Monday, December 10, 2012

Fixin' ta Yawn

Good Evenin'

Well, 5 below, early this mornin', but we made it most a the way to 30, by afternoon. Suppose to warm right up again by midweek; 50 the high, 20 the low.

Otherwise, I lay low, myself; heart teacher's birthday and I kinda went outta my way, be still and remember. Sweet day, certain, even if I did have to make a call or two, straighten out the surgery deal. Put it off a month, give me time, find some help and get a physical; make sure I'm good to go. This week a fair reminder, winter's no joke up here.

Ponies all fed, with an extra half helpin', likely hit zero tonight, but then, again, I'm always good for a reason, spoil 'em just a little. They did clean up good though and I'll cut back soon as we warm.

And, I'm headin' for beddin', while the fire is warm. It's, general 4 a.m., or so when the mercury drops and then it's time for a fire, so early's the time for bed.

Have a nice night!



  1. A quiet day, going to the heart's wilderness for peace and rest, is soothing. Happy Birthday to your Heart Teacher.

    I notice the cooler days have made all the critters a little more frisky ... including Stella ... running, running, running. Needs extra fuel to keep warm. Always good to hear about the ponies.

    A physical is a great idea.

    Warm day to you!

    1. Looks like you're getting a "raspberry" from that picture up top ... :D!!!!
