Good Evenin'
And, a darn nice day! Blue sky, sunshine and pretty near 60 degrees.
Made a loop to check my gates, the roads and ponds; pretty as can be, deer and elk grazin' here and there. The Wedo dog, still ain't too sure about leavin' the yard; stay home and moan for lonesome. But I think he's softenin' up; he seems to be gettin' fair fond of both, me and Whichy and with the warmer temps, I don't reckin' it'll be too long, 'fore he finds a way.
Otherwise, feedin' and firewood, but with the mud dryin' up and a little more light, we'll soon have time and footin', get out and about; work with ponies and clean up for summer.
And, somewhere in these early ta mid days of March, I met my heart teacher, forty years ago. Someone once told me it was the eleventh; I thought the thirteenth. So, I decided on the twelfth; technical, today's the new moon, but come to find out, that means no light. Tomorrow it's supposed to show 1%, which'd be a cowboys's new moon. Either way, I've come ta figure, if I'm grateful and hopeful, doin' my best, it was what it was and it is what it is.
Last night I was listenin' to a talk he once gave; talkin' about his son describin' this particular dessert he'd once had. He kept askin' his son what it was like, and all he would say was "mmmm". Then, one day someone made it for him; then he knew what "mmmm" meant.
So, maybe it's similar, forty years, listenin', learnin', applyin' what I learnt, best I know how, "mmmm" works pretty good.
Have a nice night!
Doing your "rounds" with the critters and land in all of that beauty causes me to remember, you can live in paradise, but it all boils down to what's inside of a person, how that part inside has matured ... in essence, is it heaven or is it hell? Our countenance and what saturates our soul decides the joy of our days.
ReplyDeleteI've listened to your Teacher too .... never fails to lighten my heart and point in a direction that's healthy and healing.
What an image: "stay home and moan for lonesome," and when (not if) the Wedo dog feels safe enough to venture out with you, that cry of his heart will become a thing of the past.
ReplyDeleteInteresting how that is with hearts. Even in a crowd they can feel lonely, and the cry goes out. Comes a heart teacher to quiet those hearts, and amazing things can happen.
Happy spring, Jeune!