Saturday, March 30, 2013


Good Evenin'

And, yes it was, mostly, but that's also the name of the colt I got to play with again today. And, yes, he is a peach; smart, athletic and handsome. He'd calmed down quite some, this time around; still a little "ADD", but much better. More confident and relaxed. Again, we worked mostly of "free forward motion", played with the halter some and visited the trailer a bit; just a little coaxing and he put his front feet in twice. Second time, fair relaxed, stood up and looked around.

Always touching, see the trust in a young horse. Always reminds me, "if ya ever find trust, don't break it; it's a treasure more precious than gold!". And I'm gonna call it a day.

Have a nice night!



  1. Wonderful! I've always heard the word "skittish" applied to young horses, but given the media focus on ADD, that works too. I sure can visualize it, given some of the kids I've worked with.

    One student, with an extra letter in there - H - as in ADHD, for hyperactive, was in a class that had several students with previously undiagnosed learning disabilities. This young man, who was 14 and already over 6' tall, could laugh hysterically, put his head down for a while, run around the room, and roll on the floor, all in the same class period.

    Made for an interesting year. He played football, so on the rare occasion that things got out of control, I'd send him to visit the coach, who'd help him to burn off some extra energy. Worked like a charm, and he graduated on time!

  2. Such a good reminder that neither humans nor animals are made with a cookie cutter, all different, all need the time and patience to help them be successful in their lifelong journey. Teachers are under such time pressure too, human teachers and animal teachers, to get the job done and spit out another class or another teaching session. It just doesn't work that way ... so many different ways/keys to open the head and heart to learning. It sure is a fine mission in life, though, and a God-send when you find a teacher who "sees."


  3. Hi Jeune,

    I'm reading your book and about to write a review for Enchantment Magazine. Do you have
    any other books out???

    I like the folksy style and nice photos!

    I, too, have a horse, an old white Arabian mare, and am involved in saving the wild horses up here from being rounded up for slaughter and EATEN! (What a bunch of savages!) Phaedra Greenwood
