Tuesday, February 26, 2013

One Good Turn

Good Evenin'

Sunny, but chill-ee! Icey little wind from the south west, but it didn't blow too hard.

Kinda tried to catch up today; recent activities kinda knocked me of my "quiet roll". Took a nap and some extra quiet time. Pondered some, that book I'd been reading; askin' myself some questions, havin' to do with people I've known and my "road less travelled".

Kinda powerful, where somehow, it really seemed to get down to the "brass tacks"; recognizin' how people, bless their hearts, will ask you to believe all kinda stuff, 'cause they do and they'll feel better if "you" sign up. And, sometimes, it's not so much a question of "askin'"; folks can get down right, insistent, special when they've already got "public opinion" goin' their way.

So, it just hit me fair clear, that ya can't "vote" for truth; or, ya can but the truth don't give a toot. It's like the weather; we can all get together and pass a referendum that it's a beautiful day, but if it's snowin' and blowin', and ya break for lunch, yer gonna get cold if ya go outdoors.

It's a really simple point, but unbelievably strong, for myself. Maybe growin' up in a "drinkin'" culture, where yer taught not to notice stuff and "agree" that, "everythings great". Just to really look at my life and own what I know; popular or not. And to refuse any blame, for rockin' someone's boat.

It's so easy to make excuses, justify the "politics" and all, but I wonder, for myself, it might not be a good time to leave all that aside for a while and just get "re-used" to knowing what I know; honoring what I know. Looking at it with my own eyes; embracing it in my own heart.

Lotta games go on around drinkers; messy, complicated mind games. And, I suppose one of the "best" is, "be nice; don't hurt my feelings, I don't feel well". Well, not that I aim ta be inconsiderate to anyone, but I feel like I'm turnin' that page; just quiet, with all due respect, inside myself.

Simple; amazing, how life can heal.

Have a nice night.


1 comment:

  1. Life sure can heal .. I really believe that. Sometimes, past unpleasant or negative memories will bubble up asking "what will you do with me?" Nothing ... nothing to do with an unpleasant, ankle-grabbing memory but recognize it, release it, and go on with my path, and the memory can burn in the campfire in my mind. It's good kindling. :) Maybe some memories come up inside of me as a learning tool, "Remember when this happened? It didn't work then, and it more than likely won't work now. Wake up!" No matter how insistent other people can be with what they've decided I should do with my life (just like you said) ... perhaps a real good advantage of age maybe ... like painfully stubbing your toe on the same chair a few times, realizing it's either time to move that chair, give it away, or be more awake. Could use it for kindling too ... Laughing! :D

    I've got living to do, and I like your view of all of it, "Well, not that I aim ta be inconsiderate to anyone, but I feel like I'm turnin' that page; just quiet, with all due respect, inside myself."

    Not words I'll soon forget. Thanks, Jeune. :)

