Well, quite a nice one; blue sky sunshine and 30 some degrees.
And, just a little hustle on this one; feedin', firewood, the cookshack, pay my bill and drop off two books, the post office, mail two more and the tradin' post, pay my gas bill and get a couple a groceries.
All worked fair well. I suppose the only wrinkle'd be in Whichy's mind; when I come home, the Wedo Dog gets whacky excited and kinda over amps, preventin' her from gettin' near me and expressin' her own happiness. But, I try and make up for it when things, settle down and Wedo takes a nap. And, he's still not enthusiastic about goin' into the woods, so when I go for firewood, it's just her and me.
Otherwise, I'd say my daily obsession, or exploration, is still clarity. Life sure has a lotta bits and pieces, but my heart just longs to feel the one and walk with that. Once heard a wise man call it "a sweet and beautiful effort". I know it's possible. Just like Ray, I suppose, "looking for the thing I never gave, to get the thing I never got".
Try and Trust; bottom line I know it's a gift, but there's somethin' about tryin', creates the thirsty space.
People sometimes ask me why I'm so into horses. I might say all kinda things, dependin' on whose askin', but, truthful, it's the parallels; just like Ray when he met Tom. He could see it and see, for Tom, it was almost effortless, almost invisible; also undeniable. And, so, he tried and tried; "tore his hair out, tryin'". And then, somethin' clicked. It wasn't like he quit tryin' or quit learnin', but we started seein' him like Tom and, seems, he'd crossed some kinda threshhold.
And, a course, the world of the horse, is a wordless world of feel, so I guess it becomes for me, the "unified field"; it takes different shapes and maybe, the tools are a little different, but the story surrounds me and begs me to understand.
"Feel, timing and balance", Tom used to say, "and one other thing, but I don't know what to call it". Some times, he'd try the word "spirit"; for myself I consider it "Heart". I don't care what it may be, but if your heart ain't, truly, in it, you'll never, truly, succeed. I guess it's just my way of seein' the heart as the gateway to magic; the gift.
Have a nice night.
Best, Always
It really is a wonderful world ... loved the Kids singing .. just waving at folks, they're all happy. No muddled up soul ... just operating in the moment.
ReplyDeleteI talk to Stella with my expressions. She has the same thing as Wedo ... EGD ... excessive greeting disorder ... Laughing! There's no doubt, that Girl is happy. Wedo has that same joy about him. I'm glad you still have some "alone" time with Princess Whichy ... very important to her to know she's loved still ... special.
Sunny here today too .. not quite "warm," but I'll take it!
Blessings ... supposed to be Valentine's Day, but I made it Stella's Birthday because she was a rescue and no one knew when she was born. Good day to make special for her ... she's certainly pure love.