Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Real Water

Good Mornin'

And, a peach it is; cool! The grass is wet this mornin'. Could be the little shower we had somewhere along the evening tide of light and dark, but the cool air of the morning is holdin' it to the plants and that's a welcome turn.

I don't figure there's much doubt, each one of us has our own unique relationship to life, much as we sometimes pretend, "we are all the same". But I'd have to say, much as I've tried to imitate or emulate others in my life, point came where I had to admit, "there are differences".

Same way, with my mini vision quest, of late; that might work for some, some times, has worked for me, on occasion. But, as I have found, recent, a cute little remark, floatin' around, "a good rain dance has everything to do with timing". Point is, there are factors; heck, we live in an ocean of factors! And, sometimes my "head" can get fixed on one, insistin', "that's the critical one!". Fact is, that's just "my point of view", not necessarily Creator's; "alert the media" and have a good laugh, but sometimes my math actually gets that curious. Kinda similar to the other I saw, recent, "you can pretty much rest assured, that you have created god in 'your own image', when it turns out that god hates all the same people you do".

Anyway, point, for me, "yes, I need You! How You want to manifest yourself, if I could 'imagine', then it wouldn't be 'You'; so, show me.". If ever a human said something smart, it'd have to be that simple little line, "surprise me".

Wise man once told me, "the key is the thirst; we can never 'imagine' real water. Feel the thirst everyday; the water will come."

Have a great day!


P.S. Gonna include that song again; I think the reason it touches me so much, is the sweet longing. How could Creator not be moved, when the longing becomes so beautiful and modest, like the voices and the art in this piece. Could all our lives turn so!



1 comment:

  1. Such a good thought, we are all different and all the same, like I read somewhere each a "spark" of God. Interesting how we all have sometimes spontaneous awareness and sometimes unique parts of us, like our finger prints, not duplicated in any other human being. I love that! It's really exciting to meet new people and hear their stories. Makes me richer for it.

    Like that part about "creating God in your own image." Good words.

    Also am moved by the Cherokee Morning Song. Music is pure emotion. Can actually change your mood. I find that amazing and mysterious.

    Good day to you and everyone. "It's a good day to live." :)

