And, another peach of a day! Cool, still damp from the showers of yesterday eve; all the plants and trees, a silver shawl in the mornin' light.
And, a few more conversations, with friends here and there; possibilities of South Dakota and New Mexico. A ride for the north, maybe a screenin', "38" for the south.
Quite amazin' really; a parta me tryin' to catch up, "wait, wait, I haven't even decided to go!". Another, just sizin' and sawin', shootin' the lines, aimin' ta build a bridge.
Did, get another mosie in, late afternoon; that "sizin' and sawin'" can sure lend a thirst for fresh air! And, sweet as the eve was comin', after another rain, well, just weren't no way, say "no".
Mud a little slick in places, but by and large, not bad. The sun was still an hour or better above the horizon, the clouds had passed, the combination of warmth and wind, a fine wine, as I topped the hill, raised a hand ta block the sun and squinted off to the south west, see if the bunch was still on the south end. Took a minute, but, ya they were; in the brighter light a day, I'm like ta pick out Big, the old ropin' horse, with sore feet, black like a bear, from a distance. I crossed the smooth wire and headed out across the slope, wild flowers soakin' up the last drops of summer, down across the arroyo and up the other side to the gentle ridge and old cedar trees, kinda separates the last pasture to the west 'fore the neighbors.
There they were all dolled up with mud, most all nappin' or mindin' over a friend nap; kinda pointin' every which way, baskin' in the fine warm after the rain, 'fore the evenin' cool. Felt like a nursery, calm and thick with "nap", like it was; the breeze musta quit, mosquitoes, too, still as it was, all succumb to the restful hour.
Big was the closest and I'd noticed his hooves needin' a trim, other day, when I saw 'em up by the tank, so I paid my respects and give him a scratch and fixed ta pick up his feet; I had grabbed my nippers as I was leavin', case I got a chance. What a sweet afternoon; Big half asleep as I stepped in, under, gathered a hoof, scraped off the mud and worked my nippers around his toes, his foot between my knees. Tubby, Queenie and Big Missy, all figurin' it seems, that this was noteworthy, wanderin' over and re-situatin' for another little nod, all circled up around Big.
Some coyotes sent up a yelp and yahoo; close from the sound, but none to the eye, as I scanned the trees, upside down, as I could from my spot under Big. I finished up Bigs last foot and stood up to look around. Turned out there must a been a pack, 'cause there was three pups, sizin' us up, cute as a cartoon, all spread out to the west, down wind, backs to the sun; camoflaged, aglow, like large dandelion tops with wobbly legs. They'd get brave and head right up our way, then as if they remembered somethin' their mother had said, they peel off and circle back, then start to scoot, like some scary thought just crossed their mind. Finally, 'tween figurin' they musta got tired too, 'cause, whatever we were, me, the horses and Whichy, my pup, we must notta seemed too scary 'cause they just decided to sit down and watch, pretty close; three noses, six eyes and ears, just poised a mid the golden grass, for the moment, just cousins.
Anyway, quite an evenin'! Little by little the horses started to drift and I followed, south a ways, just drinkin' in their colors, hand on a rump, then I broke and headed home, cross the arroyo, over by old Ranger's little plot. Happy to see his little pile of dirt and logs, was lookin' quite nice; grass growin' in between, all tidy and proper. I know it's just a pile a charred bones, Ranger gone to greener pasture, but still, it felt good; "even your bones, my friend, even your bones; could I help 'em lie pretty, could I help 'em lie safe, 'neath a New Mexico sky."
Have a nice night!
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