Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Well, Almost Spring

Good Evenin'

And, yes, we did get a little "weather" today. But, cold as it might look, it really was quite mild; maybe low thirties.

And, it did catch me a little low on firewood, but I found a couple of real pitchy old stumps, up on the hill, so we're all toasty and warm.

And, ya, the ponies come in; last night, in fact, late, I heard 'em comin' down the hill. I reckin' they were hungry, but I had left a fair helpin' for everyone, in the corral and I was up, fair early, give 'em another dose.

Otherwise, a little more work on the fundraisin' thing and a little correspondence. Really it does seem so small, what I manage everyday, but everyday I get ta see these little miracles, small, but real and it just keeps encouragin' me, "go on, don't worry, don't judge; just keep on."

And, ya, I am extremely lucky to have met so many good, determined people in my life, that just kept tryin', make a difference, and some that really did. But, the amazin' part, is that all of them had some kinda personal beauty, completely apart from their successes and/or failures. Somethin' about purpose and try, when they're really simple and true, they truly leave a mark. And such a mark, that sometimes, just a glimpse can change a life for the good. Truly amazin'!

Have a nice night.



  1. Your world looks frosted ... beautiful.

    The way you live is mind boggling. You're "involved" with your life ... no buttons to push, nothing is "easy" but very fulfilling, and you have to get a lot done just to keep going everyday, for your welfare and for the beings who live with you. There's a purity and beauty about it, takes off all the blinders, and life isn't mechanical motion anymore ... the horses running down the hill, snorting, see their breath, the sweet smell of hay. Same with the dogs and burros. Hard not to be present in the moment when you're in the midst of all of that BIG life.

    It's -20 this morning. One day closer to Spring!


  2. Amen to what Peaceful said. There's a YouTube video going around these days of a 109-year-old Holocaust survivor. When asked her secret, she talks about always looking for the beauty in life. I'm all for the counting of blessings instead of the supposed defects.

    When I used to look at teachers who had a hard time with kids, or who complained about their students, what I almost always saw was a person who focused on what was wrong, instead of looking for the good in each kid. When kids are "bad" it's often because they themselves don't know how to focus on their blessings instead of their problems. Amazing how a positive POV can make such a difference.
