Friday, October 12, 2012

A Blustery Day

Good Evenin'

This was a peach of a fall day! Blustery, blustery, all day long, with a couple a good ol' thunderstorms and rain in between. Unbeleivably beautiful skies, with wild clouds, of every shape and size, from the darkest grey-blue to the most stunning silvers and glistenin' whites; sunshine and sunbeams, rainbows, every which way.

And, as if I need a big excuse, I took a nap! Really, wasn't too much else I could and with a good fire in the stove, well, it was a first class nap. But, I did repair the tent a lick, the wind havin' thrashed some a my joints pretty fair, and I did get the last few books, ready to mail. So, all in all, a fair day.

Far as ponies go, nobody was in much of a visitin' mood, the boys and burros, just callin' for hay, 'tween showers and gusts; otherwise hole up in the barn. And, I haven't seen the bunch since wednesday, when we chased the cows up north. But, tomorrow, god willin', we'll get over the hill and see how we're doin'. They mighta got their feelin's hurt just a little, where sometimes October, I'll throw 'em a flake, they come in a chilly mornin', but Wednesday, the budget for hay and supplies runnin' short, well, I just gathered 'em up and headed out. Seemed Tubby, noticed pretty clear. Maybe, I can land a bag a grain, soon as we sell some books for Christmas; little treat here and there, maybe soften the blow.

Have a nice evenin'


1 comment:

  1. Good day for a nap ... sometimes you just need to enjoy a delicious sleep. :)

    Books are going out the door, and hopefully, hay will be coming into the barn. Would be nice if all of the rain made the pasture land grow again ... not sure how your seasons are. We've had rain, snow, sleet, freeze, but some of my "green" is still coming back to life when the sun comes out. Amazing!

