Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Sunny Day

Good Evenin'

It's tryin', but those cool breezes haven't give up yet. Might a made the thirties; not much more.

And, a bit of a hustle upon the day and like ta be same, man~ana. Correspondence, a run to the post office, brief stop at the cookshack, bite on the run, home ta feed and firewood. So, man~ana, we gotta get the chores done, the bathin' I didn't today and make my ride for groceries; hopeful home with time for feedin' and firewood 'fore dark.

And, hopeful this weekend, slow down and catch up with ponies and dogs and quiet time. But, I do feel we are makin' some progress, even if, yet, it's just between my ears, or somewhere 'tween my head and my heart.

Very interestin', where both my horse and heart teachers, talk(ed) so much about "feel". And, just recent it hit me, how my plans were lackin' some. So, with just a little consideration and a little adjustment, I started to notice a much, brighter "ping" and once again, I felt like I "got it" just a little more. So simple, quite amazin'; to my mind, the genius of "feel". Never thought I'd get this far.

Have a nice night!



  1. The chatterbox between our ears tries hard to run the show, making all kinds of subtle and not so subtle noise to distract us from the quiet voice of the heart, the "feel" as you put it. And it works, until at some point, or time and again, we see what's up, pull our attention away and focus, or refocus on that quietude within.

    Hope the expedition goes well, and thanks as always for writing.

  2. Such a nice vision ... the quiet of the weekend catching up with dogs and horses and heart. I like Chase's word ... "quietude." :) Three deer lying in front of the windows when I came back from town today and a multitude of birds and other wildlife ... bliss. I could hardly hear them move off as I walked down the hill to the cabin. Man is the noisiest animal in the woods.


    1. Oops ... I mean Men and Women are noisy equally ... sort of. :D
