Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Higher Education

Good Evenin'

And, ya, another peach; looked around afternoon and the only thing resembling a cloud was smoke from a fire down toward the Jemez.

And, a pretty simple day; ponies, feed and firewood, with a brief interlude, gettin' squared away with "financial assistance", at the University Hospital, see if they can fix my eyes. Appointment's next Monday.

And, I woke up this mornin', rememberin' a particular turnin' point in my life; kinda connected to recent events and maybe sparked by a dream of an old friend. Started wonderin' why I took the fork I did; looked at it every which way. Wonderin' what so and so musta thought, how it looked, how much I understood. Came to the conclusion, "nobody'll ever know for sure", least of all me.

I remember another time, I was workin' on a ranch up north and things weren't goin' real well. The money was good; better'n I seen in quite a while. But, there were folks workin' there, I don't believe even their mothers'd love. Anyway, I was goin' back and forth with a friend a mine about stayin' or leavin'. He was convinced I needed the money and I was convinced that it wasn't worth it. Finally, one day I called him and said, "look, maybe I should stay, but this ain't no way to live and I'm goin' back to Lindrith, where, at least it's peaceful, money or not. If life is for learnin', one way or another I'll learn, but I'd rather learn peaceful and grateful, than eternally stressed."

Anyway, I'm still alive and I don't know if I learned a thing, but I sure do love my life and, every now and then I talk to another friend a mine still works there. He's got a fancy truck, but hear him go on about the same non-sense and the same people, year after year, well, my old truck still makes it from A to B and back, thank you!

So, I ain't sure if there's a point here, 'cept maybe "trust". Seems ta me Creator never held an honest mistake against me. Don't know if that'd apply across the board, but, my life, I'd say that's con-spicuous. And, ya think about it, if life is for learnin', it'd almost have ta be like that, otherwise, we'd be so scared, make a mistake, we'd never learn anything.

But, I sure have made some counter-intuitive choices; plumb fascinatin'. Fact I'm alive, wonder enough! But, fact I'm happy, Creator gotta have a sense a humor and Life must be for learnin'; no matter our "unique" approach.

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No Math for Kindness; No Excuse for Quittin'

Good Evenin'

And, yes, another peach! Just plain old gorgeous.

And, the wild bunch does seem to be adjustin' just fine to their "south pasture" and so far, ok with our short rations. I am givin' them a flake in the mornin', then come time for "brunch", I'm walkin' 'em out toward the ridge and cleanin' up down trees, uncoverin' the last green sprigs of the summer, in the woods, up behind camp. It gets 'em started and I think they like the fact, even if rations are short, that we get to spend some extra time together.

Don't know exactly why, but I woke up this mornin' with a new appreciation for the moments of life. I suspect it's all the kindness seems to be comin' my way of late. Not that, truly, I could ever take credit, it's too sweet, but neither can I say that I never gave it a thought. I mean since I was a teenager, I started readin' books about "the heart" and not long after, I started workin' with a teacher, pretty serious.

So, this mornin' it just kinda hit me, things my teacher has reminded me, year after year; "the moments DO matter, they are the seeds of tomorrow. Invest simply, wisely and surely!"

And, I guess it's like that; just a lot of gratitude for that "persistence" on his behalf and a lot of gratitude that some parta me listened and made some effort.

That said, I'm equally willin' to admit, that it's completely a gift; when you feel that kinda kindness comin' your way, it really is overwhelmin' and quite clear, my mind, "this can not be a simple equation; ya I've made a little effort, but this is way beyond proportion!".

Either way, it leaves a mark and for me, "the mark" says, remember; "there is that voice that comes to dismiss the moments of my life, assuring me they could never add up to anything important and then there's those moments when you know, it's the moments that make all the difference. Make every one count for the good; they do add up! They do make all the difference, in the long run!"

Have a nice night!



Monday, October 29, 2012

Pale Copper, Gold and Big

Good Evenin'

And yes, another peach; just a little breezy.

And, kind of an up and down day. Had quite an amazing dream just before I woke up; dreamnt of an elder lady, a dear old friend, to whom I'd sent a copy of the book. She came over and put her hand on my head, in the sweetest possible way, so kind I felt dizzy. Then she proceeded to look through the book with me and point out all the parts she liked. I was so moved by the kindness, I couldn't bring myself to get into anything, all day; so I just ate and knapped and spent some extra quiet time with my maker, kinda offerin' myself up for re-orientation.

Funny, no, we can get so used to strife and turmoil, but here comes kindness and it's like to throw us for a major loop.

I did make a call or two, make sure the oilfield fellas got the new combination to the gate and the hunter's were all squared away. But, mostly, just takin' pause.

On toward dark I threw a flake for the boys and headed over the hill, see if the bunch was settlin' in to the south pasture. I went straight over and down to the pond, scanned the south valley from here and there, with nothin' ta see, 'cept rabbit and sage brush, all lit up, pale copper and gold, in the warm light of the setting sun.

I circled around and came back on the road and there was the bunch, in the high pasture just west a the ridge. Gave 'em each a scratch and a rub, then circled back south so's not to bring 'em home; I know they ain't pleased, but long as there's grass, just a flake in the morn'.

So, I'll pack it in and try my rockets man~ana.

Have a nice night!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Headin' South

Good Evenin'

And, yes, another peach! Even, just a little warmer.

Headed out to find the bunch, bring 'em down to the south end for the upcomin' hunt. Gets harder and harder, I got to con-fess; weathers so fine, our hay supply low and I'm quite sure that nobody appreciates the valley quite so much as the ponies. But, I guess that'd be a hard "law" to pass; "whoever appreciates somethin' the most, gets to keep it!". Does make me chuckle, though.

They come down kinda timid and ya never can be too sure, what that's about; could be there'd been a lion or bear down that away. Could be the neighbors and their guns. Could be they're really becomin' "the wild bunch" and startin' to wonder about these arbitrary decisions, but we eased on down and I had the water trough full, so eveyone got a good drink and took to muchin', fairly content.

Spent the rest a the day, shorin' up fence and tyin' markers, try to keep the Elk from tearin' it back down. And, I did get a call from the partners, them wantin' one more book, which I took for a plus, where likely, last night, someone got past the pretty pictures and actually read a page. So, all in all a fairly nice day and, god willin', nicer yet, tomorrow.

The boys did get the short end today, but, I'll see for amends man~ana.

Have a nice night!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sleepy Saturday

Good Evenin'

And, yes, another peach; just a little warmer and the wind eased off to a breeze.

Don't know why, but it's just 8:30 and I am plumb ready for bed. So, I reckin' we'll keep it short this evenin'.

Moons fillin' and November's knockin'; partner's were up, checkin' their place for winter. I took 'em their three books they ordered, and they bought three more; I suppose it's the novelty, but young Brandon's pictures, sure do catch the eye. Either way, real nice of them.

And, they brought up some new locks, so I rolled on up to the gate off The Bend, toward the blm and slipped one on. Stopped by our blessin' site, tidied and gathered up a few remainin' things we'd took over, that wouldn't weather real good, headed home and stopped ta see the bunch on the way.

Beautiful afternoon, and they were pretty close to the fence, but pretty as it was and them all lazy munchin', I didn't have the heart close 'em down for the hunt; one more day, the hunt don't start 'till Monday, for sure. See, if I can't go back in the mornin'.

And, I did get some minutes with "Jules"; that'd be the "Wheely Man", Julio. Moved him about the round pen some, took a look at his feet. Give him a brush and checked on his coat, and darned, if his mites, aren't back. See, next few days, if it don't warm up, we'll give him a dose a wormer.

Anyway, yuh, a simple day; so, we'll pack it on in and get a good rest, and giver a go man~ana. God willin'!

Thanks for visitin' and have a nice night.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Rainin' and Pourin'

Good Evenin'

And, no, not really; another peach, even if we did lose 20 degrees of our nice 70 degree days. Might be age, but when it cools off, I do start to come back to life.

Anyway, got out the office fairly quick this mornin', even if I did come back, pay some bills, run to the post and the tradin' post, pay another and get some gas. So many different "hats" these days, it is a little difficult keep up with the chores and the ponies, but I oughtn't complain; even just a visit with the bunch, or a few minutes with the boys, can sure put a smile on my face. And, I guess, somewhere deep down inside, I believe it will get better. So, many magical things keep happening, I guess I'm convinced, magically, help will arrive and I will be able to delegate some a those "hats".

Comin' home from the tradin' post, I figured it wouldn't take too long swing by a neighbor's house deliver a book I'd been meanin' to send to her gran nephew. A youngster used to live just down the way with his granpa and gramma. Really sweet kid, bright, respectful and sincere. Well, his granpa, has had a few strokes over the past few years and this last one hit him pretty hard, so they up and quit for Albuquerque, where their daughter lives and the youngster, a course, went with. I was thinkin' how it mighta been kinda hard on him, movin' to town and how my little book might just remind him of his life up here and the folks that liked him so much.

Anyway, I had a real nice visit with his grand aunt (?) And she ended up buyin' two books for her grandkids. Pretty simple, but it sure didn't HAVE to turn out so nice and my bank account got a good breath of fresh air.

Then I got home and a real fine horseman from up north, that I admire a lot, where he's an equally fine human bein', had left me a note, that he'd got his book and how pleased he was. Again, pretty simple, but somehow, from here, it all seems kinda magical; I mean I do believe in cause and effect, but so much happens these days, so kind, I'm just not sure, anybody could "cause" that.

Heard a wise man once say, "if you let this life, it just gets better and better". Maybe I'm just gettin' older and less able, to prevent it, so; there's a giggle and a good one!

Have a nice night!



Thursday, October 25, 2012

View From The Bend

Good Evening

Well, the wind did back off some and I did manage a modicum of "get to it", though I don't reckin' I broke any records. It is hard to say, though, anymore; my cowboy self just don't consider anything "office related" as anything serious!

But, that said, I did get a start on some hooves, overdue for trimmin', as the bunch come in this mornin', I did spend some time with Ruben and I did get a start on firewood.

Funny thing though, more I try and convince myself, I got some stuff done, more I realize, just how big that "blessin' day" was. And, truthfully, I don't even know about the "blessin'" part, but just the people that came, the effort they made and, truly, how beautiful they seemed; just makes my list of "things I got done" seem pretty silly. I am so far over my head, if it weren't for such good friends, some there for the blessin', some in wishes, I'd a been a goner, long, long, ago.

So, 'out aimin' to be disrepectful, any which way, just those beautiful Hearts, bein' there like that, boy, I don't think I'd ever begin, even understand that much. And, I suppose I knew it, even as the ceremony unfolded; at one point Sheila reminded me "keep in mind your intention". But, even at that point, I was so moved by the kindness, all around, best I could do was think, "Earth Mom if your listening, you better take over, 'cause I'm so touched, I can't remember a thing!".

Have a nice night!



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Breather

Good evenin'

Well, it blew pretty fair most a the day. So, aside from feedin' and gatherin' some firewood, I figured I'd take another day, lay low; that blessin' day, did take some doin' and, I suppose, that kinda marked the end of a summer's work and like a farmer, once the seeds are in the ground, yer apt ta take a breather.

I did think about findin' the bunch, but that was as far as I got. I'd read just a little, a borrowed book I need to return, which is unusual, as I aren't much of a reader. But, the fella wrote it settled right here around Cuba, later in life and it is a real sweet story of some kids grew up, outside a town. And, there's somethin' about the dialogue, 'tween the kids, takes me back to my youth and I musta dozed off, in the sweet reminiss.

Anyway, the winds supposed to quit, here, man~ana, and we'll see, if we can't getter back in gear; it's already late, season wise, and there's sure some stuff I oughta get after, for the weather goes south and the days grow short.

Have a nice night!


P.S. Thanks to Brandon Johnson for the picture and fond memory of "Stink" at his best!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Circle

Good Mornin'

And, yup, another peach! Breezy, as it was yesterday, bringin' in some cool air, seems.

And, yes, I omitted the entry, yesterday, as the day was so overwhelming sweet, I considered to let it sink in 'fore I ventured a comment.

Sheila Goldtooth, came over from Arizona, conduct a blessing on the land and site for the foster home. Almost 300 miles, with a friend/apprentice, Michelle, from Fort Defiance.

Amazingly sweet gathering; some friends from the goat farm across the valley, with "woofers", (kids that travel to organic farms around the world and volunteer some time, to experience organic farm life), Brandon (photgrapher for the book), his mom and six year old daughter, Savanah, Sandy, from the Wild Horse Sanctuary, just North, Tony, a young Navajo filmmaker, Sheila, Michelle and myself.

A real honor, for all of us, and, accordin' to our respected authorities, a great success; our offerings happily received.

I suppose I'm still reelin', some; don't know if I could ever express the simple sweetness of Sheila's voice, singin' as we shared the pipe, and each offerred their prayers and thanks to the Earth, the Sky and the four directions. The stillness and warmth of the sun, even as the breeze, wafted about, the cedar and sage from the fire; Sheila and Michelle excusing themselves, moving off, just over the knoll, to the Northeast, for the "conferential" portion of the ceremony.

We wrapped up early as we could, most with a fair poke to home. Mama Diane from the goat farm, makin' sure everyone got a fair helpin' of homemade bread, posole and pie, 'fore we called it a day.

I escorted Sheila and Michelle to the gate, drew them a map and pointed the way, so touched by the effort they'd made; Sheila, almost 400 miles from Lukachukai, way she was headed, droppin' Michelle off in Gallup, where she'd catch a ride back to Denver, overnight. Unbelievable!

The bunch had hung out in the pasture, down by the gate, most a the day, maybe their blessin', on the guests that came and went, so I spent the last bit of daylight, visitin' and wanderin'; re-affirmin', I suppose, that I may be a human and I may go away, but general, it's just and only, make "hay". And that, end of it all, if I have my way, our bones'll lie side by side.

Have a nice afternoon!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Road to The Bend

Good Evenin'

A little breezy, but by and large another peach!

Tarred, tarred! Didn't dare take the truck where it's kinda low on fuel and I might have ta make a run tomorrow, over and back, so I hoofed it over to the Bend for my "finishing touches". Swung up ta see if I could find the bunch and spotted 'em from the ridge, about in the middle, way up north. So, I figured, afoot, I'd better just head for the Bend, swingin' back south and crossin' onto a neighbor, got a tank with water, let Whichy get a drink and a swim. Stopped and fixed some loose fence wires on the way. Got the "lavatory" all spruced up, or junipered, anyway and it did take a while, but I think I got it built up enough to where a lady might feel sufficiently comfortable.

Dark, time I headed home and I was runnin' on fumes, but the night was fresh and the half moon lit the way. See how it goes tomorrow; I'd like to be three places at once, but I think the youngsters comin' ta visit, might just help me out.

And, I did do some thinkin' on the "log" from yester, "The Herd", prompted by a friend, slightly unsatisfied with my conclusion, and, fact is, it really helped me see somethin'. Part of my deep affection for the bunch, has ta do, seems to me, with their unflinching commitment to each other. It ain't all "peaches and cream", but doggone, if they don't stick together. And, part a my life long "rub" with humans, my self included, is how quick and easy we come and go, leave each other behind.

Put this in the context of the Bend, the foster home/horse rescue and the blessing and it all paints a wonderful picture; maybe, my life long endeavor. Try and bring us horses and humans, just a little closer together; us humans carin', just a little more and the horses, trustin', just a little more.

It's gonna take a "blessin" for sure and maybe some time, for I really get a hold, but I reckin, that's what time is for; figurin' the deal and tellin' the story. Just maybe, gettin' better by day.

Have a nice night!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Herd

Good Evenin'

And, yes, another peach; it's fall in New Mexico! Prettiest time of the year; days and days of just plain pleasant.

And, really nothin' very unusual; office, email and phone in the mornin', loaded up the truck afternoon, tools and pieces for the blessin' on The Bend, then Jacob and some friends stopped by help me cut some stumps for seatin'. Jacob actually cut 'em, me and his friends, cleared some sage and hauled the stumps over to the fire pit. Didn't take us long, but it sure made a big difference and left the spot quite homey.

I'll go by tomorrow for "finishing touches", cut some saplings for the "lavatory", maybe whack a little more sage and rake, for a nice big welcoming circle. But, most of all, try to spend time with the horses. Not sure, whether it's me or them, likely a little a both, but when there's folks around, we all seem to enjoy the reminder, just how important we are to each other and that no one gets left behind.

I guess it's a deep thing, "the herd", and little as I might understand, I'm afraid it's took most a me with; but I can't see complainin', no way.

Have a nice night!



Friday, October 19, 2012

A Tight Fit

Good Evenin'

Well, yes, another peach; sunny breezy and somewhere around 70 degrees.

Feedin', phones and email, most a the day; but I haven't been mailin' books, 'cause I'm scrapin' my pennies for hay and I just got enough gas, get to the bend for the blessin', then tuesday's the hay, cross our hooves, and we'll have just a little left , money and gas, make the tradin' post, wednesday, pay my down my bill and put in a little petrol!

I know it sounds bad, but, upside, we just topped our 100th book! Which means, aside from a little loan, not due 'til the end a the year, we're inchin' toward "break even" territory.

Anyway, rob peter just a little, pay paul, just enough, 'till we see peter again, a little luck thrown in, "she'll be right", as they say "down unda"!

Did get a bit of a stroll, on toward dark, and found the bunch, down by the low gate, starin' up at the boys. Little bit of a moon, so I don't know if it was the girls, or, with the cooler temps and the grass dryin' out, if they was dreamin' of life "in the barn" and flakes of green hay; and the boys of life on the loose.

Anyway, for each a scratch and a rub, kiss for the Queen Missy Mum and I headed back, try and grab a branch on the way. Give the boys a flake, but them too, I shorted 'em just a little; only got three bales, make it to Tuesday and the burros are demandin' equal rights. Push comes ta shove, we'll make it.

Have a nice night!


A Tight Fit

Good Evenin'

Well, yes, another peach; sunny breezy and somewhere around 70 degrees.

Feedin', phones and email, most a the day; but I haven't been mailin' books, 'cause I'm scrapin' my pennies for hay and I just got enough gas, get to the bend for the blessin', then tuesday's the hay, cross our hooves, and we'll have just a little left , money and gas, make the tradin' post, wednesday, pay my down my bill and put in a little petrol!

I know it sounds bad, but, upside, we just topped our 100th book! Which means, aside from a little loan, not due 'til the end a the year, we're inchin' toward "break even" territory.

Anyway, rob peter just a little, pay paul, just enough, 'till we see peter again, a little luck thrown in, "she'll be right", as they say "down unda"!

Did get a bit of a stroll, on toward dark, and found the bunch, down by the low gate, starin' up at the boys. Little bit of a moon, so I don't know if it was the girls, or, with the cooler temps and the grass dryin' out, if they was dreamin' of life "in the barn" and flakes of green hay; and the boys of life on the loose.

Anyway, for each a scratch and a rub, kiss for the Queen Missy Mum and I headed back, try and grab a branch on the way. Give the boys a flake, but them too, I shorted 'em just a little; only got three bales, make it to Tuesday and the burros are demandin' equal rights. Push comes ta shove, we'll make it.

Have a nice night!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are Alive

Good Evenin'

And, yes, another peach! Sure got wrapped up with phone calls and email, but, blessin' day comin' up, I reckin' it's only normal.

Anyway, evenin' time I did take a stroll; stretch my legs, get outta the office and see the bunch. Unbelievable pretty evenin'; the bunch catchin' the last of the green grass, down in the valley, where water collects, for it passes under the cross road. The light was comin' in low, just 'fore sunset and everything was lit up gold, gold. Even the sky and the pin~on linin' the valley, the rabbit brush, with it's green stem, it all surrendered to the golden light; ponies too, seemed to me.

Visit and scratch, for each; big o' sigh of relief. Sometimes I wonder how much were the same. Maybe for them it's grass, maybe for me the mail, but caught up we get and sometimes it takes a friend, remind us, "don't get so busy, you forget to enjoy! The rest'll work out in time.".

Tarred again; headin' for beddin'!

Have a nice night.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Good Evenin'

Cool and breezy, but by an large, another peach.

Caught a ride to Cuba with my neighbors; momma Diane had to pick up one a the youngsters, bus from Albuquerque. Run around most a the mornin', phone calls and feedin' and give myself the better part of a bath. Cool as it was, I opted for a pan on the stove and wash cloth, with a splash of Dr. Tichenor's, Louisiana, peppermint mouthwash, sweeten the deal; unorthodox, perhaps, but it sure smells fresh. Didn't have time to dunk my lower half, but I did manage a scrub for the toes and clean socks.

Main idea was to stock up for the "Blessin' on the Bend". Young lady, medicine woman, from Lukachukai, AZ, comin' down on Monday. Weather's supposed to hold, I already dug a fire pit, for coffee and lunch, Diane's makin' homemade bread, posole, a new mexico favorite, green chili, hominy and potatoe soup, pumpkin pie and a roast goat; speakin' of troopers. Jacob and I should try to get over, next day or so and whack out some camp furniture, stumps and poles, accomodate the guests and groceries. Likely have a dozen friends, and young Brandon, shot the "pics" for the book, should be on hand, with camera. Only like to last an hour or two, where most folks are comin' a ways, but I'm puttin' money it's bound ta be a moment in time. Don't know how that works, but, middle a nowhere, folks get together with a blessin' in mind, sun and sky and heart, it sure, can get kinda sweet.

I remember, when Brandon came up to shoot the "pics" for the book, Ms. Buckley, a chippewa lady from Albuquerque was helpin' me organize, some, and she made us promise do a blessin' 'fore we start. It was just me and him, a poem we wrote and a drum we made from a coffee tub, feather and old horse teeth. We marched up the ridge, thumpin' the drum, let the ancestors know, in the rain, got to the big rock, northend, the rain quit, the clouds broke up and a double rainbow lit up the sky. Don't believe me, there's a picture, right the middle, the book. Don't reckin' either one of us'll ever forget that day.

Anyway, it's late, 'n I'm tarred.

Have a wonderful night!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Icin' on the Cake

Good Evenin'

And, yup, another peach! Bright, sunny and breezy.

And, yup, I did wake up slow, again. I think it was my spontaneous birthday dinner, this time; couldn't let the 6-0 go by without somethin' a little different. So, I remembered there was a "vacuum packed" pouch of instant mashed potatoes in the cupboard; amazing stuff! Boil some water, add butter and milk, stir in the magic powder and wham, two quarts of hot, creamy mashed potatoes; sprinkle with parsley and we're talkin' "gewer-may". And, a course, I'm only gonna turn 60 once, so I ate the whole pot. Then, we had to come up with a cake and by now I was startin' to succumb to the influence of the potatoes, so it had to be a pretty quick one. And, sure enough, inspiration struck; I keep some oatmeal cookies around, case breakfast comes up short. So, two oatmeal cookies, gently heated on top of the toaster, to soft and chewy, with peanut butter icing and a wee piece of chocolate, washed down with a nice cup a milk and the party was complete; not to mention a grand success.

But, yes I did wake up a little slow and, no, I don't reckin' I'll do it again, any time soon. That package a potatoes had to be ten years old and it took fifteen minutes of blowin' my nose, 'fore my brain re-commenced receivin' oxygen, once I was upright, come mornin'.

Anyway, all in all, a wonderful day. Got quite some wrapped up in the office, ate a good "normal" breakfast and headed out ta find the bunch. Walked around my hilltops, north and south, check out most a my valleys, but couldn't see a sign. Finally, sat in the grass, somewhere about the middle, figured I'd just soak up the sun and the wind a while, see if they'd wander in ta sight; which they didn't, but it was a gorgeous sit. Big blue sky and wind, and grass dancin', and a crow, ridin' the flow, high above; risin' and fallin', gainin' and losin', glistenin' in the sun, as he wheeled and circled and caught the golden rays just so. Callin' out, a joke no doubt, as he feigned defeat and disappeared over the ridge for the last time. The Which puppy, returnin' from a swim, rollin' and rubbin' herself in the dirt, then dozin' on her back, feet in the air, seemin' as happy, as happy can be.

When I made it back, the bunch was in, see if I mighta soften my stance, I reckin'; "no hay 'till November!". But, where I don't have much choice, it was just a hug and a scratch; wee prayer they might inderstand.

So, yup, I made up some for my otherwise, hijacked kinda birthday and hopeful here, pack it in early; so what a go at 60 is like.

Have a nice night!



Monday, October 15, 2012

Opening Remarks

Good Evenin'

And, another peach! Sunny and mild with a gentle breeze.

Got up a little late, though, I'm not sure why and, never quite settled in to a groove. Down to my last flake a hay, and unsure if my neighbor'd still be in a lendin' mood, I suppose I was a little worried. Add a few phone calls from friends wishin' me a happy birthday and an "o.k.", borrow some hay, trade for some work on a colt, and I'm afraid, as I said, I coulda got a better grip. But, all in all, a nice one and a reminder, gift in itself, that it might be "just a day", but it'll never come back and if I wasn't all there, a part a me knows and mourns the loss.

I suppose it's just my habit; horses, horse teachers, heart teachers, these are a lively bunch and, perhaps curious, too. Ta meet any one, ya might figure, "a laid back bunch", but, it reminds me, somethin' come out in the book, "if ya don't take the right stuff real serious, ya might end up takin' all the wrong stuff, too serious.". In other words, sometimes, ya do meet folks, all "wired up" and ya might figure they're really on the ball. But, sometimes, it's just "nerves" and they're lost in the "all important"; the enjoyment, the appreciation is gone and so, any graceful priority.
So, hangin' with horses and folks, really got a thing goin' on with life, appreciation, a focus and priority, well, there's somethin' awful rich and steady there and, yer not careful, it can just leave a mark; a mark you're like ta remember and re-mark the days you missed.

Have a nice evenin'!

Tomorrow, another day!



Sunday, October 14, 2012

Double Take

Good Evenin'

And, what a day! Don't believe there was a cloud in the sky; warm sun and a cool breeze. Kinda made up my mind, I gotta get out and get after things, fences, gates and ponies; get ready for the blessing day too. So, I spent most of the day, checkin' fence and gates, visitin' the bunch and cleanin' up a patch, over on the bend.

And, it sure felt nice, abandon the office, forget the phone and just go. One a those catch 22 things, I suppose; got started on the book, try ta raise some dough for the ponies, then ya start ta wonder if they'd be happier, I forgot the whole idea and just went back to hangin' with them, chasin' cows and fixin' fence. Oh, well, maybe, a little miracle, the book'll take off and I'll hire someone pretend they're me, do all the office and travellin' bit. A stunt double!

Anyway, heck of a fine day! Just plain beautiful; clearin sage and linin' up some stumps for chairs. Now and then I'd look up and look around; see Perdenal Peak over by Abiqui, clear as a bell. Fifty miles.

And, I'm headin' for beddin'!

Have a nice night.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Furrin' Up

Good Evenin'

And, quite a fine day, if a tad on the cool side; barely made 50 degrees.

And, I believe I mailed off the last of my "early order" books; that fella bought two at the store the other day, just tipped the scale, give us just enough, after payin' the printer, mail the books. So, we ain't rich, but least we got 'em all mailed, minus some hay money I kicked in, which hopeful we'll re-cuperate here directly.

Anyway, it was a nice one and I did get a walk, visit the bunch. They's just over the hill, down in the valley, packin' it in with the cooler temps. Everybody startin' to "fur up". And, one way or 'tuther, I better get busy, see if I can't get the things tidied up, 'fore snow, not to mention some firewood in.

And, god willin', next weekend'll be the blessin' on "The Bend". Checked the weather and it looks pretty fair; sunny and 70-somethin'. Cross my fingers and do my best.

Have a nice evenin'



Friday, October 12, 2012

A Blustery Day

Good Evenin'

This was a peach of a fall day! Blustery, blustery, all day long, with a couple a good ol' thunderstorms and rain in between. Unbeleivably beautiful skies, with wild clouds, of every shape and size, from the darkest grey-blue to the most stunning silvers and glistenin' whites; sunshine and sunbeams, rainbows, every which way.

And, as if I need a big excuse, I took a nap! Really, wasn't too much else I could and with a good fire in the stove, well, it was a first class nap. But, I did repair the tent a lick, the wind havin' thrashed some a my joints pretty fair, and I did get the last few books, ready to mail. So, all in all, a fair day.

Far as ponies go, nobody was in much of a visitin' mood, the boys and burros, just callin' for hay, 'tween showers and gusts; otherwise hole up in the barn. And, I haven't seen the bunch since wednesday, when we chased the cows up north. But, tomorrow, god willin', we'll get over the hill and see how we're doin'. They mighta got their feelin's hurt just a little, where sometimes October, I'll throw 'em a flake, they come in a chilly mornin', but Wednesday, the budget for hay and supplies runnin' short, well, I just gathered 'em up and headed out. Seemed Tubby, noticed pretty clear. Maybe, I can land a bag a grain, soon as we sell some books for Christmas; little treat here and there, maybe soften the blow.

Have a nice evenin'


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Grey Skies

Good Evenin'

Well, we started off, not a cloud in the sky. Ended up blustery and overcast. Figured it was gonna rain, but we only got a drop or two; see what happens overnight.

Otherwise, woke up this mornin' kinda half dreamn', about how some people are so quick to come up with reasons, not to be happy. Image floatin' around my head of someone hangin' some kinda grey, semi transparent cloth, anywhere a little "light" might get in. I guess I'd met someone recent, made me reflect on the question.

Made me wonder if that wasn't part a my livin' out here; if somewhere deep inside myself, there wasn't a suspicion that life was wonderful, accompanied by the parallel suspicion that we have learned and agreed, socially speakin', that "we musn't be too happy".

Different, I suppose, but these things do cross my mind, as I often notice that, as time passes out here, I do seem to get happier and happier and brought up, some short, when I meet people, some, seemin', bound and determined, "there's always a reason to worry".

And, I don't mean to critcize anyone, but it does make me wonder and grateful, that I met some folks in my life, similar convinced, "life is wonderful and yes, we can be happy; no reason required!". And, that's quite amazin'; really quite amazin'.

So, in keepin' with "the Budh", who seemed to encourage "minfulness" or, more simply, payin' attention, next time somethin' good happens and it makes you happy, pay attention! And, if you notice, something, someone, inside yourself drawin' the curtains, shakin' a finger and tsk-tskin', how "we mustn't get carried away", or "here, here, we must be practical", take note. And, maybe, just consider, "that it might not be you and it might not be true."

And, yup, I'm tarred!

Have a nice evenin'!



Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cows on the Lamb

Good Afternoon,

A slightly topsy turvy day; neighbors cows come in across my shakey fence up north. So today the neighbors come down to gather 'em up and head 'em home. Well, they hung around and drove around, but I'd noticed this bunch's cagey and the neighbors finally went home, callin' to say they hadn't seen a thing.

So, I took the bunch and headed up to the north end, lock the gate I'd left open and come off the hill in our southeast corner, seven horses and me, and there was the cows, right in the middle. I reckin' they just hid in the gulley, east of the tank; wait out the neighbors.

Anyway, me and seven horses was plenty eyeful for them cows and they skee-daddled up toward the thick brush, in the northwest corner. I didn't figure I'd get around 'em or, find 'em in the trees, so I just let'em go and rode on up to the pond in the northeast, turned the horses loose and walked up ta close the north gate, then walked home.

So, four thirty and about where I oughta be noon time. But, heck, we had a ball and it was a beautiful day; seventy degrees, sunny and breezy. Can't ask for a nicer sidetrack'n at. Always good, hang with the bunch.

Have a nice evenin'!


Monday, October 8, 2012

In Shape

Good Mornin'

And, our first freeze! Only made 60 degrees yesterday; 40 come sun down. But, this is about normal; early October we're like ta get a taste a things to come.

Went to bed a little excited, turns out an exec from Western Horseman got a look at the book and liked it quite some; talked about doin' an article. Ya never know how those things'll turn out, but it did make me think about a second edition and how we might pull that off. In the past, folks might find a publisher, but fast as things are changin', I'm just not sure it's worth it anymore; what I here, 'less you're already famous, they just want all the money and do none of the work. In other words, my excitement was likely mixed with a little nervousness, where this could be a big break, but the "management" is like to be tricky, at best.

Anyway, another great opportunity to trust. And, yuh, back to grace and remembrance; "'tis grace that brought us safe this far, and grace'll lead us home!". Hate to sound like an old saw, but I gotta say, it's the only thing that has consistently worked, over the years. And, admittedly, one might need to take up the question of "worked", as that could have different meaning to different folks, but simply put, I am alive, I love my life and do believe, it'll only get better, come what may.

And, I suppose, that's the important point, "come what may"; it's easy love life, when thing's are good, but to know it's the love that counts, and be able, "love" through the "bad" or hard, that's a treasure, beyond compare. And, for sure a gift, which I believe, is another word for grace.

So, like a good young "capitalist", I have learned, "yes, by all means, keep your eye on the treasure!", maybe the difference'd be, kindness a the wisdom, just to remember what the real treasure is; good and bad'll come and go, but I'm in love, then life is great.

And the rest, does work out; believe it or not, it really, does work out.

Have a nice day!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fresh Start

Good Mornin'

And, a cooool one; not frosty, yet, but a surely, chill breeze comin' from the south.

Got my new tent up, inspired by the gusty wind of yester; figured if I pulled the old one and swept, the wind'd carry off the dust and cobwebs collected. New one is a little "fumey" just yet, but it's sure clean and bright. Maybe today, I'll re-situate the tarp for winter. Upside of the "fumey" part, my pack rat relative seems to find it a little less homey; thinkin' I might get a cat, where my rodent friend is a little indiscriminate about her hygiene, but I can't see gettin' violent over potty matters.

Anyway, woke up this mornin', grateful and prayerful. Grateful creator seems to allow each one of us love in our own, very unique way, and prayerful, so's not to get complacent; I suppose it has to do with mercy. Mercy there's room for me, flaws and all, but not something I'd ever want to take for granted, 'cause the challenges will come and knowin' that, to mind the flame of aspiration.

Something about life, no, like a river, it must move and it really seems, that aspiration, keeps me movin' and growin' with it; keeps the love a living thing. And that SURE keeps the color in the rose!

Have a great day!


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Good Returns

Good Evenin'

Yee, another nice day; a little windy, but not too bad. Got almost all the books mailed, just a couple of orders I'm waitin' on, see how folks want their books signed. Quite a stack today, almost ten books.

And, I did get a good stroll, out ta see the bunch. Always good ta visit. Each one got their own way, but, seems they all appreciate me stoppin' by, even with the cooler temps and a little extra concern for the grass.

And, funny, how that works, they do have each other and it is some years now, they've all been together. And even with lions, bear and elk, they've likely worked out the details of who drinks when, who grazes where, safe spots for nappin' and likely schedules, for walkabout and vigilance. But, I'd say, even with all of those variables ironed out, with some degree of comfort, just the fact that I show up, with all my odd, human characteristics, to a one, they all give a little sigh of relief. And, a course, me too.

Somethin' about appreciation, heck even appreciatin' appreciation, the day, a moment in time, each other, it just seems to counteract the quiet worry that often creeps into our own individual little worlds. And for a moment we stop and notice, "hey now, ain't that good!". And, as wise folk have often point out, and I do firmly believe, what we pay attention to, it grows. So, ya, why not grow "good"; there's a career with a future!

Have a nice day!



Good Returns

Good Evenin'

Yee, another nice day; a little windy, but not too bad. Got almost all the books mailed, just a couple of orders I'm waitin' on, see how folks want their books signed. Quite a stack today, almost ten books.

And, I did get a good stroll, out ta see the bunch. Always good ta visit. Each one got their own way, but, seems they all appreciate me stoppin' by, even with the cooler temps and a little extra concern for the grass.

And, funny, how that works, they do have each other and it is some years now, they've all been together. And even with lions, bear and elk, they've likely worked out the details of who drinks when, who grazes where, safe spots for nappin' and likely schedules, for walkabout and vigilance. But, I'd say, even with all of those variables ironed out, with some degree of comfort, just the fact that I show up, with all my odd, human characteristics, to a one, they all give a little sigh of relief. And, a course, me too.

Somethin' about appreciation, heck even appreciatin' appreciation, the day, a moment in time, each other, it just seems to counteract the quiet worry that often creeps into our own individual little worlds. And for a moment we stop and notice, "hey now, ain't that good!". And, as wise folk have often point out, and I do firmly believe, what we pay attention to, it grows. So, ya, why not grow "good"; there's a career with a future!

Have a nice day!



Friday, October 5, 2012

Good Times

Good Mornin'

Well, I had an entry all typed up last night, then I hit the delete key by accident. Part I remember was a line from an old song: "twas grace that brought us safe this far and grace will lead us home.". I suppose I was thinkin' about hay for the winter and puttin' every last penny into mailin' out the books, plus a few complimentary copies. I went and looked up the original lyrics and found another sweet line I hadn't heard before. And, I know it can sound a little religious, but when somethin's good, it's good, even if ya have to weed a little: "my lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures, he will my shield and portion be, as long my life endures."

I guess, the bottom line would be, when your in love, everything's alright; ya still make effort and ya still feel the rain and the wind, but love has a profound way of talkin' to your bones and lettin' 'em know, that life is amazingly good.

Have a great day!



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

For Better or Worse

Good Evenin'

And, another fine day! A few high clouds and quite breezy, but lovely! And, pretty simple; big load to the post office, a little book conference with my partner in crime, a wee nap and a walk, visit the bunch.

And, seems to me, I'm just a little upset, this evenin', but I'm also, suspectin' it's good news. Woke up this mornin', re-rememberin' that I'm not alone. And, funny as that may seem, it can be disturbin'; in a backhanded kinda way. Good lovin' company, sweet and peaceful, oughta make anyone happy, but there is a parta us, really can get up set about good news; really upset. "What about worryin'? I am good at that! Fact, I'm so good, I can keep you entertained, pretty much day in, day out! Don't be givin' me this 'trust and enjoy' stuff; there's so much we could be worryin' about! You must've lost your mind; you and me, we're good at this. I worry, you listen; this is good stuff!"

So, to kinda turn a corner, inside myself and consider, a little more serious, this other company and the implications of trust, well, it can raise some curious eyebrows; right in our own backyard.

But, I really do feel like someone gave me a gift. And, it might not seem like much to anyone else, but more clear it becomes, what's really precious in my life, more my wishes melt and become one, more I notice, even the slightest turn for the better; even if, sometimes, first glance, it looks a little worse.

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Blessing Days and Business Ways

Good Evenin'

Well, quite a beautiful day; don't recall seein' one cloud. Just sunshine and gentle breezes.

Got a bunch more books ready to go and, the gate man finally returned, so we finally got an, o'ficial gate on The Bend. Kinda un-fortunate we need one, but some a the hunters just need things spelled out pretty clear. Anyway, the young fella did a real nice job.

And, Ms. Goldtooth, from Lukachukai, Az, sent me a note that she could come down the 20th of October, for the blessing day on The Bend, which was awful nice a her. But, I still gotta double check, make sure she knows how far it is and see if I can work somethin' out with the outfitter, make sure we won't disturb a hunt. But, god willin' it'll all workout.

Anyway, the gate thing kinda side swiped the day; only saw the bunch in passin', way to the bend and it got dark 'fore I could do more than throw a flake for the boys, but, tomorrow's another day. And, if there's anything ta learn out here, perseverance would have ta be top a the list. Most times there's five things ya gotta do, 'fore ya ever get to the one ya, really wanta do, and each one a the first five is like ta spawn a couple more. So, ya just gotta remember where yer goin' and keep at it.

Speakin' a which, it's possible we got a "book signin'" comin' up Thanks Givin', down in Albuquerque; Dan's Boots and Saddles. But, I'll keep you appraised on that one; see if we run outta books and/or got time and money order some more.

And, speakin' of "audience participation", how about a poster? Couple of my "business" friends said I gotta come up with a banner of sorts. So, I'm thinkin', just a nice picture, with the title of the book, my name and "the cowboy from Grateful, NM". Some'r sayin' that's too simple, but I like it. In other words, feedback, ideas and/or suggestions are welcome.

And, it's late, again and yup, I'm tarred. Have a nice night and we'll picker up man~ana.



Just Long Enough

Good Evenin'

And, good night; I'm tarred! Too much signin' and sendin', not enough horsin'. Did haul a tank. Did see the bunch. Did get a loan on some hay; twelve bales!

Tomorrow's another day. See if I can stay awake, just long enough, visit Creator a smidge.

Have a nice night!


P.S. I know that pictures a little corny, but it is good for a giggle.
"Brandon Johnson at play with Photoshop."