Friday, December 7, 2012

Daisy's Song

Good Evenin'

And, another fair day! Bottom supposed to fall out this weekend and we only made 50 this afternoon, the evenin' comin' on cool. I believe tomorrow's like to be a firewood and fix the barn roof day. Just a chance a precip, but with the price a hay, we better patcher up, keep what we have dry as can be.

Otherwise, another up and down day. Went to sleep last night on half a peanut butter sandwish and a cup of milk; after the run to albuquerque, startin' at four a.m., time I got home fed and unpacked a few groceries, way too tired to cook. So, predictable, I woke up at two, again, spent some heart time and started my day at four, with a nap or two make up the difference. And, the problem is the horses know I'm up and start suggestin' flakes a hay; gramma daisy none the least, boy that girl can sing! Time the day is done I fed way more than budget.

Anyway, ate good this evenin' and hopeful sleep on 'til sunrise, get things back on track. Early, when all's quiet, if I'm quiet, the horses minds stays on the sun; soakin' up every ray, as it inches over the hills to the east. We don't start feedin' 'til eight, I can stretch one bale, all the way 'til dark and that's our best chance, make it to spring.

One a these days I'll have my phone with me and record gramma's mornin' aria; maybe I can use it for a ringtone.

Have a nice night!



  1. Laughing! Yes, please get an aria of diva Gramma Daisy singing her finest tune. :D I'd love to hear her ... I'll play along on guitar. When Stella wants me up, she sticks her cold nose in my eye ... wow ... that always does it!

    Roof fixing is good if you're housing hay. Keep your cell phone handy. I've fixed many a roof but not quite excited about getting up on one. Some things just have to be done though. If worst comes to worst, there's always tarps I guess. Good luck.

    Glad you ate well ... nothing like a full tummy and a warm fire to make you sleep sweetly and soundly.


  2. There's also YouTube. Bet her aria would be a big hit!
    I'm with Peaceful on the roof thing. Be safe.
