Sunday, October 21, 2012

Road to The Bend

Good Evenin'

A little breezy, but by and large another peach!

Tarred, tarred! Didn't dare take the truck where it's kinda low on fuel and I might have ta make a run tomorrow, over and back, so I hoofed it over to the Bend for my "finishing touches". Swung up ta see if I could find the bunch and spotted 'em from the ridge, about in the middle, way up north. So, I figured, afoot, I'd better just head for the Bend, swingin' back south and crossin' onto a neighbor, got a tank with water, let Whichy get a drink and a swim. Stopped and fixed some loose fence wires on the way. Got the "lavatory" all spruced up, or junipered, anyway and it did take a while, but I think I got it built up enough to where a lady might feel sufficiently comfortable.

Dark, time I headed home and I was runnin' on fumes, but the night was fresh and the half moon lit the way. See how it goes tomorrow; I'd like to be three places at once, but I think the youngsters comin' ta visit, might just help me out.

And, I did do some thinkin' on the "log" from yester, "The Herd", prompted by a friend, slightly unsatisfied with my conclusion, and, fact is, it really helped me see somethin'. Part of my deep affection for the bunch, has ta do, seems to me, with their unflinching commitment to each other. It ain't all "peaches and cream", but doggone, if they don't stick together. And, part a my life long "rub" with humans, my self included, is how quick and easy we come and go, leave each other behind.

Put this in the context of the Bend, the foster home/horse rescue and the blessing and it all paints a wonderful picture; maybe, my life long endeavor. Try and bring us horses and humans, just a little closer together; us humans carin', just a little more and the horses, trustin', just a little more.

It's gonna take a "blessin" for sure and maybe some time, for I really get a hold, but I reckin, that's what time is for; figurin' the deal and tellin' the story. Just maybe, gettin' better by day.

Have a nice night!



  1. Beautiful weather out your way today. Add my blessing in. It's a good life and a good "way."

    Enjoy, see, feel.


    1. You're right, Jeune ... humans leave each other so quickly. Animals have a tendency to stay together. Good thought.

  2. What's the difference between horses and humans? Maybe that horses do not have the sense of "me-ness" that humans do. They can more easily become part of a group, because they have no fear of losing some idea of themselves that they've constructed in their brains. It's just simpler for them.

    Humans get dis-attracted so easily, pulled or pushed away from ones they claim to love, often without even a look back. No wonder you prefer the horses.

    Have a beautiful blessing day!
