Sunday, August 5, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

Good Afternoon

Well, more showers! And, I can't complain; it's August. Temp has dropped off 10 degrees or better, gentle breezes, skies all washed bright, bright blue and big puffy clouds, sailin' hither and yon. Gettin' back toward "doable" weather. Older I get, I don't "do" heat very well.

And, we had a "passin party" for Stinko, yesterday, where it cleared up early, after the rain. Made a small pit, filled it with sage, put Stinky on top and let the flames carry him off; the smoke and my song, gently risin' to the heavens, Whichy patiently watchin'. Kinda sweet, the whole thing, sorta like the trip to Los Angeles; a little "rough" on the outside, but somehow perfect on the inside. The planet, just a little tidier, Stinky gently converted to smoke and ash, one for the sky, one for the earth, and another yet, somehow, for me; Stinky transformed from the "one that slept in the tent", to "another that lives undeniably, somewhere in my heart". Sweet, sweet; intangible, no doubt, in some way, solid certain in another.

Always brings me back to St. Exupery and the fox; "ones sees clearly, only with the heart. Anything essential, invisible to the eye."

Maybe, it's like that, gettin' old; things that seemed so "real" when we were young, have paled and things we weren't so sure about, present themselves far, far more real, like friends that change, but never leave.

Have a nice afternoon!


P.S. Thanks, always to Brandon Johnson, Santa Fe Photography

1 comment:

  1. Fitting ceremony for Stinky ... celebration of his life. Now he's one with all in the afterlife too. He lived a good life outdoors in the sun, rain, and beautiful blue sky. The wind is his brother now.

    Our views sure do change as we get older, bigger, and so big, we realize our minds and hearts can't encompass it all. Something comforting about that ... something holding this all together we don't have clear vision of, and finally, it's okay and feels right ... we can relax knowing there's nothing we can do to control it and smile a little knowing that in our youth we sure tried.

    Glad you're back from far off lands, and your visit with Friends new and old added to you.

