Thursday, February 14, 2013

Light Works

Good Evenin'

And, quite a nice day; made some nice connections, with some folks on "The Rez". Ended up they were friends of friends, that I stumbled upon with the help of other friends, yet.

Anyway, felt like a "lovin' deal", on a "lovin' day". Lots of encouragement and good wishes.

Weather was dandy, made it up to the forties; feedin' and firewood, as usual. And, I'm headin' for beddin'; early one tomorrow, our long awaited load a hay. With the warmer temps and meltin' snow, our man gotta get in and out on the freeze.

Works out good, where I was so excited for the great connections, this mornin', sendin' email back and forth, I'm pretty near wore out at that. Early, be easy tonight.

Have a nice one with sweet lovin' dreams; the forces of light are at work!

Best, Always

1 comment:

  1. You can't know too many wonderful people! Amazing if your heart is open who comes into your life.

    Happy hay day! I remember haying in 90-degrees and humid, then there was the throwing it into the loft. I have to say I don't really miss the pokey hay and high temps. This is good weather to stack hay though!

