Monday, October 29, 2012

Pale Copper, Gold and Big

Good Evenin'

And yes, another peach; just a little breezy.

And, kind of an up and down day. Had quite an amazing dream just before I woke up; dreamnt of an elder lady, a dear old friend, to whom I'd sent a copy of the book. She came over and put her hand on my head, in the sweetest possible way, so kind I felt dizzy. Then she proceeded to look through the book with me and point out all the parts she liked. I was so moved by the kindness, I couldn't bring myself to get into anything, all day; so I just ate and knapped and spent some extra quiet time with my maker, kinda offerin' myself up for re-orientation.

Funny, no, we can get so used to strife and turmoil, but here comes kindness and it's like to throw us for a major loop.

I did make a call or two, make sure the oilfield fellas got the new combination to the gate and the hunter's were all squared away. But, mostly, just takin' pause.

On toward dark I threw a flake for the boys and headed over the hill, see if the bunch was settlin' in to the south pasture. I went straight over and down to the pond, scanned the south valley from here and there, with nothin' ta see, 'cept rabbit and sage brush, all lit up, pale copper and gold, in the warm light of the setting sun.

I circled around and came back on the road and there was the bunch, in the high pasture just west a the ridge. Gave 'em each a scratch and a rub, then circled back south so's not to bring 'em home; I know they ain't pleased, but long as there's grass, just a flake in the morn'.

So, I'll pack it in and try my rockets man~ana.

Have a nice night!


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful picture, " with nothin' ta see, 'cept rabbit and sage brush, all lit up, pale copper and gold, in the warm light of the setting sun." I can "see" it.

    Kindness ... there should be much more of that ... a touch on the cheek, a smile, a kind word, a hand "up." Sometimes, I think I see it growing. Makes me smile.

    Thank you for the good words, Jeune!

