Well, our momentary cool, switched back to heat, but we do have some big puffy white clouds, a little breeze and 'fore too long, it's got to rain; I think the heats even gettin' tired of itself.
All to avoid the question of horses! I sure got tangled up in the pros and cons, the trauma and the trajedy yesterday, but lucky, the horses came to save me from myself. Late afternoon, I'd finally broke free from the phone and email and details of "The Bend", the final stages of the transaction, not to mention the book, also final stages of "format for press" and I had just come back from feedin' the critters, over at the neighbors, when "the bunch" showed up.
Funny, really, I was splittin' a little wood for cookin' and I hear hoofbeats. I stop, double check and peer off through the trees; sure enough, dust and legs and hooves, swirlin' and flashin' mid the low branches, where it's easier to see. And, here they come, bouncin' and prancin', spinnin' and buckin'; all up on a grand adventure. They musta found a low spot on the cross fence, separates the north, summer pasture from the south, winter, crossed over and come up over the hill. And, I'll betya, dimes to dollars, Queenie was behind it; we are comin' up on another full moon and "the boys" are still, here by the barn. Big and Tubby kinda had that "pretend thing" goin' on; "like" they knew why they were there and meant to be. But, Queenie and the girls, they just knew and Queenie was doin' her best, run the young girls off a the front row, so she could put her head over the gate, which uniquely, provided a line a sight, down to the boys.
Never the less, they were all havin' a ball, knowin' full well, their ideas and mine, might be some contrary, thus doublin' the fun. And, come ta think of it, there, too, Queenie like ta take the lion share; the rest, I'm just not sure if they'd appreciate, quite so much, the fine genius, of figurin' out, exactly how the cowboy sees things and doin' just the opposite. I further, suppose, it was her, figured out a way, convince Big, it was all his idea and quite important for some security reason, where both those issues appeal to his "bossiness". I say this, account a the way she even had Tubby cut out and was playin' up on Big, who she normally leaves alone. And, all this, precisely why, I suspect, she kept gettin' sold, 'till we rescued her from Oscar Myer; the girl's just, way too smart and, odd enough, most folks hate that.
Anyway, I got a halter and lead, and convinced Tubby, drop a nose, tied it up over his neck and headed out; Tubby been handled the most and, first lieutenant, me and him head out, the rest fall in. With, of course the exception of Big; no matter what we do, Big'll try and catch up, get in between me and Tubby, as it kinda rubs his "bossiness" the wrong way, seein' everybody followin' me and Tubby. Poor Tubby, bless his heart, he don't know what to do; he wants to come along and get along, but he does love Big and knows, he's the boss, when I aren't. Not to mention Big's ability, raise an eyebrow or cock an ear, lettin' everyone know, "get outta the way". Worse part is, I put the halter on Big and he don't wanta go anywhere; like it don't suit his "boss" image followin' no human. No win!
So, general, we strike a balance. We let Big go first and Tubby and I fall in behind, given Big a little bump with the leadline, he gets doubtful about where and why we're goin'. It works and Tubby relaxes.
Anyway, I got 'em out through the gate, back up on the north, but soon as I turned 'em loose, they headed east down to the low gait, the other angle on the mustang boys; again, Big out in front, brainwashed or "conned" by now I'm convinced, Queenie in second, somehow, momentarily, edgin' Tubby outta second, for another consideration, those mysterious "boys".
So, once more I follow 'em down, gather up Tubby and head northwest, up toward the ridge, separatin' us from the big valley and summer patch. Everybody still, quite amused and enjoyin' all the excitement. And, by now, Big's comin' back to his senses, realizin' this all, has very little to do with eatin' and they're quite a ways from water, so he takes the lead with renewed purpose. And, once again, I turn Tubby loose, and they all fall in; Big, Tubby, remindin' Queenie, "third IS your spot", Queenie, Funny, Big Missy, Graceful and Rusty. Happily trottin' over the hill; quite satisfied, seems, that, whatever the mission, it all went quite well.
And, so, I head home; chucklin'. All my drama and trauma washed down stream; simple fact of a horse. A bunch actually, and all quite capable of makin' the best and findin' the fun; save a cowboy like me from hisself.
Have a great day!