Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Brand New Day

Good Evenin'

And, another, fine, blustery day!

Got some more books signed and finally, got around to trimmin' hooves on the burros. Don't know why I waited so long, but it all seemed to work out pretty well. I suppose part of it was waitin' on my shoulder, part of it, just busy, but there mighta been another part, where it was just for some good to which I, just wasn't privy. The timin' just seemed right, all the way around; them settlin' in to things around here, them really wantin' help and, curious enough, bad as their feet had growed out, they cleaned up quite, well, considerin' they've had chronic bad feet, ever since I knowed 'em.

And, we did have a really nice time visitin'; aside from a little discomfort, early, when they had to stand on a bad foot, 'til I got one of the others cleaned up. Fascinatin' to watch 'em changin', where things are kinda different around here. Seems like they're relaxin' and learnin' it's o.k. ta be curious, look at me, express themselves; quite fantastic in a really simple kinda way. I trimmed Gramma first, then Stump and he watched, as I trimmed her feet and she watched, as I trimmed his; hangin' over my shoulder real close, like they never seen any such thing. But, over the years I've noticed that about horses, anyway; how they really are timid creatures, and how, when they start to get comfortable with someone, they'll start lookin' round like it's a brand new world. Really, curious and funny to watch.

Anyway, late again and time for beddin'.

Have a nice night!




  1. I think their curious looks are endearing .. the way they hang their heads and look like they're really studying the situation. Makes me smile. I've trimmed many a Saanen goat hoof ... some liked to be fussed with, others I had to put in a little stanchion I built and make sure they had plenty of corn to nibble. Sweet, sweet animals burros and goats.

    Love the Creator's critters he's allowed us to share space and time with ... makes us so much better as human beings to be with them in their world. Many lessons we can learn from them.

    Beans and beddin' (wonder where I learned that phrase from .. laughing!) for me at 8 p.m. last night ... felt good to get some extra sleep, my sweet Stella dog by my side just watching, making sure all was safe in our world so I could rest. I'm one lucky woman.


  2. The Stumps remind me of a little old couple that's been married forever, and have sort of merged into one being in two bodies, looking after each other's welfare. That they've accepted you into their little world is sweet.
    And get some rest, cowboy. You are keeping late hours this week!
