Friday, September 7, 2012

How Sweet?

Good Evenin'

Well, another nice mild day. Woke up determined ta get out and get after the fences and ponies. Never happened. Side swiped by connections; telecommunications with old friends, workin' on similar projects. What can ya do? Inspiration knocks, ya open the door.

Did finally manage a walk; almost dark. And, did find the bunch, over the hill and down in the valley. Pretty dark, so I couldn't stay long, 'out breakin' my neck, pickin' my way out a the sage. But, I did get a visit, give each one a scratch; "lick and a promise" as they say, kiss for the Queen Missy Mum.

Try to be "still" when I walk; empty myself out a the day. But, I couldn't help thinkin' all the wonderful people I been meetin'/re-meetin' and wonderin' how it all fits together.

Did occur to me, though, that prayer, St. Francis, "make me an instrument thy peace", rememberin' my heart teacher sayin' how, peace, love, happiness, Creator, really these are all, different words for one thing. So, if my math is correct, old Francisco, he was really askin' for Creator manifest him/herself; the grace/gift, get out the way, let that happen.

Another time, I recall, my heart teacher talkin' about "the song"; how anybody can hear it, but to sing it, requires a "different kind of commitment". So's you can tell, I do ponder these things; put 'em together, add and subtract, look from different angles, see if I got the "picture". And, best I can figure, old San Francisco, he was askin' for that commitment; maybe the "metal", like a flute, can truly hold a note.

I find that plumb amazin'! And, I suppose, there's another little piece a the puzzle, all addin' up, same, same; "amazin' grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me". Sound so sweet it can change a life; so sweet it can change a life? That's gotta be sweet. And, I reckin', precisely why they called Francisco a saint.

Have a nice evenin'.




  1. Wow ... "make me an instrument of peace." What if at the same moment on the Earth, same instant, everyone in the whole world prayed that. Lifting up hands and plugging right into the source. :) Maybe, just maybe, the idea can spread and really happen. We plan a day, and then send out that message to everyone we know and tell them exactly the hour, the moment, to pray. Gives me goosebumps.

    So glad you found the bunch and didn't break your neck in the sage. The pack rats would have brought you back to the tent though. Busy little critters.

    Got a wood fire going this morning with the window open ... smells like a campfire ... I'm content and happy. :) Life has moments that are absolutely delicious. Ms. Stella is eyeing me though ... time for a walk. What a beautiful day. Thanks, Jeune, for the good, sweet words.


  2. Commitment... focus.... different words, same idea. Hold on to the constant, the real. Let go of that which changes. Seems like critters get that, living each moment. It's us human folk who get all complicated, easy enough to do no matter where we live. Fortunate indeed are those who can stop and listen to the inner voice.

    Glad you got to spend some time with the bunch.
