Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Home Stretch

Good Evenin'

And, yes, it's true; another gorgeous fall day! Though, I hardly noticed, with all the excitement a the book. Fedex truck pulled in late mornin'; nine boxes, 250 books, good as we ever hoped!

Had ta let Brandon, the photographer know and Duncan, my old friend from back east, spent about 6 months, typin', editing, filing and formatting. Everybody, pretty well ex-cited!

And, now to sign and ship; see if I can't sign a bunch tomorrow, mail 'em off on Friday. Huge thanks to all a you pre-ordered and patiently waited; some folks even sendin' extra, keep me and the ponies in gas and groceries.

Five years! We sell 'em all and pay the pipers, we might even break even, sorta, kinda, not really, but mostly, we had fun and nobody lost too bad, far as I know.

Have nice evenin' and I'll keep you appraised a de-velopments!



  1. Exciting day indeed! Congratulations and happy signing.

  2. I bet you're getting writer's cramp! You did it, Jeune ... my goodness, that's just wonderful, and I'll be so happy to see the finished "dream." Quite an accomplishment. I bet you're already formulating a theme for the next book.

    Blessings that your hand holds out,
