The Adventures of Jeune Hall, Boldly Goin' Where, We Have No Idea, But He's Darn Sure Goin' With Horses!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Horses and Colors
And, for all the forecasts of stormy weather, quite a peach of a day. Woke up kinda slow; first "get up and go" of spring, just two days with that colt and it sure left me feelin' my age. But, last time I checked, gettin' older was a natural phenomenon; also gives ya permission use large words.
But, rise I did, even if it was ta feed and eat some breakfast and take a nap. Not all bad, where I still got up and had some time ta play with the boys. Best I can, I sure wanta give them a go this spring. There are wild horses and wild horses; a lot I think would be closer to ferrel, might be wrong. But, these boys, sure are different and I'm told the herd they come from is one of the oldest herds of early spanish horses in the country. That said, I've waited and watched and asked myself all kinda questions, 'bout why they do what they do, are how they are, and I believe it's time to "get involved"; see what we might, can do.
Over the years, I suppose, I've asked myself all kinda questions about horses and people and how we get along; who they are, who I am and what's proper, respectful. Maybe all I can say is how lucky I feel, that Creator allowed, I could spend such time with them; inspirin', touchin', humblin', deeply movin', maybe most of all plain and beautiful, like the sky.
Can't think of any colors, I'd rather rub up against.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
And, yes it was, mostly, but that's also the name of the colt I got to play with again today. And, yes, he is a peach; smart, athletic and handsome. He'd calmed down quite some, this time around; still a little "ADD", but much better. More confident and relaxed. Again, we worked mostly of "free forward motion", played with the halter some and visited the trailer a bit; just a little coaxing and he put his front feet in twice. Second time, fair relaxed, stood up and looked around.
Always touching, see the trust in a young horse. Always reminds me, "if ya ever find trust, don't break it; it's a treasure more precious than gold!". And I'm gonna call it a day.
Have a nice night!
Big Puffy Clouds
And, a butte; mild, breezy and, ya, big puffy white clouds. Kinda unusual, see those kinda clouds, this time a year, but not surprisin' when ya figure everything's different these days.
And it got way late; old friend a mine posted a question on facebook, "what is real?". And, for some reason I was so excited to see somethin' like that, I couldn't help my self and I wrote a short book; non-fiction, best I knew how. He's a truly, fine horseman and he mighta been kiddin', but I still couldn't help myself. And, who knows, it mighta been embarrasin' for him and all his friends, but my heart wanted out and out it came.
I read it over, two or three times and can't say whether it made a lot a sense, but I knew the truth behind it, so I called it good and sent it off. He commented back with a smile, so I closed "the book".
I figure that's as close as it gets.
Course of it all, I was rememberin that quote from The Little Prince; "one sees clearly, only with the heart; anything essential, invisible to the eye". (St. Exupery) It's so easy to read that and say, "oh, isn't that nice; how sentimental". But, I've worked fair serious on that question and come to the beginning, not conclusion, that it's anything "but". There's a part of us that has nothin' ta do with the eyes or the mind, that truly can see; a way we can know that's not a thought. And, where heart's a good a word as any, it all makes perfect sense; what could be more essential than reality.
Have a wonderful night!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Feelin' All Right
And, another mild one; some overcast and breezy, but fair pleasant.
Got my chores done, my correspondence in, a wee load a firewood, lunch and off to see the young horse down the way. All went fairly well, though, first outtin' on the year, he was a bit wild and he did give me a wee "love tap" with a hind foot, on my blind side; so, I guess you could say we were both shakin' off the cobb webs of winter. We likely spent a good hour and a half together, and, time we were done, I'd say we were both pretty happy with the feel a things. Never got around to the trailer part, side my sittin' down on the back and him sniffin' round, but a good foundation, I believe we struck and Saturday, the weather holds up, we'll see if we can't build on the feel and check out the trailer.
Funny, a horse is all feel; but they get around us humans and figure they must be "wrong", where we can lack so much. All that time we spent, was just to remind him "he's right" and the best part of feel is "together". Sweet kid; tall and handsome, kinda chestnut with a black and flax mane, white socks and a big beautiful white blaze on his forehead and face. I should a took a "pic", but I'll try and remember next time; the picture above is me and Julio from a few years back. (Thanks to Brandon Johnson)
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Talkin' to Myself
And, another pleasant day; kinda similar, sunny and breezy in the mornin' with a big thick layer that come in afternoon.
Runnin' around a little this mornin'; tryin' to get a couple a things in the mail, checkin' on my friend that had the accident and get it all done, feedin' too, for it was time to go work that young horse down the valley. Didn't quite work; I was runnin' late and the owner was a little tired from her runnin' around, so we'll try again tomorrow.
Otherwise still scratchin' my head a little on the spring/summer plan; so much I'd like to do but, seems to me I'm missin' some pieces of the puzzle. I am gettin' a little worried, but I just keep remindin' myself, "more faith, more grace; meantime do what you can". Course, I also remind myself, all the other times out here, it mighta looked like a dead end, but I'm still hear and I'm still breathin'. And, my other favorite is remindin' myself how satisfyin' it is to look back and say, "ya, all things considered, I really didn't waste too much time worried". Which generally brings me back to the beginning; "more faith, more grace, re-invest"!
Wonderful thing about Creator; near as I can tell, things that seem ta please are, general, good for us. I don't figure my worryin', ever made Creator smile, my heart any lighter, or day any brighter.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Partner Ships
And, kinda overcast; mild and calm, but a thick layer come in which just now seems ta be givin' way, lettin' the almost full moon shine through.
And, I'd venture that spring is in the air; come time to feed this evenin' and Gramma Burro through in a gig with her evenin' aria. She was bouncin' around like a spring chicken, almost; buckin' and kickin' at everything and no one.
And, I'm keepin' the boys in, a bit, see if their patch might come up with some grass, so we re-commenced our spring workouts, with a fair, good romp before dinner. The bunch too; I been cuttin' back on their rations, see if they might decide there's better pickin's out yonder and they are comin' in a little later, leavin' a little quicker, so I reckin' there's grass is on it's way.
And, believe it our not, a got a little job, man~ana, teachin' a colt to load in a trailer. Good fortune, really; one a the few things I can manage with a half baked arm and limited vision. But, hopeful both are temporary and things will pick up this summer.
Had an interestin interaction with an old friend who's sort of a mativational speaker; consults with big companies on management issues. He's workin on a project called "Humanizing the Workplace". It really made me think how so much of our culture is focused on the individual and competition, as opposed to native culture, that's more community/cooperation oriented.
I'm sure there are plusses and minusses, both ways, but it really inspired me to experiment, as much as possible, with the more co-operative model as i/we move forward with The Medicine Bend. At one point, I got talkin' about my "partnership" with the horses and how the "powerful-powerless" relationship really doesn't hold a lotta water out here, middle a nowhere. I cop a bad attitude and my horse is fully capable of leavin' me in the wash; so, there's a certain amount of responsibility and respect that works both ways. Bottom line we might not be the "top producers", but end of the day there's a lot of affection and appreciation, for each other and another great day, together on Mother Earth.
My other great inspiration; Bhutan and their "Gross Domestic Happiness Index".
Have a nice night!
Monday, March 25, 2013
Humble Apologies
And, good night; friend a mine had a bad accident. He's alright, mostly, but I spent a fair amount a time on the phone today, and everything got backed up.
So, it's late and I'm tarred; we'll give a go tomorrow.
Have a nice night!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
"Con" Man
And, a hair more spring like, but out in the woods, you'd never know if it was spring or fall. Looked around while I was gatherin' wood and absent the green just yet, the light and the cold air, well it coulda been either. And, I figure that's right; sun likely hits the same angles, comin' or goin' and with all the wind we had past few days, the air had that same squeeky clean look, blue, blue sky, of a nice fall day and plenty cool.
Otherwise, same, same; a little correspondence, a little paper work, feedin' and the afore-mentioned firewood. Never made the neighbors, but we'll try again tomorrow; it was still fair windy and one a those Sundays, where the quiet, despite the breeze, just got a hold a my soul and the longin', "be close", my self, the critters and the woods, well, days like that, it just seems like a sin, fire up a god foresaken vehicle and go anywhere.
I reckin' that'd be a "con" day, as opposed to a "sin" day and it's always better "with" than "without".
Have a nice night!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The Music of Life
Well, it did blow today. We've had way worse, but relative to recent temps, it sure blew cold; only made 30 degrees.
Otherwise, helped a neighbor just a tad, find somethin' on the web, he needed for a job; sorry day when someone needs me ta find somethin' on the web, but there it was and I actually did. Then, paperwork, feedin' and firewood; wasn't much sense tryin' to do anything outdoors, wasn't plumb necessary.
Man~ana, if the wind dies down like it supposed, see if I can't deliver some flour to another neighbor; his wife's birthday this past week and their always real kind ta me. (Just hope they don't read this; hate ta ruin a surprise.)
And, it's pretty well dried up, so, the wind dies down, I might get after some ponies. Every one, just hunkered down or hole up, a day like today. Anyway, can't complain; weather in New Mexico can be stout, but by and large, no tornadoes, no hurricanes and few earthquakes. Last one, amount to much, I believe was 1906 and that was down on the Rio Grand.
One day at a time; no guarantees anywhere, far as I know. Good reminder though, kinda like musical chairs; whenever the music stops, ya always want a place to sit down. And, the good news is, ya don't have ta wrastle for this one; even while it plays, you can rest in the arm of creator. And then, when it stops, ya don't have ta rush around. I got the theory; prayin' on the practice. Oh, boy, am I prayin' on the practice.
Have a nice night!
P.S. Sometimes I forget, but thanks to Brandon Johnson for the photo.
Friday, March 22, 2013
And, another pleasant one. Cooler for sure and still breezy, but by and large fair fair.
And, mildly productive; a little correspondence, a little paper work, feedin' and firewood. I'd say my biggest hurdle right now, is figurin' how to work the ponies back into the mix and, still keep the paperwork and correspondence movin' forward; and shore up four or five miles of fence and fix the well and clean the yard. But, I'll have it all lined out, any minute, now.
And, on a more serious note, "was grace that brought us save this far and grace will lead us on". Really do have to keep remindin' myself; took me better part a twenty years ta figure that some folks can put their mind ta things and goodness knows they getter done. Some, well, myself for example, just seems like there's a lot more askin' for help and direction; workin' on my inside, keepin' my attitude up and trusting' in that magical stuff called grace, that does require some consistent try on my part but always seems ta come with a sum far greater.
And, I suppose that's a "win-win" of a different sort; not only did ya getter done, ya had company, all the while. Come ta think of it, I did, once hear a wise man say, "it's ALL about the company!". And, for some of us, that's a very, very good thing.
Have a nice night.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Light and Time
Well, the weather people don't seem to have the slightest grip on the forecast these days, which really isn't so surprising; doesn't seem like much of anything holds a lot of water these days. (No pun intended.)
Nevertheless, it wasn't a bad day; blue skies, sunshine with just a little more wind than anticipated but still shy of the freight train winds we're accustomed to, this time of year.
Took a run to town today, where my regular ride was back from visitin' her family and the grocery store had been out of a few staples, last week when I got a lift. All went pretty smooth, but the conversation did puzzle me just a little, where it seemed to keep takin' a turn toward trouble. I figure I'm as much to blame as anyone, but it is a trick these days, find a lot of good news, least that others are apt to welcome.
And, I sure can't point my finger at that ride, or that person, but I'm feelin' it all around, like a big question for myself; "are you ready to get truly creative?". Really, it seems there is so much "bad news" everywhere you look these days, it's like a big hint, "if you wanta feel good, if you wanta help others, you gotta pay more attention to the One that's nothin' but, good news.". That bein'
Creator, that would be the most creative!
And, that ain't all Polly Ana; I've seen it, both ways. One, when I'm really tuned in and feelin' the grace, the gift of life, and grateful, those are the happiest moments of my life. And two, when I'm really happy, inspiration, ideas, noticin' the good and beautiful; all those things just seem most natural. Creative, no?
And, even just rememberin' that, all of a sudden, I remember how different the light was today, with the wind and a little bit a dust in the air; the relief it gave to the mountains and hills, how silky the clouds looked. It was beautiful.
So, more creative, that's my conviction; serious, serious, serious. I believe we can embrace the light in our lives, to such an extent, that we never forget the good in our lives and from that we take strength, to nurse whatever, ain't quite. It's time; oh Lord, it's time.
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Dream Catcher
Considered, today, how a nice day all depends on what's comfortable; and, by that standard it was a very nice one. Kinda overcast and breezy, but real pleasant.
Been a little pre-occupied lately with that friend a mine, got to move and tryin' to find a place for her critters. Just makes me consider all kinda things; way the world is, how people are and what I can do to help. Haven't really come up with any answers, save prayin' for help on my side, really understand; way I figure, more I understand, more helpful I can be.
Some folks got all kinda ideas on how to make things better and some got no shortage of energy make their "dreams come true". Thing I noticed is that a lot a those great ideas don't turn out to be good for everybody, or even good for the "dreamer" in the long run; I've seen that first hand and watched others around me. Things just aren't always what they seem; the "dream" and reality don't always match.
I guess that's why that "understandin'" stuff seems so important. Even if ya wanta help, even if ya wanta do right, real wisdom and direction can really make a difference. And, a course trust; the shortest distance from A to B, ain't always a straight line.
Ask a river.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Sleepin' Off the Past
And, a fair day at that; another little disturbance come through, cleared up on toward evenin', with another expected tomorrow. No moisture, breezy but not terrible cold.
And, not unusual, a little correspondence, feedin' and firewood, made up the day. Hopeful, tomorrow, the ground 'll be dry enough, I might get a start with the ponies; play with the boys, see where their attitude got, get a start on the hooves of the bunch.
Otherwise, the Wedo Dog's gettin' just a little bolder; venturin' out just a little, here and there. Funny how much he sleeps; he'd give ol' Stinko a run for the "gold". But, I figure he's re-programmin' his whole self; what with all the changes in climate and company, maybe too, him leavin' on tough terms, after his misunderstandin' with the owners chickens. But, he sure is a dog "all his own"; way he acts and re-acts, the things he gets upset about, excited about. Today, I started callin' him "little brother"; he's just so quirky, neither Whichy or I, quite know what to do, but he makes us laugh and he sure is good natured.
Anyway, gettin late; we'll see y'all man~ana. Have a nice night!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Patience and Trust
And, a fair day! The cold air did come in behind that little patch a clouds we had over the weekend and it was fair breezy, but all in all, not bad.
Made a little progress on the administrative side and took a look at the medical side, along with the feedin' and firewood, which don't sound like much, but everything takes time. I suppose I look more like a boss than a ranch hand, but if I had the dough, I'd hire someone for boss, in a new york minute, go get the ponies and head for the hills, happily pass my days fixin' fence.
But, way I figure, I've always been shy on patience, and the chance to learn, I've got in "spades", and for that I should be grateful. No wonder I keep comin' back to the story of ol' Odysseus, I believe he was headin' for home, but the jist of it was, his ship was headin' for cliffs; wind and tide all agin'. His crew was all a bother, runnin' and screamin', all about, but Odysseus, just had a hunch to wait. He waited and waited, his crew fit ta jump, when all of a sudden he saw the trick; it was one cliff in front of another, with a way between the two, back to open water.
And, way I figure, I've wiggled and wiggled, best I know how, only for sure, there ain't no easy answer. So, patience it is, I'll do what I can, but most of all be patient, so that, when the break comes, whenever, however, I'm poised and ready ta run; look back an just say "thanks".
Come ta think of it, I reckin' trust, is a big part of patience, and I do love trust; maybe I just never put "two with the two" and noticed the beautiful "four". But I sure have noticed, past few days, the value of "no" for doubt. It'll dress up like this, it'll dress up like that, but I do believe it's true; it'll only leave you poor. So, I'll stick with my old greek friend and his message passed down through time, if you wanta get home, only patience and trust'll do.
Anyway, good night and sweet dreams.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Thankful for Grateful
And, ya, much better today. I did sleep pretty hard and long, but woke up quite right. And, it was a fair nice day; last of the clouds blew out in the mornin' and a side from a cool blustery wind, it was quite nice. Spring time New Mexico, blustery is way fine; it's the freight train winds that get everyone a little bit edgy and take all our moisture up over to Oklahoma.
Cuttin' back a little on rations, try to gently, encourage the bunch, get after the grass that's startin' to show, but I go about it easy. One hand, I miss 'em when they stop comin' in and other, it don't hurt, if we give the grass a chance to get goin', 'fore the ponies start mowin'.
But, side from feedin' and firewood, spent a fair portion catchin' up with a few friends, been under the weather or weatherin' some trouble. Always interestin' how stuff comes out; with one old friend, who similar, understands the importance of quiet time, we started talkin' about how it changes our lives, in the most fundamental way. Somehow that time to stop and take stock, really does leave ya smaller and grateful, which might sound unimportant, but that simple change of perspective, makes the sweetest difference, it's hard to even get a grasp. I guess that's when the gratitude starts to get ex-ponential; how's that for a "five dollar" word.
Anyway, ex-ponential or why-ponential gratitude is really, really good company and it multiplies easily. Hope you have a nice night.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Road to Grateful
Well, kinda overcast and breezy; pretty mild though, fifty some degrees.
And, I didn't get much futher'n feedin' and firewood, today. Got a bite to eat in town yesterday and it musta had some a those chemicals in it, spun me out, somethin' awful; kinda tossed and turned all night and weren't worth a darn today. Did manage a little correspondance and checked a hoof or two, but that about summed it up.
And, what little I can see of the world beyond, a lotta folks sure havin' some hard times. So, up and downs, aside, I sure can't complain; horses and pups, chores, it's a steady world and, general, keeps me outdoors and active, which all by it self, is a gift, fair large.
Tomorrow's another day and we'll give it another run. Have a nice night.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Ears To The Sunset
Another peach; made 70 degrees today.
Got a phone call early; the neighbors wantin' to know if I ever made it to town. With a "no", we were on for 1:00 at the post office and on our way to town. Simple, pleasant trip; groceries and back by 4:00. Then, a course, feedin' and firewood, with a pinch a quiet time, 'fore dinner.
Outta the blue, we ran into another neighbor, in town, and she'd been meanin' ta give me a call. Seems there's a lady from Farmington, tryin' to help the mustangs from the "rez" and she was lookin' for help. Kinda interestin', where that was one of my newer wrinkles, in my ruminations, regardin' the Bend, where both the youth and the wild horses, are in need support and direction. Biggest question, whether I'm too far behind the curve, be able to lend a hand, but we'll give her a call, see what's what; ya never know, 'til ya try..
Otherwise, heartwise, did occur to me, my brief quiet time, there 'fore we cooked some beans, how amazing it is this life I have. Even when I'm completely distracted, something remembers me; it must, I don't make my heart beat or always remember to breath, but something does. And, for some reason it just hit me, how amazin' that is; how kind and personal. Just made me wonder, if ever, I could remember it, like it remembers me.
Have a nice night!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Guess Which Way The Hay Man Comes
Sixty-five degrees in Grateful; little green sprouts of grass, here and there.
Stayed up way late last night, workin' on a little story and, a course, got up a little late. Gotta find a way ta discipline myself just a little; get after ponies AND keep after my correspondence and paperwork. Little by little, it's only March and I'm only sixty; that discipline stuff can take time.
But, man, oh man, what a day. And, I sure can't complain, I actually enjoy 99% of, pretty much, all my jobs; I suppose, no surprise, it's just I enjoy ponies the most. So, the correspondence and paper work is more what I "have" to do, keep everybody fed. Some people were just gifted with all the interest, in all the things, have little to do with money.
And, there, too, I figure it's all a gift; things I need to do, prayers I need to pray, efforts I need to make, they're all a part of the "better and better", that ain't always easy, but somehow serve to cure the soul, accordin' to some ancient alchemy. Writin', too; my chance to remember how precious it all is, and give it my best everyday.
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
A Grateful Sunset
And, another fine, fine day. Musta got right up toward 60 degrees; blue sky and gentle breezes.
Made a few connections regardin' the book, talked to one a my partners in the crime, discussed a few technicalities we might clean up and the next few steps, get up the web site for The Medicine Bend. Seems our "time out" for winter was a good thing; lettin' the dust settle from our first edition, lookin' around for the bigger picture, seein' what pieces we got, which ones we might look for next.
Anyway, that part felt pretty good and promisin', and, I still got to spend a little time with the horses and pups; feedin' and firewood ta boot.
I reckin' that's all you can ask of a day; a few good connections, a little time with loved ones, a little food, a little warmth and a lot of gratitude. Maybe that's another blessing of our winter break and the extra quiet time, come with; just a chance to slow the rush within, really get back to the appreciation of one day and small victories. Trusting that good little pieces, do add up, to great puzzles, we never could have figured, by grace we'll never explain.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
And, a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Sunny, 50 some degrees with gentle breezes.
And, that new moon musta made a difference; woke up just fine this mornin'. Got everyone fed, checked in on a friend who's been a little under the weather, actually two, and headed off to the tradin' post.
I thought about makin' a stop, comin' home, a book I still need to deliver, but knowin' the ponies'd be needin' a flake and the boys'd be lookin' for "out", decided to come straight on back. And, it's gettin' funny and funnier watch the Wedo warm up; actually the both of them, Whichy, too. Stinko was "the boyfriend", Wedo and her, it's more like big sister, little "goofy" brother. But they're sortin' it out, and time for the forest and firewood, Wedo even came out about 30 yards; I goaded him just a little, down on my hands and knees, but out he came, got a rub, then decided "that was pretty good for today".
Anyway, got a few groceries and, hopeful, now, with the milder weather, I can make a little headway, here around the yard.
Keep comin' back to that "trail less travelled". It's kind of an "edgy" way to live. I mighta mentioned before, how there's really nowhere to look for reassurance, but a course there is; trick is, it's that place within', where there are no words, just a step, a prayer, trust and a feel.
I am extremely lucky, same time; fact is there is no "trail well travelled". We might think so, and think there are all kinda folk we can ask for advice and reassurance. And, it might even appear to be true, but as the "good book" says, "it's never been you, never today and we've never been here before". Beautiful quote I remember from a great saint; "Lord I am blind; You, my only stick".
Have a nice night!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Color of Spring
And, a darn nice day! Blue sky, sunshine and pretty near 60 degrees.
Made a loop to check my gates, the roads and ponds; pretty as can be, deer and elk grazin' here and there. The Wedo dog, still ain't too sure about leavin' the yard; stay home and moan for lonesome. But I think he's softenin' up; he seems to be gettin' fair fond of both, me and Whichy and with the warmer temps, I don't reckin' it'll be too long, 'fore he finds a way.
Otherwise, feedin' and firewood, but with the mud dryin' up and a little more light, we'll soon have time and footin', get out and about; work with ponies and clean up for summer.
And, somewhere in these early ta mid days of March, I met my heart teacher, forty years ago. Someone once told me it was the eleventh; I thought the thirteenth. So, I decided on the twelfth; technical, today's the new moon, but come to find out, that means no light. Tomorrow it's supposed to show 1%, which'd be a cowboys's new moon. Either way, I've come ta figure, if I'm grateful and hopeful, doin' my best, it was what it was and it is what it is.
Last night I was listenin' to a talk he once gave; talkin' about his son describin' this particular dessert he'd once had. He kept askin' his son what it was like, and all he would say was "mmmm". Then, one day someone made it for him; then he knew what "mmmm" meant.
So, maybe it's similar, forty years, listenin', learnin', applyin' what I learnt, best I know how, "mmmm" works pretty good.
Have a nice night!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Six Inches a Snow
Come and gone in 48 hours; the snow that is. Didn't sound like it was gonna be so nice today, but a side from a cool breeze and a lot of mud, it was quite a beautiful day!
And, a course I couldn't figure, how it was I woke up so late, this mornin', 'till I remembered, "it ain't as late as they think". But, I best not get started on politicians, think they can work things any which way, 'cept, a course a budget.
And, it bein' Sunday, I justified another "quiet one", figurin' that might be the last dose a winter, and, this week, we'll gear up for some spring cleanin'. And, I'd say it paid, feelin' just a little more clear on my priorities and focus.
Might be a few things I listened to, recent, but I reckin' this whole weekend, I was musin' on the notion, put forth by great teachers, across the ages, maybe most familiar, summed up by that wonderful fella from Gallilee, where he talked about heaven and children; which I tend to associate with the "camel and the eye of the needle".
Can't remember who, when or where, but someone once explained to me, how the "eye of the needle" was a little door next to the main gate, back when cities were walled around. Anyway, somethin' about size and simplicity, just really been on my mind, in my heart, when it comes to courtin' the peace and wisom, makes my life sweet, like a good old friend, whenever it comes ta visit. And, whenever it does, it just leaves me sure, whatever it takes, fix up my house, that "friend" might one day remain, that's a beautiful life.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
A Smidge a Sunshine
Not much more snow, since yesterday, and it kinda looked like it was breakin' up this evenin', but I reckin' we'll find out tomorrow.
And, another simple day. Feedin', firewood and a quick run to the neighbors, borrow a little corn flour. Sounds like they might make a run to town, this week and they offered ta give me a lift. My other friend with the broke down truck, had to go outta town, visit her mom, and I sure could use some staples, that the tradin' post don't carry.
Anyway, it'll all work out, one way or tuther; the heart fire's burnin', and last time I checked, we was still on course and coverin' sky.
And, unsettled and all, it was a beautiful day; cool and moist, the branches all frosted and heavy with the wet snow of spring. The woods were quiet, the walkin' was easy and I did find some wood, wasn't covered.
I made a loop early, where the bunch hadn't come in for hay; I wasn't real concerned, but I was curious as to where and what they were doin'. And, like I said, the air was so fresh, it was kinda invitin'. Funny, about the bunch; all that wet snow, with mud underneath, I couldn't find a track. I made a fair loop; down the line, up over the ridge, across the top and back down to camp. Then when they showed up, about two, and I made a run for wood, same, same; I couldn't figure where they'd been or which way they got back to camp. Sometimes I think they just disappear; "re" when they make up their mind. Wouldn't surprise me a bit; always figured them mostly magic, just hang around to keep me from trouble.
Have a nice night!
Friday, March 8, 2013
Spring Time in New Mexico
And, yes, ya gotta love it; yesterday, sunny, dry and 60 degrees, this afternoon, thunder, lightin' and snow comin' in sideways.
Lucky I had checked up on the weather, and I spent the mornin' fetchin' some extra firewood; supposed ta be a few days, similar.
And, this mornin', I had a sort of vision, or maybe, just a little understandin', "eye of the heart" and all, but, it was some inspirin', in a back handed kinda way. Just occurred to me, how, when ever I get serious and muster my heart, creator/maker, whatever ya wanta call it/him/her, always seems to be right there, immediate, ready to respond; gently, quietly, but, oh, so surely.
So, it got me thinkin', how I must have fabricated a whole raft of finely crafted rationals and reasons, why I can't/don't live in that kinda close relationship, all the time; actually, excuses was the term that hit me. At first it was kinda confrontin' and that's a good thing, my mind, some parta me cheatin' my heart out of a much, much richer life, it oughta raise a question. Then I remembered, how much it takes to change and it made me relax; not forget, I hope, but relax.
Love really does have a pull, special you start talkin' about the maker; you're talkin' "hardy" stuff. And, like that poem of Hafiz, I was rememberin' the other day, where he talked about the "whirlpools awful roar", it can be a tad "hair raisin'"; all that power we might suppose and it could be all love?
I believe the maker is well aware of my rational, reasons and excuses and doesn't hold much of a grudge. Seems ta me, over time, he/she, musta got used to the fact that the love he/she "packs", is a LOT and us humans need some room and time, make peace with it all; learn to trust and enjoy. That, when we are "ripe", clear, sure and full of trust, we can take that ride, with complete appreciation; no fear.
Anyway, heck of a way to start a day, no? But, I hope I don't forget; and not just the patience, but equal my try. 'Cause I do believe, that life is for learnin', and patient or not, more and closer I can stand to the fire, more the warmth can speak to my heart and my heart can learn to trust.
Have a nice night.
Sprint Time in New Mexico
And, yes, ya gotta love it; yesterday, sunny, dry and 60 degrees, this afternoon, thunder, lightin' and snow comin' in sideways.
Lucky I had checked up on the weather, and I spent the mornin' fetchin' some extra firewood; supposed ta be a few days, similar.
And, this mornin', I had a sort of vision, or maybe, just a little understandin', "eye of the heart" and all, but, it was some inspirin', in a back handed kinda way. Just occurred to me, how, when ever I get serious and muster my heart, creator/maker, whatever ya wanta call it/him/her, always seems to be right there, immediate, ready to respond; gently, quietly, but, oh, so surely.
So, it got me thinkin', how I must have fabricated a whole raft of finely crafted rationals and reasons, why I can't/don't live in that kinda close relationship, all the time; actually, excuses was the term that hit me. At first it was kinda confrontin' and that's a good thing, my mind, some parta me cheatin' my heart out of a much, much richer life, it oughta raise a question. Then I remembered, how much it takes to change and it made me relax; not forget, I hope, but relax.
Love really does have a pull, special you start talkin' about the maker; you're talkin' "hardy" stuff. And, like that poem of Hafiz, I was rememberin' the other day, where he talked about the "whirlpools awful roar", it can be a tad "hair raisin'"; all that power we might suppose and it could be all love?
I believe the maker is well aware of my rational, reasons and excuses and doesn't hold much of a grudge. Seems ta me, over time, he/she, musta got used to the fact that the love he/she "packs", is a LOT and us humans need some room and time, make peace with it all; learn to trust and enjoy. That, when we are "ripe", clear, sure and full of trust, we can take that ride, with complete appreciation; no fear.
Anyway, heck of a way to start a day, no? But, I hope I don't forget; and not just the patience, but equal my try. 'Cause I do believe, that life is for learnin', and patient or not, more and closer I can stand to the fire, more the warmth can speak to my heart and my heart can learn to trust.
Have a nice night.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Bright Sun Shiny Day
And, yes, just about as pretty as it gets. A cloud, or two, but warm, bright and calm; musta made 60 degrees.
And, simple as usual, but the days are inchin' longer and as they do, seems I can add a thing or two to the mix. Today, I give the wild bunch a dose of the curry comb; every now and then we have a year of bad ticks and this is shapin' up similar.
And, side from correspondance, feedin' and firewood, I continue to look about and ponder my plan for the summer; where and how to start. I reckin' it'd take four or five a me, really make any progress, so, where there's only one, figurin' the "if, what, where and how", can be an exercise all it's own. It's actually one of the grand parts a livin' out here; just gettin' used to the scale a things, changes a fella and ya kinda have ta learn how to go about things, out gettin' overwhelmed, right off the bat. I guess it kinda teaches ya, that "one foot front of the other" lesson, over and over; sure enough, winter rolls around and ya realize, ya actually made a difference.
Anyway, daylight's a comin' earlier too, so I'd best be headin' for beddin'.
Have a nice night.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
The Light; Headlight, That Is!
And, a fair beautiful day! Musta been 50 some degrees, sunny and breezy.
My friend Sandi, posted that picture of Headlight, yesterday and it was just so nice, I had to include it somewhere and, my opinion, just about anywhere's a good place for a nice picture of a good horse.
And, this time, I did make it to the post office, catch my ride for groceries, only to find that my ride had truck problems and never made it outta the yard. Big advantage to a small town, ya need to get a message to just about anyone, you can always call the post office.
Anyway, made my way home, fed the ponies, had some lunch and caught up with some overdue communications, a little more pony checkin' and a little sizin' up the yard; see where I might begin my spring cleanin'.
The rest, firewood and quiet time. So many variables, with the comin' spring, I figure the best I can do is be quiet inside, wait and watch; and, a course, tidy up the barn yard. Whatever happens, it's always gonna be more fun, if I'm well on the inside and tidy as can be on the outside; tidy I can be, easier it is, go forward, out trippin' over yesterday. And, that's one a those things, I suspect, come out especial for me; I have been known to procrastinate, when it comes to tidy, much as I know, it's a really good thing.
Anyway, have a nice night and, god willin', we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Spring Time For Wedo
And, yes, I believe the boy is comin' to life; can't blame him, I don't reckin', he came all the way from southern New Mexico, to Grateful, here, likely the coldest part of the year. But, today, we were up in the fifties, sunny, with gentle breezes and he seemed plumb dizzy with "yes"!
And, my grocery run was postponed, one more day. So, correspondance, feedin' and nope, never made it out to the woods. The corral's dryin' up and I decided to start lookin' at horse feet. Didn't get too far, but started pickin' and cleanin'; get a closer look at who needs what. Sure was nice, rubbin' on ponies and enjoyin' the day; just somethin' about lettin' go of all the dialogue and spendin' some time in their world. Amazin' how we can be so much the same and so different, same time; same world on one hand, same issues, in most cases, but it's all "live"; no "voice over", no commentary, just "us, here and now". Almost, intoxicatin'; or maybe detoxifyin'.
Anyway, grocery run tomorrow and I better head off ta bed.
Have a nice night!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Big and The Breakfast Brigade
Pretty pleasant day; a little overcast early but it cleared up mostly, come afternoon. Breezy but not windy.
Otherwise, same, same; correspondance, feedin' and firewood. A little extra firewood, where tomorrow's my misplaced grocery day. And, a couple more books in the mail.
And, I suppose, aside from talkin' to ponies and puppies, my best conversations, were the ones with my heart; amazin' how they can go on for years and only get deeper and richer. And, recent, I'd say, only more, the so. I remember readin' a poem by Hafiz, a middle eastern poet/saint, lived some eight hundred years ago. He talked about a whirlpool.
Now, I can't pretend to know what he meant, but I might have a sense some similar. When water approaches a whirlpool, it actually moves quite slow; and for years, you could say I revolved slowly around my heart. Engaged for sure, but casual run my course. Recent, I'd say, I must be givin' to the "pull"; my circles are closer and something like understandin' seems to quicken. And, where once that "pull" may have frightened, somehow, some peace presides.
What can ya say; good fortune, good teachers. Huge thanks.
Have a nice night.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
The Gift of Knowin'; It Wasn't Me.
And, kinda overcast today, but mild. Supposed to have a day of precip, then go back to sunshine, with temps in the fifties.
Pretty quiet weekend; I knew my heart teacher was meetin' some folks over on the east coast, so I took the opportunity, for some extra quiet time. With the milder weather and comin' spring, those chances are apt ta get a little more scarce.
But, I did start ta sketch things out a little for summer; try and get an idea where I might start. The rest, I suppose, feedin' and firewood; lookin' at the ponies, too, who needs what and how soon. We start to dry up, it'll be time for "tootin'".
Kinda funny, this "trail less travelled"; no one ever told me, though maybe some parta me knew. But, it sure lends itself to some "soul searchin'". I am no kinda organized person, and my plans never had much ta do with money, but here I am hopin' ta put somethin' together, might help a horse and a kid and all of a sudden, everything seems ta hinge on the two things I was never much good at. So, maybe "soul searchin's" only half the picture; really lookin' inside, see if this is the best I can do, 'cause odds are the other half's grace.
And, seems ta me grace is no hap-hazard thing; it's real, and it does happen, I seen it too many times, but it sure seems ta like a "good path". Settin' off on a "trail less travelled", yer apt ta need a lot; really nowhere ta look for directions and re-assurance. But, work at it, think and pray on it; do yer best ta clear a path and it's plumb amazin' the things I seen.
And, I don't reckin' there could be, a more wonderful way, spend a life, but buckin' odds and givin' a try, makin' room for another miracle. And, half the time, it's so simple and dis-miss-able, yer the only one'll ever know, "that was grace"; but that knowin's the ultimate gift, near as I can tell. Maybe the only thing, next to a bunch a thanks, we ever really get ta keep.
Have a nice night.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Spring's A Comin'
And, a beautiful day; broke the fifty mark, easy.
And, I can't think of anything extrordinary, so I guess that would make it an extra-ordinary day. Feedin' and firewood, a little correspondence and a little extra quiet time; don't know why but I 'uz tired.
I do feel like I got a "burgeonin'" plan for summer though; a lotta bugs to work out, but it feels good. See what happens, with the days gettin' a little longer and some friends that are due to come up this spring, that might have a long term interest.
Thing about patience, trust and quiet time with the maker, even if nothin' ever comes clear, your time was well spent; you likely enjoyed yourself, wonderful company and developed some great habits.
I'll keep you appraised a developments.
Have a nice night
And, a beautiful day; broke the fifty mark, easy.
And, I can't think of anything extrordinary, so I guess that would make it an extra-ordinary day. Feedin' and firewood, a little correspondence and a little extra quiet time; don't know why but I 'uz tired.
I do feel like I got a "burgeonin'" plan for summer though; a lotta bugs to work out, but it feels good. See what happens, with the days gettin' a little longer and some friends that are due to come up this spring, that might have a long term interest.
Thing about patience, trust and quiet time with the maker, even if nothin' ever comes clear, your time was well spent; you likely enjoyed yourself, wonderful company and developed some great habits.
I'll keep you appraised a developments.
Have a nice night
Friday, March 1, 2013
Best Laid Plans
Well, sunny and mild; almost made 50 degrees.
And, I did get my bath, put on some clean cloths and headed for my rendez-vous. But I was closin' the gate when I heard a voice; old fella from up north, lives in the woods, I hadn't seen all winter. And, as usual, he was needin' a lift. Well, I was runnin' late, so I told him pile in and I figured we'd come up with a plan, where I knew my friend's truck, my lift for groceries, would only hold two in the cab.
He was needin' a few things from the store and I couldn't just leave him alone; he's seventy somethin' and not in very good shape. So, time we got to the post office, where I'd meet my ride, I'd figured, take him on to the tradin' post, let my ride go on to town; hope my u-joints was good for one more trip.
Lucky my ride was familiar with folks and the area, so she got the drift right off the bat; she's also kind and agreed to wait, make a run next week when we could both go. And, off we went to the tradin' post, get the old fella supplies.
All went, fair well, got him there and took him home; made him buy us coffee at the cook shack, where I knew he hadn't seen anybody in months. And, he was fair choked up when we bid "how-do", with only a short walk home, up a muddy road I wasn't gonna try, with my u-joints hangin' on threads.
He ain't exactly your average Joe; bounced around when he was young, came up this way for a "commune", once was, out in the hills to the east, but he'd took care a cows as a teenager and sure does love a horse; ended up caretakin' for a movie star had a place just north. He got religion pretty heavy as an older sort, so we stuck to stories of his kin and younger days, 'cause once he gets goin' on religion, you might as well caller a day.
Anyway, I'd been wonderin' if he was alright, so it was good ta see him and lend a hand. The roads dry up, I reckin' his kin'll start ta visit again. And, he makes another year, I reckin' I'll see him next winter.
Felt good, I got a bath, all the same!
Have a good night!