Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wedo Wades In

Good Evenin'

And, a fair day; had some high clouds, but they were thin enough, we got a little sun and again it was mild. I think we almost made 50 degrees.

Day started out a little different; just about daybreak the coyotes was about, close. Whichy and Wedo were out stakin' their claim. It was soundin' kinda serious, Wedo, special, so I got up and went out, see who was winnin'. Soon as the pups heard me up, they came waggin' their tails and, yes, Wedo special, kinda excited and prouda himself. So, then a course the boys, figured I was up and might as well try for a flake, then the burros got wind and started in a ballin', which is like to alert anyone for miles around, and here come the wild bunch, down off the hill. So, my little rule of "prayer time 'fore anything", was gone with the mornin' dew.

Turned out alright, though; got everyone fed, cowboy, too, then snuck in a dose around noon.

Anyway, not a bad day, though pretty simple, all said and done; time I got up, feedin' and firewood, it was time to pack it in for the night.

And, I reckin' ol' Wedo got a new appreciation for Princess Whichpaw after a dose of close up coyote; she's been at it for years and I reckin' she's bold and cagey as any a them.

Have a nice night!



  1. Wedo just gets cuter by the day.... and those eyes! Don't know much about coyotes outside of all the "have you seen this dog/cat?" signs up around town. Most probably not runaways or 'napped by someone, but eaten by the coyotes and sometimes mountain lions that come down out of the hills during the wee hours. Heard some noise in our 6' fenced yard one morning and went out to investigate. Saw a coyote staring at me from the other side of the back of the house, and we're not close to the hills, so he'd covered a lot of ground. Ran back inside fast! Figure he'd used the neighbors' trash cans as a jumping off point, probably following a cat or squirrel.
    Glad all are safe and that you were able to get in some quiet heart time.

  2. Wedo has a very cute face that seems to say "Hi, I'm totally in love with you." Dogs are so much goodness wrapped into this cute furry package. I have one all curled up on my bed, having stolen my pillow again ... we've discussed this before. I'll have to learn better "doggie" language. Laughing!

    The wolves keep the coyotes mostly cleaned out up here. I have seen some though. A coyote in town is not good ... sure need educated folks if they have dogs or cats.

    Glad Wedo and Whichy are becoming a team! He's a working boy now. :)

    Peaceful and Stinker Stella
