The Adventures of Jeune Hall, Boldly Goin' Where, We Have No Idea, But He's Darn Sure Goin' With Horses!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
A Sunny Day
It's tryin', but those cool breezes haven't give up yet. Might a made the thirties; not much more.
And, a bit of a hustle upon the day and like ta be same, man~ana. Correspondence, a run to the post office, brief stop at the cookshack, bite on the run, home ta feed and firewood. So, man~ana, we gotta get the chores done, the bathin' I didn't today and make my ride for groceries; hopeful home with time for feedin' and firewood 'fore dark.
And, hopeful this weekend, slow down and catch up with ponies and dogs and quiet time. But, I do feel we are makin' some progress, even if, yet, it's just between my ears, or somewhere 'tween my head and my heart.
Very interestin', where both my horse and heart teachers, talk(ed) so much about "feel". And, just recent it hit me, how my plans were lackin' some. So, with just a little consideration and a little adjustment, I started to notice a much, brighter "ping" and once again, I felt like I "got it" just a little more. So simple, quite amazin'; to my mind, the genius of "feel". Never thought I'd get this far.
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Dinner Time
Nice day, but still cool; those icey little winds haven't quite give up.
Otherwise, a mildly productive day; couple a bills paid, some thank you notes to folks that helped us through the winter, feedin' and firewood.
Looks like friday's gonna be a grocery day, so, we'll see if we can't clean up the cowboy, man~ana. I'm afraid with the snow and all, I haven't really been out or looked in a mirror for...well, too long.
And, whatever I went through, readin' that book from back east, I'd say it's been sort out. It's really a huge gift, I believe, lifes ability to touch us, stir things up, ask a good question, make us look a little deeper. I suppose it's like the wind in the trees; way I understand, "when the wind blows" and rocks a tree, it actually contributes to loosening the soil around the roots, so that they can go deeper. Likely, provides incentive as well.
And, I guess that's the way I feel; inspired and able, go a little deeper, earth of the soul, heart of my maker. Simple enough and sweet as can be!
Have a nice night.
Best, always
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
One Good Turn
Sunny, but chill-ee! Icey little wind from the south west, but it didn't blow too hard.
Kinda tried to catch up today; recent activities kinda knocked me of my "quiet roll". Took a nap and some extra quiet time. Pondered some, that book I'd been reading; askin' myself some questions, havin' to do with people I've known and my "road less travelled".
Kinda powerful, where somehow, it really seemed to get down to the "brass tacks"; recognizin' how people, bless their hearts, will ask you to believe all kinda stuff, 'cause they do and they'll feel better if "you" sign up. And, sometimes, it's not so much a question of "askin'"; folks can get down right, insistent, special when they've already got "public opinion" goin' their way.
So, it just hit me fair clear, that ya can't "vote" for truth; or, ya can but the truth don't give a toot. It's like the weather; we can all get together and pass a referendum that it's a beautiful day, but if it's snowin' and blowin', and ya break for lunch, yer gonna get cold if ya go outdoors.
It's a really simple point, but unbelievably strong, for myself. Maybe growin' up in a "drinkin'" culture, where yer taught not to notice stuff and "agree" that, "everythings great". Just to really look at my life and own what I know; popular or not. And to refuse any blame, for rockin' someone's boat.
It's so easy to make excuses, justify the "politics" and all, but I wonder, for myself, it might not be a good time to leave all that aside for a while and just get "re-used" to knowing what I know; honoring what I know. Looking at it with my own eyes; embracing it in my own heart.
Lotta games go on around drinkers; messy, complicated mind games. And, I suppose one of the "best" is, "be nice; don't hurt my feelings, I don't feel well". Well, not that I aim ta be inconsiderate to anyone, but I feel like I'm turnin' that page; just quiet, with all due respect, inside myself.
Simple; amazing, how life can heal.
Have a nice night.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Later Than I Thought
And, yes, it got quite late. Finally got my tire swapped, the ponies fed and an arm full of firewood, then ran over to the neighbors, borrow a quart of milk. It was almost dark when I left and, a course very dark, time I got back and I still had to put the finishing touches on the chores for the day.
Anyway, we're in, everyones fed, and that, just might be that, for the day. I could use a little extra quiet time, for I hit the rack.
Have a nice night.
Sunny and mild! And, ya I got sidetracked last night; friend of mine sent me a book they'd written about their life and their struggles, dealing with death and dying, both in her personal life and as a nurse in a cancer ward. It was very compelling the fire was warm and my phone died, mysteriously, so I just kept on reading.
And, I got up late, the ponies are hungry, so I'll try another installment, later.
Thanks and have a great day!
Best, Always
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Lost and Found, Again!
And, quite a fine one! Sunny, calm and almost made forty degrees.
I did get wound up in a bit of a goose chase, today; friend a mine tryin' to get his house finished, asked me to chase down a couple a items. I didn't do too bad, but I sure remembered why I live out here and simple as can be. All you have to do is get specific about one thing ya "got to have" and you can burn more daylight, callin' around, on hold, searchin' websites that don't really work, than I ever thought possible.
Anyway, I did get my basics in; feedin' and firewood, and I sure learned my lesson, hopeful, another twenty years. I'm sure it's possible ta do stuff like that and not lose your serenity, but it'd like ta take some practice and I'm just not sure, I could justify it; any which way.
Well, shake it off and say my prayers, tomorrow's a brand new day. And, there's nothin' like a little "lost", deepen a commitment to simple, and found.
Have a nice night!
Best, Always
Friday, February 22, 2013
Like To Be Chilly for Dinner
And, yes, we had squalls comin' and goin' all day; one minute calm and over cast, next a blizzard. And then, it cleared off just before dark and I reckin' the temp'll drop like a rock; 'course no where near, like my friends to the north. They're still, well below zero; regular.
Anyway, another quiet day; feedin', firewood, a little paper work and a little co-respondin'. I need ta get some stuff in the mail, but snowin' and blowin' like it's been, well, my flat tire's still flat. Supposed ta be a mild one tomorrow, see if I can't getter done.
Otherwise, just enjoyin' the changes that come with winter and the extra quiet time. I remember when I first started noticin' how quiet I'd got around the horses. I guess it can take a while for anybody ta figure their need ta listen, far outweighs their need to "talk", then a course, you start listenin' to horses, you realize it kinda includes all your senses; maybe ones we don't even have names for yet. But, it really changed me in a simple but powerful way, 'cause ya do start to consider how much is goin' back and forth 'tween you and the horse, how quick and all without a word.
And, I guess I feel somethin' similar goin' on, 'tween me and my maker. Think of "peace" and ya might think of "nothing"; ya know quiet. But lately, I'm feelin' that peace has a pull and just like a horse, it can kinda pull ya away from words and ideas; open ya up beyond the constraints. And, ya really start ta see how time and gettin' ta know one another, really come into play; same with horses, same with the maker. To get pulled away from our familiar little boxes and to open up to a feeling and really be able to trust, boy, that's a whole another world.
And, I don't reckin' either one's to be taken altogether lightly; I don't reckin' it's any more fun, fall from grace, than it is to fall from a horse. But there's the gift of good teachers; a really good teacher, not only understands where you're goin', but also the buildin' blocks, that can make it a safe and smooth journey. And, for them, I am truly grateful.
Have a nice night.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
A Few Minutes of Sunshine
And, yes, it snowed most of the day, but cleared up for about an hour just before dark. Another few days of clouds and flurries, then were supposed to warm up.
I was remembering a story about two frogs, today. One lived in a well, the other lived in a big lake. One day the frog from the big lake went to visit his cousin in the well.
The frog from the well, was curious and asked how big the lake was. The frog from the lake said, "oh, very big!". So, the frog from the well, swam a little circle and asked if that were about how big. The frog from the lake said, "oh, no, much bigger!". So, the frog from the well swam a bigger circle, almost to the edge of the well, and asked if that were how big. The frog from the lake said, "oh, no, much bigger!". The frog from the well said, "that can't be; that would be bigger than my well!".
I was remembering that story, 'cause I was watchin' the dogs and how happy the Wedo dog is around the barn, whereas Whichy don't perk up 'till we head for the woods, and, a course that's when Wedo goes back to bed. There's no shame, or blame, and I'm hopin' with time and love, the Wedo dog will expand his horizons and get up his courage, but it did make me think about the things we're taught, the things we get used to and the power of love to transform.
Funny, just the past couple a days, an insignificant little turn of events, just hit me, very kind, very loving, unexplainable, but sweet, sweet. And, just today, I swear I could feel somethin' inside a me meltin', as I remembered. Wish I could do a better job at explainin', but that's about the long and the short of it; just me and my maker, middle a nowhere and love, changin' me, in ways I don't even understand. Plumb, amazin'!
Have a nice night.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Well, Almost Spring
And, yes, we did get a little "weather" today. But, cold as it might look, it really was quite mild; maybe low thirties.
And, it did catch me a little low on firewood, but I found a couple of real pitchy old stumps, up on the hill, so we're all toasty and warm.
And, ya, the ponies come in; last night, in fact, late, I heard 'em comin' down the hill. I reckin' they were hungry, but I had left a fair helpin' for everyone, in the corral and I was up, fair early, give 'em another dose.
Otherwise, a little more work on the fundraisin' thing and a little correspondence. Really it does seem so small, what I manage everyday, but everyday I get ta see these little miracles, small, but real and it just keeps encouragin' me, "go on, don't worry, don't judge; just keep on."
And, ya, I am extremely lucky to have met so many good, determined people in my life, that just kept tryin', make a difference, and some that really did. But, the amazin' part, is that all of them had some kinda personal beauty, completely apart from their successes and/or failures. Somethin' about purpose and try, when they're really simple and true, they truly leave a mark. And such a mark, that sometimes, just a glimpse can change a life for the good. Truly amazin'!
Have a nice night.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Grateful, NM
And, another fine day; a few high clouds and breezy but, mild.
Otherwise, got caught up in a wee fundraisin' campaign and pretty much lost the day in the phone, but, hopeful, it'll make a wee difference and that's pretty much all I ever figured; "Make a wee difference, everyday; it adds up!".
And, mild temps, the snow almost gone, the bunch musta found some grass. I kept lookin' for 'em, 'tween phone calls and thought about takin' a hike, but 'fore I knew it, it was gettin' dark. They don't show up for breakfast, then hikin' it is. Winter time I get awful used ta seein' 'em everyday.
And, tomorrow's another day; see if I can't make a wee difference, right here in Grateful, NM.
Have a nice night!
Best, Always!
Monday, February 18, 2013
A Different Day
And, another "butte"; not too warm, but fine, fine. Blue sky, sunshine, with gentle, cool breezes. And, yes plenty a mud.
Nothin' went quite the way I figured, startin' first thing. I got up and Wedo was runnin' in and out and thrashin' about, pawin' at his nose. I'd heard him barkin' early, which is uncommon for starters and I'd noticed, him and Whichy frequentin' the edge of the woods, just south a the tent, last few days. So, when I seen him pawin' his nose, I figured he'd just get a lesson on porcupines. And, funny thing is, Stinky got the same lesson, shortly after he arrived.
So, I got up, got dressed, found my big syring, no needle and went on down to the log house, where, it seemed to me, there was a couple inches a whiskey, left in the bottom of a bottle, that someone had left here years ago. I filled up the syringe, likely a shot or two and went to find the Wedo Dog. I ain't sure how much went in and how much went out, but it seemed he'd got a dose. I waited a bit for him to get over the insult and see if he'd start to get dopey and after about five minutes, he came over and sat next to me, seemin' it mighta kicked in. Anyway, I rubbed on him some and he plumb lay down, rolled over on his back, real relaxed and let me look in his mouth. No quills, but he had a piece of hoof wedged across the roof of his mouth, between his upper teeth, either side. Well, a little pair a plyers and that was that; way easier than clippin' and pullin' quills. But, I felt kinda bad, I'd doped him so good, for such a simple operation; all the signs were just pointin' to quills.
Then, I was gonna run over to the neighbors, drop off a few things I had for them, went to get the truck and it had a flat tire. Time it takes to change it, there'd be no time left to go, so.... nice sunny afternoon, too much mud, do much, "presidents day", we all went and took a good nap. "Hail to the Chief".
And, have a nice night.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
The Whole Picture
And, another nice one; I believe we made 50 degrees.
And, I suppose my days are really quite simple and plain, from the outside, but each one seems quite excitin' from the inside. Little things the critters do, weekends, connectin' with friends, old and new; just feelin' inspiration and commitment grow within me, knowin', somehow, someday, it'll bear fruit. Kinda like a magic puzzle, where the pieces are all blank, but you know when they all fit together the picture appears. Part of the trick I suppose, the patience and abandon, learnin' to love of the process.
I was rememberin' today, what a friend a mine, once said, about steps, and how there can be times when the next step can look like a wall. Him sayin', how those are the times when you really "have" to grow; you know you gotta go forward, and "taller" is the only option.
Trust, trust, trust, trust, trust. Folks make jokes about the ultimate boredom; watchin' grass grow. But, you know, with just a little understandin', sometimes what seems like the most borin', can actually turn out ta be, the most excitin'. Sometimes I think lifes like that and understandin' can make all the difference.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Horse Telepathy; More Hay!
And, another "butte"; still got that breeze comin' outta the north, keepin' the temps down, but all in all a fine day.
And, spring must be in the air, 'cause the ponies are feelin' their oats; and likin' that new hay way too much. Fed everyone a fair ration and still they was knickerin' like they'd never been fed.
Feedin' and firewood, still top the list, but I did catch up with a few old friends and a neighbor stop by to pick up a book. Days are still short, but gettin' longer and only intensifyin' my longin' to be quiet. Me too, like the ponies, I know springs a comin', and look to the quiet, help me see, the simplest way forward. There's a lot needs doin' for the ponies and all, but I don't wanta forget; "simple's always best".
Might be one a the greatest perks about gettin' old; ya know ya don't have the time or energy ya had years ago, and ya just wanta make it all count. And simpler I start, countin' it goes.
Have a nice night.
Friday, February 15, 2013
In Formation
And, a fair one; lots a sunshine, but cool. Steady breeze most a the day, plumb outta the north.
Got the hay in and the hay man out, 'fore it melt too bad. And, he always travels with his red healer pup, for which I was just a little worried, but Wedo behaved himself quite well. I'd called him last night, just to let him know we had a new dog and I wasn't exactly sure of his manners; he's pretty fond of his dog as well. It was just a little tense, but soon as his pup had got out, made the rounds and done his business, he got back in the truck and we went about ours.
Wedo sure is a puzzle; still kinda sheepish about gettin' around, 'cept down to the barn and back. But, I was watchin' him today, and, little as you'd think, he really has started to cue off a Whichy. He'll play and steal her bunk if she's not lookin', but, outside, he sure follows her lead, which I find fascinatin'. I guess it's the "ego free" part; where he'll weasel this or that, if he can, then just as quick, he'll turn around, put that all aside and count on her for direction. And, I guess it goes both ways, 'cause she could, I suppose, hold a grudge on his "weasely" ways, but soon as she sees he's lookin' for cues, she's right there, honest as daylight, takin' him at his word. Really amazin' to watch; so fluid, so comical, so earnest. I guess that's the beauty of critters, they're so clear about what's serious and what's fun, they can fly like a flock a birds, swoopin' and swingin' this way and that, and never lose sight a the line; that's clarity. That's inspirin'!
Anyway, s'you can tell, were doin' well and spring is nigh. The boys, the burros and the bunch all got a good dose a fresh hay, there's a log on the fire and we're headin' for beddin'.
Have a nice night.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Light Works
And, quite a nice day; made some nice connections, with some folks on "The Rez". Ended up they were friends of friends, that I stumbled upon with the help of other friends, yet.
Anyway, felt like a "lovin' deal", on a "lovin' day". Lots of encouragement and good wishes.
Weather was dandy, made it up to the forties; feedin' and firewood, as usual. And, I'm headin' for beddin'; early one tomorrow, our long awaited load a hay. With the warmer temps and meltin' snow, our man gotta get in and out on the freeze.
Works out good, where I was so excited for the great connections, this mornin', sendin' email back and forth, I'm pretty near wore out at that. Early, be easy tonight.
Have a nice one with sweet lovin' dreams; the forces of light are at work!
Best, Always
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
And I Think to Myself....
Well, quite a nice one; blue sky sunshine and 30 some degrees.
And, just a little hustle on this one; feedin', firewood, the cookshack, pay my bill and drop off two books, the post office, mail two more and the tradin' post, pay my gas bill and get a couple a groceries.
All worked fair well. I suppose the only wrinkle'd be in Whichy's mind; when I come home, the Wedo Dog gets whacky excited and kinda over amps, preventin' her from gettin' near me and expressin' her own happiness. But, I try and make up for it when things, settle down and Wedo takes a nap. And, he's still not enthusiastic about goin' into the woods, so when I go for firewood, it's just her and me.
Otherwise, I'd say my daily obsession, or exploration, is still clarity. Life sure has a lotta bits and pieces, but my heart just longs to feel the one and walk with that. Once heard a wise man call it "a sweet and beautiful effort". I know it's possible. Just like Ray, I suppose, "looking for the thing I never gave, to get the thing I never got".
Try and Trust; bottom line I know it's a gift, but there's somethin' about tryin', creates the thirsty space.
People sometimes ask me why I'm so into horses. I might say all kinda things, dependin' on whose askin', but, truthful, it's the parallels; just like Ray when he met Tom. He could see it and see, for Tom, it was almost effortless, almost invisible; also undeniable. And, so, he tried and tried; "tore his hair out, tryin'". And then, somethin' clicked. It wasn't like he quit tryin' or quit learnin', but we started seein' him like Tom and, seems, he'd crossed some kinda threshhold.
And, a course, the world of the horse, is a wordless world of feel, so I guess it becomes for me, the "unified field"; it takes different shapes and maybe, the tools are a little different, but the story surrounds me and begs me to understand.
"Feel, timing and balance", Tom used to say, "and one other thing, but I don't know what to call it". Some times, he'd try the word "spirit"; for myself I consider it "Heart". I don't care what it may be, but if your heart ain't, truly, in it, you'll never, truly, succeed. I guess it's just my way of seein' the heart as the gateway to magic; the gift.
Have a nice night.
Best, Always
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Cleared Up and Cooled Off
Beautiful day. Didn't get too warm, but pretty as the picture.
And, pretty simple; feedin' firewood and correspondence. Got a friend goin' through a hard time and tryin' to help her place some critters.
That's the thing about "war", always the same; it's the women, the children and the critters, always pay the highest price. And, yes I'll include Mama Earth.
And, ya might not think we're at war, but I would beg ta differ. My theory is, we've gotten so used to it, we can't even see it no more.
But, I'm tarred and I done what I could for today. And, maybe that's all anyone can do; communicate, honest we know how, help where we can and inspire each other for human. Cross our fingers, never quit believin', sooner or later, we can turn a tide.
Have a nice night.
Best, Always!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Maybe It's Breakin Up
And, yes, just a little sunshine peakin' through at dusk. I believe it makes two or three days now, just socked in and snowin'; least today it wasn't blowin'.
And, tarred again! I forget when it's stormy like this, pretty much, ya don't get a break; feedin' and firewood. Then, a course it's comin' up late winter, so my piles are gettin' futher, and futher, out in the woods. But, I don't even wanta sound like I'm complainin'; few things, half as pretty as walkin' in the woods a winter! It's so quiet, the air's so fresh and even with the storm, there's all these tender colors; black, white, green and gray. But, then there's these shades, of blue, and rose and gold, faint, faint, just barely, but so sweet, ya notice here and there.
And, y'all be happy to note, got a call from an old friend, asked me point blank, what I needed, cover my load a hay; said the check'd be in the mail today. And, ya, I'm fair amazed myself; one minute to go, no time out, fourth down from the fifty. I reckin' that'd be a sixty yard field goal.
More tomorrow; have a nice night!
Best, always!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Tarred! Caught up with a lot of folks today; drummin' up support for the horses, keepin' some "boosters" appraised a developments, touchin base with other folks, tryin' to help the wild horses. Kind of a roller coaster; some of it inspirin', some of it depressin', all of it life.
I'm back; what, ya didn't even notice I was gone! Sounded like the boys was havin' a wee tussle, or maybe a mare had found a way round, so I dressed up quick and went down to the barn for a check. All's well. Just a touch a cabin fever, I suppose; everyone gets a bit tarred a winter, even ponies and I'm still workin' on expandin' the boys environment.
Anyway, ya, life has it's ups and downs. And, I know I'm gettin' older, but it's just possible, a tad wiser. I used to get terrible distraught for the "downs", special where horses are concerned, or people causin' trouble for no good reason, but, seems ta me, I'm just a little less distracted. It's not that I don't care as much, but more, that I understand; "stuff will happen". And maybe, I'm just a little more clear, if I wanta make a difference, I just gotta keep goin'.
And, there's really somethin', fantastic there. Might be unbelievable simple, but just to notice that kind of understandin' and commitment, feel the balast, the mass it lends my effort or purpose, it's just kinda surprisin'; I just never figured I would/could ever really feel that.
And, I guess the reason I'm sharin' it, is, occurs to me, possible that each one of us can feel the same thing. And, how much could we change for the good, if we really got hold of ourselves and made up our minds, that our world should be a good one; a fair, just and kind one.
I guess that'd be like a whole bunch a drops, tryin' to figure a river. Well, ever seen the Grand Canyon; there's mass, co-operation, commitment and time.
Have a nice night; it's the perfect beginnin' of a nice day!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Another One a Those
And, yes it was; snowed and blowed most all the day. Curious part, we likely only got six inches or so.
Anyway, much as I hustled wood, I've been usin' it pretty fair. Hasn't been terrible cold, but the wind kinda wicks out the warm. Wind and temperature like to drop tomorrow, but my old piles are holdin' up quite well and mid week we're supposed to be sunny and mild.
But the bunch seems well, the burros, too and the boys are holdin' up fine. The pups are warm and full a beans, whenever it's time to feed ponies.
And, I better hit facebook one more time; one more call for help. That load a hay supposed to come next week and we're barely there, not to mention some things that oughta be paid, might have to wait some yet.
Ya do what ya can, cross yer fingers and hope; somehow or other, it all works out. Talkin' to a friend recent about "intention", and, how, many ways, it's all we've really got. And, it really is amazin' when you think about it; so many things just aren't in our control.
A part a me wants to just leave it right there; "so many things just aren't in our control".
If I can just understand how true that is, then I could take all that energy I put into evaluatin' and judgin', waitin' and watchin' for results, and just use it, keep the one thing I can control, true; my intention.
Have a nice night.
Best, always
Friday, February 8, 2013
Sweet, Crazy, Clarity
And, a beautiful day; blustery, but mild and fresh as could be. Had to spend a little time, retarpin' and tyin' down the tent, and I put off the trip to the post office, where it was fair windy and I wasn't too sure if somethin' might let go, but all in all, a nice one.
Funny, I just read a note from a friend about the Chinese new year, and it mentioned "focus and attention to detail" as the "order of the day/year", if one wanted to acheive what they'd set out to do. And, just the past few days, I'd been feelin' just that. Stuff happens, problems arise and when they do, I sometimes take 'em like a question; "am I really on the right track". Maybe, since the holidays, I'd been workin' on the very consideration, even if it wasn't completely conscious.
Anyway, like I said, past few days, seems, I was gettin' down to the root of it and that's the way the puzzle was shapin' up; "hunker down, keep it simple and keep on goin'".
I guess I've always wanted to keep all my cards on the table; pretty much whatever I get focused on. Just a feelin', a prayer, that I never want to get so invested in something, ain't no room for Creator to change the game. And, maybe this winter, phase one of my horse rescue, the book, sorta complete, I just really had to get back to that spot, revisit, inside myself, that clarity, eye to eye, heart to heart; "ya, if it ain't right, if it don't please, if it's like ta come between, I'm ready, let 'er go".
And, it is a glorious spot; freaky, almost, but bottom line, gorgeous. Just to come back to that spot, where you know; "without love, nothin's important".
Have a nice night.
Best, always
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Winter's Gift
And, boy, what a butte! Blue sky, sunshine and 50 some degrees; a gentle breeze and a course mud, but what the heck.
Weatherman says we're in for a snowy weekend, so, I got after the wood pretty good and I did make a little headway with the paperwork; see what happens, but tomorrow I'm supposed to mail a few books.
I am lookin' forward to dryer times, catch up with the horses and horsework, but really every season has it's gifts and winter, none the less. Sometimes, I do wanta hurry past the weather and times, can't get nothin' done, but I know it's a gift, a time to let go, make room for the new growth of spring; and I really wouldn't want it any other way.
Every spring with the ponies, after a winter's break, you realize the love has grown and ya get to look for new ways ta say it; and that, all by itself, makes it all worthwhile!
Have a nice night.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Wedo Wades In
And, a fair day; had some high clouds, but they were thin enough, we got a little sun and again it was mild. I think we almost made 50 degrees.
Day started out a little different; just about daybreak the coyotes was about, close. Whichy and Wedo were out stakin' their claim. It was soundin' kinda serious, Wedo, special, so I got up and went out, see who was winnin'. Soon as the pups heard me up, they came waggin' their tails and, yes, Wedo special, kinda excited and prouda himself. So, then a course the boys, figured I was up and might as well try for a flake, then the burros got wind and started in a ballin', which is like to alert anyone for miles around, and here come the wild bunch, down off the hill. So, my little rule of "prayer time 'fore anything", was gone with the mornin' dew.
Turned out alright, though; got everyone fed, cowboy, too, then snuck in a dose around noon.
Anyway, not a bad day, though pretty simple, all said and done; time I got up, feedin' and firewood, it was time to pack it in for the night.
And, I reckin' ol' Wedo got a new appreciation for Princess Whichpaw after a dose of close up coyote; she's been at it for years and I reckin' she's bold and cagey as any a them.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Big Missy and The Breakfast Parade
And, a real peach of a day; blue sky sunshine and we musta made some 40 degrees.
Pleasant on the communication front to; few of my nieces been in touch. I hadn't been up north since they was little, little; but with the book and all, I'd been in touch with a few of my siblings, much older'n me. Anyway, real touchin' and kind of them, send me some pictures and write me a note; let me know what's up.
And, furthermore, a lot of connections with my native friends, also, touchin', kind and inspirin'; mostly tradin' horse and healin' stories, things they're up to community wise.
So, whatever slight "slump" I may have "slipped" in, today sure lift me up; pretty much a chorus of blue sky and sunshine, every which way. And funny too, I'd truly, quietly, been askin' for help, to the only one always listens; always a pleasure ta see! Ya talk to "headquarters" and here come the troops; amazing, no? Plumb amazin'!
Have a nice night!
Best, Always
Monday, February 4, 2013
Ms. Clarity
And, another fine day! Started off kinda overcast, but moved out, noonish, and warmed up to about 40 degrees.
Spent most a the day shufflin' papers, figurin' if I got money for hay and gettin' organized for tax time; the rest, feedin ponies and gatherin' firewood.
Otherwise, I suppose, I put a little attention into the overall operation, the book, the ponies, gettin' the rescue o-ficial and or- ganized, but, I didn't get too far along those lines, for I realized I might need a little more time, go a little deeper inside myself, really get clear at the core. Seems I been reminded late, that anything ya wanta do, it's gonna take some effort and de-termination; more clear you can be at the outset, smoother the ride. And, there is a little winter left, papers to shuffle for now, "ground hog or not", I think I'll stick with the "quiet" of winter, just a while longer; rest in my prayers for "company", clarity and peace. We'll get our taxes done, slow, then give it "all" a closer look come spring.
Have a nice night!
Best, Always
Sunday, February 3, 2013
And, another mild one; mostly overcast, but mild and so far no precip up this way.
And, a simple "super bowl" sunday. I wouldn't have a clue, but I do have an "author page" on facebook, and I could see all kinda references. Anyway, 'bout as "super" as we got over here, I loaded up a couple of bales of hay and a bag of flour, headed over to the neighbors for our fort-night, cup a coffee and "howdy do". Hate to leave the critters, but, muddy like it is, little we can do, and it's good ta get out, shake a hand, trade a smile and I did owe'm two bales a hay.
And, it did make me think, about the critters; I was rememberin' that quote from Chief Seattle as I drove.
"What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth".
Chief Seattle - Suqwamish & Duwamish
I'd been thinkin' about critters most of the day, it seems; thinking about the Wedo Dog and how he's changin', the burros, the bunch and the boys. Thinkin' about how us humans, recent history, advent of movie and tv, how we've become kinda used to "two dimensional stories"; "this happened, that happened, then everybody lived happy ever after". Thinkin' how real time and trust kinda get squeezed outta the picture; I mean how do you "really" fit that in a two hour movie. That'd be like watchin' the "per verbial" paint dry, fast as we've become, yet near as I can tell, that's the stuff makes all the difference to them; to me, to my heart. Just bein' there, day by day, consistent, steady, patient and aware, that those relationships, the trust, however simple they might seem, outside lookin' in, can truly make a poor man rich; unbelievably rich.
Not only, does each one have so much to teach, but the time and attention each one requires, the patience, the "feel" of trust, knowing how slowly it grows, how easily broken, how simply kept, these things make our heart beautiful and, way I understand, that's the only thing we get to take with.
Have a nice night!
Best, Always
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Snow, Sun, Mud
And, a pretty nice day; not as warm as the weatherman said, few high clouds, but all, in all, pretty fair.
And, another simple day; feedin', firewood and correspondence. Keepin' some friends appraised a developments and sharin' some inspiration.
Pretty muddy just now, so there ain't too much I can do with the ponies, but a couple more sunny days and things should start ta dry up.
And, a course, poor Wedo, used ta life in the south, milder temps, little snow and odds are, way less mud, he's pickin' his way on the snow that's left and "tip toein'", real concerned, when there's no way around. Alas, a sensitive youth!
Anyway, I'm gettin' "tarred" earlier now, that the cold-cold has passed; so I reckin' I'll leave'r at that, see if I can't get an earlier start.
Have a nice night!
Friday, February 1, 2013
Beautiful Like Earth
Quite a nice day; made 40 somethin', with blue sky and sunshine. And, of course, mud, but that's the charm of New Mexico; all in all, pretty manageable, with just a few rough edges, mud and wind, I suppose, top of the list.
Made my monthly lift to town, got the groceries and made it home, with time ta feed and gather some wood.
Still reelin', some, from that article about Tom and Ray, I ran across, and that comment from Ray; his efforts to understand. But, I reckin' from day one, meetin' Ray, watchin' him work, hearin' the things he would say, it was always like that; somethin' he was on to, some part of his heart, so earnest, that it somehow went right over the top and became somethin' so interwined with life itself, that for someone like me, had a hunch "it was all connected", it just knocked me flat. And, so the comment from that article; "I had to give something I'd never given, to get something I'd never got".
I can't see where I'll ever come close to the horseman he was, but just maybe, a few words like that, I can move a little closer to the human bein' he'd become.
Have a nice night!
Yes, well, I thought I'd go to bed early, get up early, write an entry and get ready for my monthly grocery ride to town. Didn't work; late!
More later.
Best, Always