Friday, February 1, 2013

Beautiful Like Earth

Good Evenin'

Quite a nice day; made 40 somethin', with blue sky and sunshine. And, of course, mud, but that's the charm of New Mexico; all in all, pretty manageable, with just a few rough edges, mud and wind, I suppose, top of the list.

Made my monthly lift to town, got the groceries and made it home, with time ta feed and gather some wood.

Still reelin', some, from that article about Tom and Ray, I ran across, and that comment from Ray; his efforts to understand. But, I reckin' from day one, meetin' Ray, watchin' him work, hearin' the things he would say, it was always like that; somethin' he was on to, some part of his heart, so earnest, that it somehow went right over the top and became somethin' so interwined with life itself, that for someone like me, had a hunch "it was all connected", it just knocked me flat. And, so the comment from that article; "I had to give something I'd never given, to get something I'd never got".

I can't see where I'll ever come close to the horseman he was, but just maybe, a few words like that, I can move a little closer to the human bein' he'd become.

Have a nice night!




  1. What Ray was on to was the heart of good teaching, which is all about stretching in places one has never stretched before, trying new things, and just taking those quiet leaps of faith that things will fall into place and learning will happen - on both sides.

    So many who teach fear the imagined loss of control if they allow themselves to take risks. As a result, they sink into the routine of their subjects and never get to experience the exhilaration of true learning and discovery.

  2. It's wonderful when something sticks to your heart like a good meal of oatmeal sticks to your ribs on a cold day. Makes you satisfied and leaves you craving it for tomorrow too. :)

    I've always liked the term "monkey mind." We teach in my state in the U.S. at least, to go to school so you can get good grades and go to college where you should get good grades and learn facts so you can get a good job with the end result of all of your life summed up thus far into a "focus" of making GOOD money. Who was the actress, Nicole Kidman, who sat in her hotel room after getting an academy award and realized, wow ... I've "achieved the ultimate" ... but I feel empty ... totally empty. Many schools teach great things, but they don't teach "life," and the Kids don't learn it from their parents either. Maybe now that's starting to change. :) Gives me hope anyway.

    I heard this quote by Adam Campbell who was biking the West coast, and people would just come up to him and say "I wish I could do what you're doing." And he said he thought what they were really saying was, "I wish I had connection to what’s alive inside of you, which I know is inside of me, but I don’t have access to it right now. And by talking to you, it’s lighting it up inside of me and I am realizing that it’s there. And I feel constricted by the decisions that I’ve made in my life that aren’t allowing me to do it right now.” Pretty cool!

