Sunday, December 16, 2012

Shelter from The Storm

Good Evenin'

Well, not a lot more snow, but, aside from a few minutes a sun this mornin', still pretty well socked in; though I think it cleared off around dark. Give everybody an extra half a flake, where it's like ta get down toward zero tonight.

Otherwise, holiday greetin's and thank you notes; so many folks put a little somethin' in the mail for the ponies. And, case I missed anyone, huge thanks; we've had some doctor bills, hay prices are stiff and every penny helps a bunch.

There's an old song I often remember, when I'm feelin' particular, overwhelmed by kindness, and I don't even know the name, or if I got the words right, but, seems it had somethin' to do with livin' in the "shelter of the Lord"; old rock song. And, seems, I been feelin' that a lot recent; special, mornin' prayer time. I think back over my life, maybe tryin' to come up with some "conclusion", as to "how I did", only to get completely lost in the math. And, only, to become more and more clear, "I have no idea!". The upside is, whatever little I've understood, mercy and kindness are real. And, seems, whenever I'm willin' to admit, "I have no idea", no excuses and no justification, nor any idea, even if they'd be appropriate, there's just this feelin' of shelter, comes over; no reason.

Maybe, it's somethin' like the "middle path"; I can get all pumped up about the "good" I did, or all bummed out by all the "wrong" I did, or "take the fifth" and admit, I don't even know, truly, which was which, and I just want that mercy, that kindness, allows me to let it all go, and simply try again, today.

I just remember, that song had a very sweet melody and maybe, that reminds me as much as the words, 'cause when I feel that "shelter" in my life, that freedom from "the good and the bad", yesterday, life truly takes on that quality, just like, a sweet, sweet melody and I am free, to simply try again, today. And, I don't know if I could ever express, how wonderful that is.

Have a nice night!



  1. Beautiful ... now you need a sleigh! Maybe in the West, there's a cowboy and horses who deliver presents to all the Kids. :)

    Wonderful about "shelter." I plead the 5th too ... don't know the right way, so I just keep asking. Sometimes, I think I should have asked sooner ... :D.


  2. A couple of nights ago, I listened as an elderly wise man spoke about how his late teacher used to say that most people lived in two minutes. Sounds strange, but one minute is the past, what already happened. The other minute is the future, what we expect to happen. The wise teacher advised adding a third minute - now, and living in that minute exclusively as much as possible, focusing on it. And you're right, because that is the "shelter" from the goods, bads, shoulds, musts, don'ts, etc. - and within it lies our freedom. And yes, it is indeed wonderful.
