Sunday, December 30, 2012

Better Late than Never

Good Evenin'

And, mild; overcast and mild. Made it into the high 30's.

Short day, though by comparison; I think it was that soft new vest I got for Christmas, there yesterday. As I mentioned, I got half a bath, and put of a fresh long john top, and last night I slept in that new vest. It was a gift from an old friend; she's kinda my "foster" sister and she just has a way a sending things, so sweet and affectionate that it about makes ya dizzy. And, this vest wasn't any different; real soft and warm and she had it all laundered up, where it just smelled wonderful. And, whatever kinda spell she puts on things, well, I just slept, like a good ol' bear. Seems I even had nice dreams, all wrapped up in her sweet remembrance. By the time I propped myself up and spent a little "thank you" time, it was almost ten o'clock; poor ol' ponies were startin' ta worry.

Anyway, short and busy; got wound up with another old friend, been helpin' me with a little presentation we put together on the foster home. Don't know if it'll amount to much, but him too, a "good" old friend and whatever happens, we sure had fun, gettin' it done.

Anyway, end a the day, everybody got fed fair well; cowboy and pups ta boot. Now, we'll just hope the snow "keeps up", where I liked ta get that load a wood, for it begins "ta come down".

Have a nice night!

Best, always


  1. How sweet is the love who knows exactly what is helpful in your life, something not only useful but amazing ... feeds your soul. What a wonderful day in your world. Smiling.


  2. Very sweet. Good to know you're warm... and getting some good rest!

    Storms headed your way. Today, sun for us, so that too will follow. Never a dull weather moment. But all the snow will hopefully make for a fair amount of grass come spring, fatten up the ponies.
