Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Next Book

Good Evenin'

Well, cooler for sure! Sweet breeze from the south, early and mild. Didn't do much of anything, 'cept, dot a few "I's" and cross a couple a "T's" on the book deal, collect myself a little and look around, scratchin' my head, figure what's next. It'd be a good thing get after some ranch work, see if I couldn't catch up with the ponies, but we'll see if I can pry my self outta the "office" chair, leave the book alone for a while, or at least limit my self to an hour or so per day; never thought I'd come to this! But, it's one a those things, the dance 'tween doin' what ya love and payin' the piper, or the hay man, as the case may be.

Anyway, somehow or other, we're still here, I reckin' it'll all work out. And, I did manage a walkabout, on toward evenin', try and spot the bunch; no luck in that regard, I reckin' the mosquitoes got 'em up in the woods. But, the wild flowers, sure are bloomin' and I got a little exercise; Whichy, too and a swim!

I sure thank everyone that ordered a book; a few more weeks 'till the final bills due and we're just about broke even. Things cool off and the mosquitoes quit, I'll get after the boys, see what they gotta say; maybe they're ready write their own book, about this human they been trainin'. Now, that'd be a best seller!

Have a nice evenin'



  1. "How to Train Your Human: A Guide for Young Horses" - I love it. Write it from the POV of a yearling or two-year-old, maybe even with photos, or illustrations, or maybe just text. Fill it with that ironic cowboy humor of yours, and before you know it you're on TV.

    As for that dance you describe, as long as the heart is the one leading, all will be well.

  2. Tubby will have to have the first say, and of course, Queenie the last. :D Go! Sounds good to me. I'm in. :)
