Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Little Somethin'

Good Evenin'

Well, yes, the day kinda got away from me and here it is evenin' and I'm just gettin' round ta writin'. And, a different kinda day. Just when I figured it might be startin' ta cool off, it come on pretty darn warm, this one; got up toward ninety degrees. Which, might not sound too hot to some folks, but up at this altitude, with all the rain and humidity we've had, and me gettin' ta be an old geezer, well, plenty hot enough.

Anyway, hardly got out ta see the ponies today, other than throw a flake for the boys, but I was goin' round and round with the publisher, on the book. They've really been quite good and helpful, but I did order one more "proof", just to make sure everything come out right, where we'd made a few corrections on the first proof; a lot of electronics in the middle and I don't have a lot of faith, thereabouts. Anyway, it all come out quite right, but they forgot to do the cover, then when they did, it wasn't the same as the first.

The lady from the press was real nice and offered to do it again, but I got stuck on the fact that a "proof is a proof" and one of the things I was tryin' ta prove, was that they could do the same job twice; that bein' part of the overall equation, our end, the electronic part and their end. Anyway, it all worked out and we "pushed the button"; should have books, the end of the month. But, it sure was an educational moment for me. And, maybe "just for me", but I'll try and explain, case there's somethin' in it for you.

And, it's a delicate subject; I sure wouldn't wanta get too high on my horse, or soapbox, about, 'cause I go pointin' fingers and there's generally a bunch pointin' back at me. But, there are moments in life, where, either you are or you aren't, it is or it isn't and all the explanations on earth, won't change a thing. It's that simple.

Now, this very likely, had little to do with the publisher; I think it was just one a those moments when Life was talkin' to me and it just happened to be that circumstance, provided a way, 'cause everybody else I talked to, checkin' my reality, kinda looked at me curious. But, I'll tell ya what, somehow I got it; there are moments in life, when, either you are or you aren't, it is or it isn't and all the explanations on earth, won't change a thing.

I don't really want to hear it, I don't really want to look at it; a parta me wants to soften it, a parta me wants to dismiss and rationalize it, and maybe I should. Could just be one a those great excuses, beat myself up. But, a part of me, somewhere, somehow is like to remember, 'cause I think there' a little somethin' to it, looked at just, so.

Have a nice night!




  1. Well .... then according to your heart, you did what you needed to do or you wouldn't be content with what happened. That's the bottom line inside?

    Too hot will all of that humidity. Would have to take a siesta. Hope it's better weather today. We're in our cool down ... oooooh, it feels good. Maybe not so good when it eventually will be -35 degrees, but I'll keep my sights on today.


  2. Sometimes "good enough" works, like if you're hungry and what you've just cooked isn't quite what you'd envisioned, but it's OK and will get the job done, so you eat it. But this book is a labor of love, from that deep heart of yours, and it needs to meet your vision. What seems like "good enough" to the outsider just isn't to the "parent." Good on ya' for making 'em get it right!

    The "take-away" is a deep one, "... there are moments in life when either you are or you aren't, it is or it isn't, and all the explanations on earth won't change a thing." True, true, true. If I were still teaching, this would be on a big poster in my classroom when school opens next week!

    I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!
