Monday, February 4, 2013

Ms. Clarity

Good Evenin'

And, another fine day! Started off kinda overcast, but moved out, noonish, and warmed up to about 40 degrees.

Spent most a the day shufflin' papers, figurin' if I got money for hay and gettin' organized for tax time; the rest, feedin ponies and gatherin' firewood.

Otherwise, I suppose, I put a little attention into the overall operation, the book, the ponies, gettin' the rescue o-ficial and or- ganized, but, I didn't get too far along those lines, for I realized I might need a little more time, go a little deeper inside myself, really get clear at the core. Seems I been reminded late, that anything ya wanta do, it's gonna take some effort and de-termination; more clear you can be at the outset, smoother the ride. And, there is a little winter left, papers to shuffle for now, "ground hog or not", I think I'll stick with the "quiet" of winter, just a while longer; rest in my prayers for "company", clarity and peace. We'll get our taxes done, slow, then give it "all" a closer look come spring.

Have a nice night!

Best, Always


  1. Winter does have a quiet beauty that makes one "take stock" of the spiritual. I just wish it didn't have to do it at -35 degrees, but nonetheless, it has a certain deep beauty.


  2. Like we used to say in NY, "If you don't know where you're going, you can't get there from here."

    Having a plan and a solid foundation for any undertaking or enterprise helps hugely, whether it's business, teaching.... pretty much anything in this physical world. Then when one hits a "what if" that's already been taken into account, it's just not a problem. Even if one does bump into something unexpected, if everything else has been considered, then it's not so hard to deal with that one thing.

    Winter is an excellent time to allow ideas to germinate, so they can flower with the spring!
