Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Breather

Good evenin'

Well, it blew pretty fair most a the day. So, aside from feedin' and gatherin' some firewood, I figured I'd take another day, lay low; that blessin' day, did take some doin' and, I suppose, that kinda marked the end of a summer's work and like a farmer, once the seeds are in the ground, yer apt ta take a breather.

I did think about findin' the bunch, but that was as far as I got. I'd read just a little, a borrowed book I need to return, which is unusual, as I aren't much of a reader. But, the fella wrote it settled right here around Cuba, later in life and it is a real sweet story of some kids grew up, outside a town. And, there's somethin' about the dialogue, 'tween the kids, takes me back to my youth and I musta dozed off, in the sweet reminiss.

Anyway, the winds supposed to quit, here, man~ana, and we'll see, if we can't getter back in gear; it's already late, season wise, and there's sure some stuff I oughta get after, for the weather goes south and the days grow short.

Have a nice night!


P.S. Thanks to Brandon Johnson for the picture and fond memory of "Stink" at his best!


  1. Feeding, resting, reading, and gathering firewood sounds like a great kind of day. Add a wee bit of chocolate and it would approach perfection in my book.

  2. Love the picture of "Stink" ... good memory.

    I think lying low is a good thing ... especially in the wind. Sometimes a break is needed physically and mentally. Sounds like a good day to me.

    I have things to get after too before the white stuff comes sailing in. Been raining and raining and raining. Since a lot of our trees are just "stuck" to the ledge rock, I'm hoping for no big winds. Wood stove is going this morning, and the chill is out of the cabin, Stella is still sleeping, and I've got a nice hot cup of coffee. Still raining. Guess I'll get out a good book I've been meaning to read too and drift off ... laughing!

    Enjoy your day ... nice to fall asleep in blissful thought.

