Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Partner Ships

Good Evenin'

And, kinda overcast; mild and calm, but a thick layer come in which just now seems ta be givin' way, lettin' the almost full moon shine through.

And, I'd venture that spring is in the air; come time to feed this evenin' and Gramma Burro through in a gig with her evenin' aria. She was bouncin' around like a spring chicken, almost; buckin' and kickin' at everything and no one.

And, I'm keepin' the boys in, a bit, see if their patch might come up with some grass, so we re-commenced our spring workouts, with a fair, good romp before dinner. The bunch too; I been cuttin' back on their rations, see if they might decide there's better pickin's out yonder and they are comin' in a little later, leavin' a little quicker, so I reckin' there's grass is on it's way.

And, believe it our not, a got a little job, man~ana, teachin' a colt to load in a trailer. Good fortune, really; one a the few things I can manage with a half baked arm and limited vision. But, hopeful both are temporary and things will pick up this summer.

Had an interestin interaction with an old friend who's sort of a mativational speaker; consults with big companies on management issues. He's workin on a project called "Humanizing the Workplace". It really made me think how so much of our culture is focused on the individual and competition, as opposed to native culture, that's more community/cooperation oriented.

I'm sure there are plusses and minusses, both ways, but it really inspired me to experiment, as much as possible, with the more co-operative model as i/we move forward with The Medicine Bend. At one point, I got talkin' about my "partnership" with the horses and how the "powerful-powerless" relationship really doesn't hold a lotta water out here, middle a nowhere. I cop a bad attitude and my horse is fully capable of leavin' me in the wash; so, there's a certain amount of responsibility and respect that works both ways. Bottom line we might not be the "top producers", but end of the day there's a lot of affection and appreciation, for each other and another great day, together on Mother Earth.

My other great inspiration; Bhutan and their "Gross Domestic Happiness Index".

Have a nice night!




  1. I think that's the best kind of "production" ... "end of the day there's a lot of affection and appreciation, for each other and another great day, together on Mother Earth." Perhaps, we have the "production goal" wrong .... this is where the real progress lies ... it's all about relationships with Creator, people, critters, Earth. After we get that right, maybe other good things just fall into place along the journey. :)

    So good to hear the Bunch is out and about finding good pickings on their own somewhat. Life/seasons come full circle ... all equals out mostly, all being as one and connected.


  2. It's a strange thing with workplaces. The best bosses have a self-confidence and grounded-ness that helps everyone do their best work, and rejoices when things go well or someone excels. The worst are so insecure that any show of intelligence or excellence is taken as a direct threat to their very existence. It's the difference between an open heart and one that is just shriveled and tiny.

    I see that same sort of thing out in society, where some people see everything as a zero sum game - "if some people get more, then I get less." While others see the infinite possibility - "if some people get more, then that enriches everyone in a ripple effect."

    Hope you enjoyed your day with the colt, and that you heal up soon.
