special with things changin' like they are.

But, it sure, did blow yesterday. Did manage to get the tent tied off to a couple a trees, 'fore it left for Kansas or Colorado and get the tarp back up, in the calm before the rain; pretty much one arm, the left still in dispose. (Not sure what that means, but it sounds good.)

Really, quite nice this mornin'; cool and fresh with the rain we got. Cool enough, for a good fire, help things dry out a tad. And, ya, I'm still digestin', recent turn of events with the land and all. Really, quite amazin'; one large step like that and all of a sudden, same time, real gradual, all your thinkin' shifts to the next level and all you can figure, "there's somethin' at work here!".

I suppose that's the beauty of time and effort; and I've sure made some. Enough to KNOW, no matter how hard I try, if there ain't some kinda grace/gift/magic 'hind things, it ain't goin' nowhere.

And, I know, some folks'd disagree, whole heart and swear up and down, "ain't no such thing! I did it myself, weren't no 'gift' about it!". All I can do is smile, kindly, and consider how that might be true for them, but it never worked for me.

And this, to me, is a really important point. In this day and age of "media overload", listenin' to politicians all day long, each one tellin' us how things "should be", we just might be inclined to consider how the whole universe is about "legislation" and, see creator through the same lense; the "Grand Legislator". But what if, on the contrary, it was personal; that Creator was so "Grand", beyond our furthest ability to imagine, that he/she didn't have to legislate; one size fits all. Right here, right now, for you, for me, should we be inclined, take a walk, hold a hand, have a conversation.

See what I mean; it could be personal and Creator was workin' with each one of us accordin' to our pre-dispositions, assumptions and inclinations. It'd sure be possible, each one of us come up with a different explanation of "how it is".

Reminds me, I suppose, of the four blind men encounterin' an elephant on the road; the keeper allowin' the men, each, have a feel on the elephant, so they might understand. One come away, swearin' an elephant was like a big tree, he had found a leg. The second, feeling a ear, sure that an elephant was like a big leaf. The third, feeling the stomach, a big barrel and the fourth who only found the trunk, that an elephant was like a big rubbery tree limb. Each one correct to a point, no?

Anyway, I am amazed, and likely, oughta get back ta work, see how this all pans out.

Have a great day!


1 comment:

  1. Glad you didn't fly to Coloradie ... long commute to feed the horses. Can't believe you did all that with one arm ... kind of a miracle really tying stuff down with it as windy as a politician giving a speech.

    I believe politicians will say anything to get elected. Once elected, it's always a surprise what they'll actually do ... too many promises made to special interest groups, too many palms greased to pay any notice to the "regular people." It's a race to "win."

    I like what Uncle Albert said, "Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value." A good recipe for political endeavors. Unless a person is in harmony (not harMONEY) with the Sacred, how can he/she lead anyone anywhere, much less a country?

    Going outside to tidy up the place a little before company comes and will do the job as if I am doing it for the Creator ... we will both smile then. :)

    Healing blessings,
