Tuesday, September 18, 2012

House and Home

Good Evenin'

One more beautiful fall day. Not quite so cool as it has been; didn't even make a fire this mornin'. But, then I did sleep a little late, turnin' in late as I did.

And, my new house showed up, UPS truck, late this mornin'; 75 lbs, 2X2 box, hour or so get it up, that's my kinda house! Figured I'd wait 'till the morrow, give it a go, so's to have a little day light, dust a smidge. I'm chuckling at my bachelor ways; anyone, their right mind, might be more inclined get a shovel or a bulldozer. "Dust a smidge?".

Anyway, beautiful day and I did head out, look for the bunch, check on Tubby's leg. But, it was gettin' late and I went the long way around, so's not to disturb the hunter's, and it was mostly dark, time I seen 'em off to the west end a the south pasture. I swung over that way, but just give Big Missy a rub, where she was closest, counted the others and figured I'd see them in the mornin'; haul a tub a water.

New moon, hangin' off in the western sky; the air was soft and cool. Sure felt good walkin' and listenin', watchin' the play of dirt, grass and weed, pass beneath my feet; changin' soil, clay and sand, sage. Kinda timeless feel; knowin', feelin', "yes, this is home, here with the dirt, the grass, arroyo and pony; real as any earthly home can be! The rest, what I do, so I can come back.".

Have a nice night!




  1. Must be something in the planets. Electricity went off here overnight, and with it my alarm, so I didn't wake up on time either, and I'm usually up at first light.
    You got that tent up in an hour or so! Impressive! So what happens to the old one? Retirement? Second home on the Bend? Yard sale?
    Glad to hear Tubby's better. Hope you're wearing an orange vest out there with those yahoos. Would not want one of them mistaking you for an elk or whatever they're shooting at.

  2. Nice thought ... walking the same familiar paths, unchanged, no new subdivisions ... just earth and sky and all the animals and vegetation in between ... and one Cowboy. Peace.

    Well, last year, didn't you just opened up the end and let the wind dust ... :D. Or was that this this Spring. Sounds like my kind of dusting. My bachelorette ways aren't much better ... I'd rather "play" outside with Stella. Leaves are too pretty right now to stay in the cabin, even if the rain is dripping off and on ... free hair wash!

    Sounds like heaven on earth,
