Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Wild Blue

Good Mornin'

Well, sunny and mild, with a gentle breeze from the northeast, judgin' by all the smoke in the tent! Summer time, I don't use the woodstove much, ruther I use the dirt oven in the "foyer". And, seein' where I left the black pepper in the log house and got lazy, I can confirm, it is the black pepper, puts the "snap" in the boiled black tea; recipe for which you will find in my "soon to be released, best seller"! (Well, it has to be my best seller, as it is the only book I ever wrote!) And, yes, I do believe I have become a character from Andy Griffith's Mayberry. Maybe all at once; a little bit a Andy, Floyd, Barnie, Gomer, Aunt Bee and Opie.

I'm gonna bring in a guest author, here this mornin', "sans" permission, but where he is a well known author and I aren't makin' any money on this, I don't figure he'd mind me givin' him the podium, all in the name of "the song":

The Real Work

by Wendell Berry

It may be that when we no longer know what to do

we have come to our real work,

and that when we no longer know which way to go

we have come to our real journey.

The mind that is not baffled is not employed.

The impeded stream is the one that sings.

"The Real Work" by Wendell Berry, from Standing by Words. © 1983,

Similar kinda consideration been on my mind, late, where I kinda picked "the trail less travelled" some years back and more recent, gettin' older and livin' with the harvest, how, ya can't expect anyone ta understand what it's like; ya just gotta own it and understand for yourself, the "pros and the cons". And, takin' it one step futher, inchin' back toward Mr. Berry's poem, if, at this point, I don't exactly know where I'm goin', I just gotta love it and understand, "Of course! Ya break off on your own, there might not be a path!".

And, this the great gift; need! Jumpin' forward or backward, to some a little younger, our own "Rollin' Stones", with their sweet children's choir, "you can't always get what you want, but if you try, sometimes, ya just might get what ya need!". And, my suspicion, that what I "need", is actually, what I always, truly wanted.

So, here I am, plumb "in the woods", every which way, and grateful, 'cause my "need" is clear; direction. No "desperation", 'cause, really I've been here before; some years now. But, clear need and the knowin' that I'm not alone and the need is actually met in the knowin'. And, one more time, I get to get shown; it's true, there's no such thing as alone. And, it's possible, there never was a "path", that ever, really, went anywhere!

Have a great day.



  1. It's true ... you can't "force" a solution because you think you have to "do" something right now. It just comes to you perhaps ... maybe on eagles wings. I had 3 eagles the other day circling the cabin, white heads and tails glowing in the sunlight, wings fairly well spaced out to make a perfect circle. It was good watching them catch the thermals, riding higher and higher. Better than the best seat of a Broadway play ... freedom and heart building. When the heart sings, the body is happy.

    I think living in the woods this way is a BIG blessing ... the likes of which many will never get to experience but yearn for. I treasure every day. :) I know you treasure your days too, Jeune. :)


  2. Seems to me no one ever can understand what anyone else's life is like, despite the adage of walking a mile in their shoes. What we can give each other is respect and space to grow, maybe even support and encouragement. Indeed, it also seems like the very notion of a "path" is an illusion. We never know what life is going to throw our way.... "the best laid plans...." and all that.

    Thanks for the poem. Great last line.

    1. Your comment intrigued me to read the last line of the poem again. Yes, that's so true.
