Well, my low pressure, "maybe we'll get some coolin' rain" scenario, didn't quite pan out; is a little early. But, it was a nice cool mornin'; slightly different aromas in the air, with an ever so slight inclination toward the fragrance of fall.
Otherwise, just a little "tarred"; all this back and forth with folks up in South Dakota and figurin' what and how, I might can do. But, even in the consideration, there's so much learnin' and new parts of my heart, excavated. And, I suppose that's the beauty; long before ya ever take a physical step, on the path of heart, there are so many internal, not exactly physical steps, consideration, "what does it mean to follow my heart; how does that work? Can I really follow this through; how do I live this out?
Beautiful lines in "The Prophet", Kahlil Gibran, talks about lovin'; "darin'" to love.
" For even as love crowns you so shall it crucify you. Even as it is for your growth so is it for your pruning.
Even as it ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall it descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth."
Thing is, ya do get addicted, as he goes on to describe the unacceptable alternative:
"...the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears."
And, I'm not tryin' to set up "another" set a "scales", to judge myself, or anybody else, that'd be "another" one a those paths, that "never really went anywhere". I believe all of us, one way or another, we do take steps, every day, for love; some of 'em visible, some of 'em not, some of 'em conscious, some of 'em not, some of 'em wise, some of 'em not.
Point is, my mind, sooner or later, it all comes home to Love and "what are we gonna do?". Friend a mine wrote a beaytiful song, called "The Power of Love". There's a line, "you can turn your head and walk away", and we do, but there's another song, another great song, Brudda Bob (Marley), "One love" and another line, supposin' for the moment, as folks have said, that Creator IS Love, "ain't no hidin' place, from the Father (Mother) of creation.
So, I'm just supposin', that "long as a human has a heart", to quote a wise man I have known, sooner or later, we all gotta make peace with Love. And, that's a fantastic thing, 'cause without Love, that "seasonless world", everything ends up kinda grey.
So, ya, I'm a little "tarred" and ya, the trail's been a little "testy", here late, but "oh, the colors; the colors! God Bless the colors!
Have a great day!
P.S. Photo Credit and Thanks To Brandon Johnson
No love .... no color ... I do believe that. :) Even in the downtown grey of a subway morning, steam noise, steel against steel, everything the color of grey from the workings of machinery ... if you have love, the heart shows up clear and bright, especially against the backdrop of grey. Beautiful thought, Jeune.
ReplyDeleteLogistics sure can be psychologically exhausting. Hoping the road smooths out before you. :)
Good music!
Magic picture. ♥
Forgot to click on the link yesterday. Thanks for posting "Playing for Change." Sweet, world-wide harmony from many diverse voices. The key is finding and holding onto the peace in one's own heart, then letting that radiate out. Peace is possible.