Thursday, October 25, 2012

View From The Bend

Good Evening

Well, the wind did back off some and I did manage a modicum of "get to it", though I don't reckin' I broke any records. It is hard to say, though, anymore; my cowboy self just don't consider anything "office related" as anything serious!

But, that said, I did get a start on some hooves, overdue for trimmin', as the bunch come in this mornin', I did spend some time with Ruben and I did get a start on firewood.

Funny thing though, more I try and convince myself, I got some stuff done, more I realize, just how big that "blessin' day" was. And, truthfully, I don't even know about the "blessin'" part, but just the people that came, the effort they made and, truly, how beautiful they seemed; just makes my list of "things I got done" seem pretty silly. I am so far over my head, if it weren't for such good friends, some there for the blessin', some in wishes, I'd a been a goner, long, long, ago.

So, 'out aimin' to be disrepectful, any which way, just those beautiful Hearts, bein' there like that, boy, I don't think I'd ever begin, even understand that much. And, I suppose I knew it, even as the ceremony unfolded; at one point Sheila reminded me "keep in mind your intention". But, even at that point, I was so moved by the kindness, all around, best I could do was think, "Earth Mom if your listening, you better take over, 'cause I'm so touched, I can't remember a thing!".

Have a nice night!




  1. When hearts come together, magic can happen, paradigms can shift, so much of beauty can grow. So gather that firewood. Make ready for the cold to come, and keep yourself safe and warm so that those blessings can bear the fruit of your intentions.

    1. Love that comment, Cut to the Chase ... right from the heart!

  2. I looked up the word "blessing" just to "see" all the meanings that could be put into words ...... smiling.

    Maybe the remembering part was how your intentions and all that love and caring felt ... without using words, because the words haven't been invented yet and probably never will be.

    Might be a good thing to soak in it clear up to the top of your head every day .. but I believe you're already doing that.

