Saturday, March 16, 2013

Road to Grateful

Good Evenin'

Well, kinda overcast and breezy; pretty mild though, fifty some degrees.

And, I didn't get much futher'n feedin' and firewood, today. Got a bite to eat in town yesterday and it musta had some a those chemicals in it, spun me out, somethin' awful; kinda tossed and turned all night and weren't worth a darn today. Did manage a little correspondance and checked a hoof or two, but that about summed it up.

And, what little I can see of the world beyond, a lotta folks sure havin' some hard times. So, up and downs, aside, I sure can't complain; horses and pups, chores, it's a steady world and, general, keeps me outdoors and active, which all by it self, is a gift, fair large.

Tomorrow's another day and we'll give it another run. Have a nice night.



  1. Sorry about that food reaction. I have a theory that if people eat that stuff every day, they get used to the chemicals, not realizing how bad they are. But for those who only eat stuff like that once in a blue moon, the effect can be harsh. Many years ago, I lived in a house where everyone was macrobiotic at home, but I always ate a little chocolate and had a small soda every other day so that I wouldn't become too sensitive. Strange, but it worked. Still do the chocolate, but even soda is too much for me now.

    Hope you feel better today, Jeune.

  2. The road to Grateful is beautiful! And it's not white ... smiling. :) Deep blanket of snow here and -26 degrees this morning for the low. I do believe I'm ready for Spring.

    I agree with Chase ... after not having the chemicals, the body treats them like poison, I suppose as it should be. I can't eat them ... very plain fare here. I hope they're out of your system by now, Jeune.

    "A steady world" ... maybe some would find that boring ... I find it a reason to smile. Contentment is a wonderful feeling.

