Tuesday, December 4, 2012

End of the Day

Good Evenin'

Well, another fair day! Possible I don't remember as much as I should, but I guess I was fair busy. Got an order for five books, I started mailin', had to check up on the Wedo dog, keep everybody fed and get ready for some folks, came by see the bunch.

And, I did shore up my ride to town, for my pre-op on thursday. Turns out I got a ride, straight down and back with a friend had to go right there, same time, same day; what are the odds a that? They even needed to stop at the grocery, which I could stand, just fine.

Only thing I missed was my second round a prayer/visit time, but I'll try again, 'fore I lay down; love affair with the stillness. So simple but "end a the day", it somehow gives meaning to it all.

Have a nice night.



  1. Seems your whole day turned into a prayer ... but the "be still" part surely does call.

    Very slim odds things should work out so perfectly with the ride ... but then again .... :).

    Listening to the ice "make" on the lakes here. Turned very cold. I live on a narrow stretch of land between two lakes ... sounds like whale song with the lakes singing back and forth and then a loud crack once in awhile scurries across the surface. Beautiful turning of the seasons, eons of turning, a sweet rhythm. A little sunshine on my bones would feel good right about now though ... :D.


  2. Has the bunch become a tourist attraction? Just kidding. I'll bet they've made some human "friends" along the way. From the stories you tell, I can see why.

    Have a safe journey tomorrow. When things are in sync like that, it's pretty darn cool.
