Good Mornin'
Well, made it all the way ta Cuba and back; carpooled with my neighbor down the way. She goes in about once a month and it saves gas and time for both of us.
Got talkin' about relationships and bein' older, how it's hard ta figure takin' chances like that, when yer happy enough, for starters. I don't think about those things too much, happy as I am with the critters and all, not to mention enough experience ta know I might notta been cut out for those things, but I suppose, her, of the female pursuasion, it might be a bigger question. (Is it fair ta say that women tend ta be more concerned with matters of society?) Anyway, it did come up, the whole notion of investment and risk; ya, just like Wall Street. I remember a wise man once sayin' "before ya consider what ya want, ya oughta consider what ya can have". And, I wouldn't pretend that things are mutually exclusive, as he went on ta say, "you can have it all!", but I would like ta bring up one possibility and, hopefully, in a way you might never, have ever, really considered. Yes, I'm stackin' the deck, but hopefully, like my horses, in plain sight and without any bones.
Oughta be time for a new paragraph, if only for courtesy.
So, the reason I'm stackin' the deck, is 'cause, often times the kinda thing I'm about ta say are the terrible, cheap construction of somebody, sellin' somethin' ta other poor folks, in such dire straits, that they'll buy anything; and that "buyin'", by the way, generally means, the one doin' the sellin' ends up with somethin' of value and you might end up poorer than you was ta begin' with. But, I'd rather suppose, you're fine, well off and free ta consider, I might not be sellin' anything, but simply talkin' about somethin', I found interestin', course a my walk.
And, here it is; a relationship with, oh boy, here we go! What do ya call the thing/stuff/person/intelligence, that created and sustains everything, without trippin' the switch in our brain, that conjures up "a man on a throne in the clouds". Anyway, if possible, try to forget all those images and just consider what it's like, when ya go to sleep and all the people, places and things go away, but somehow there's still a sense of bein' alive and aware of feelings, thought and questions; maybe, sometimes, answers. This, I suppose, why, in my stackin' of the deck, and lookin' for words, I referred to intelligence and it's possible, "awareness" works even better, where we tend categorize, measure and compare intelligence, but less so awareness.
So, how amazin' is that? A place inside ourselves, where all this feelin', feelings, questions, answers, emotion and longin', all play out, apart from our physical time, place and circumstance. Could it be that, as they say, "life", REALLY, "does go on"? And, try ta keep it simple, if there is somethin', does go on, wouldn't it be a fair consideration, know that; make that relationship, some kinda priority. And, maybe it's that simple; somethings last longer than others. No "goods" or "bads", just a fact. And, if that were true, it might be worth takin' that inta consideration as I line up my "investments", the way I "spend" my time here, planet Earth.
And, if we have to "image-in", maybe imagine this; just a conversation in that "dream place", no "bodies", just a conversation and maybe, even try ta take out the words and just imagine it like a feelin'. "All that time on planet Earth and you never wondered about me; what let you feel and think and long to be happy? Geez, I was right there, with you all the time; in you, your friends and all that surrounded you; weren't you even curious?"
Anyway, gotta be careful, I suppose, 'cause I don't wanta trip the "guilt" switch, don't believe that ever, really, got anybody anywhere, but just ta consider; "somethings might last longer than others and knowing them that last, might be a really worthwhile investment". Heck, even usin' that as a "bettin" guide, like they have at the horse races; what, in my life has been the most constant. And, I'll bet, if ya think real well, it'll be your very own awareness. Of all the things that came and went, you noticin', feelin' the joy and/or sorrow, 'cause maybe, you wanted it to last "forever", or couldn't wait 'till it was gone, that's the stuff that remained; your knowin'.
So, no good or bad about it, whatever time I got, that's the main thing, my book; "what knows". And, what's it like ta know "what knows". All indications, that might just be the friendship that never ends and lends all the comfort, we ever wanted, enjoy the rest.
Have a great day.