Saturday, February 16, 2013

Horse Telepathy; More Hay!

Good Evenin'

And, another "butte"; still got that breeze comin' outta the north, keepin' the temps down, but all in all a fine day.

And, spring must be in the air, 'cause the ponies are feelin' their oats; and likin' that new hay way too much. Fed everyone a fair ration and still they was knickerin' like they'd never been fed.

Feedin' and firewood, still top the list, but I did catch up with a few old friends and a neighbor stop by to pick up a book. Days are still short, but gettin' longer and only intensifyin' my longin' to be quiet. Me too, like the ponies, I know springs a comin', and look to the quiet, help me see, the simplest way forward. There's a lot needs doin' for the ponies and all, but I don't wanta forget; "simple's always best".

Might be one a the greatest perks about gettin' old; ya know ya don't have the time or energy ya had years ago, and ya just wanta make it all count. And simpler I start, countin' it goes.

Have a nice night.


1 comment:

  1. Just like little Kids ... "Where'd ya hide the cookies?!!" Glad everyone is healthy and happy.

    I know what you mean about the age thing. I used to go from sunup to sundown ... now I find myself looking for excuses to sit down, look out the window, and drink a cup of coffee. It was -20 degrees last night and -26 the night before, so lots of hungry critters out there to watch (I like to put a little food out for them) ... backwoods TV. :) Gives me plenty of time to just "simply" enjoy what I've got.

