And, well, we haven't had a big temperature drop, since the last, where we kinda dropped ten degrees off our daily highs, but there are different signs a change, here and there. One I noticed most, is a clear night sky. Don't know why, but past few nights, I been noticin' the sky and the stars, like they hadn't been round for a while and the nights are cooler, but that likely come with the daytime drop.
Anyway, I sure love the fall; every inch a the heats undoin'. And, just yesterday, I noticed the grass losin' it's bloom, where the rain has quit and the temps are milder and that's a fair thing; grass gets too rich and I gotta start worryin' 'bout the size a my horse belly's.
Otherwise, I suppose I'm startin' to assimilate some a recent events and inspiration; feels like I kinda took a step inside myself. Funny about the "inner" world, there aren't really, any "lights" that come on to say, "step taken", or switches you can see with your eyes, to say, "yup, it's up, that's on!". Closer to some kinda "resolve", I suppose, maybe a commitment; step or not, taken or not, I must move.
Maybe, it's like one a those dreams; don't know if you ever had one. But, seems I've had dreams where somethin' was happenin' and I needed to/wanted to respond. But, much as I knew what I wanted to do, there was some kinda "gum" in the works and I couldn't get passed it; maybe like bein' stuck in slow motion, when everythin' around you is at "normal" speed.
Seems like something similar takin' place within' me, only maybe in reverse; more I get used to the world of the Heart, more I get a sense of what it means to "move" within it and what kind of "intent" it requires. Extremely sweet! Reminds me of the story of Milarepa and his teacher, Marpa. I read it years ago, in my late teens, but the impact of Marpa's love for Mila, was so clear, that, somehow, it changed my life, forever; the power of Love to move us in ways we could never imagine. Worlds, we could never imagine.
So, maybe it's that simple; loves power to awaken us to a world and a way, in which we can move, somehow, truly. So, simple. So powerful. Really, unbelievable.
Have a great day!
Yes! Love can awaken us to worlds unseen inside of us! Just wonderful ... nothing better. :) Then, all of a sudden, moving is clear.
Moving because of fullness, rather than because of emptiness. One can only surmise how different this world would be if more folks fell into the former category instead of the latter.
ReplyDeleteIf one is full, especially with love, then kindness and other good things flow naturally no matter how much or how little one has. But if one is empty, then no matter how much of this world one acquires, it's never enough to fill that hole.
Even when the going gets rough, we can keep going. After all, we’ve been doing it all our life.We have what it takes to keep going, because all it ever takes is just one more step forward. Keep going, and work our way steadily to the richest rewards we can imagine.Failure is a result of what has already been done, not an indication of what we can now move forward and do. Each failure, in fact, can move us closer to success...