Monday, March 4, 2013

Big and The Breakfast Brigade

Good Evenin'

Pretty pleasant day; a little overcast early but it cleared up mostly, come afternoon. Breezy but not windy.

Otherwise, same, same; correspondance, feedin' and firewood. A little extra firewood, where tomorrow's my misplaced grocery day. And, a couple more books in the mail.

And, I suppose, aside from talkin' to ponies and puppies, my best conversations, were the ones with my heart; amazin' how they can go on for years and only get deeper and richer. And, recent, I'd say, only more, the so. I remember readin' a poem by Hafiz, a middle eastern poet/saint, lived some eight hundred years ago. He talked about a whirlpool.
Now, I can't pretend to know what he meant, but I might have a sense some similar. When water approaches a whirlpool, it actually moves quite slow; and for years, you could say I revolved slowly around my heart. Engaged for sure, but casual run my course. Recent, I'd say, I must be givin' to the "pull"; my circles are closer and something like understandin' seems to quicken. And, where once that "pull" may have frightened, somehow, some peace presides.

What can ya say; good fortune, good teachers. Huge thanks.

Have a nice night.


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful concept. I like learning, especially from people I feel are good and loving, sweet-spirited teachers who've opened up doors I had not even seen before, but it sounds like you're listening more to your own heart talking to you ... your own ways speaking from what you've experienced in life beyond anyone else's "voice." Whirlpools are therapeutic in more ways than one it seems.

    Snowing here ... one day closer to Spring though. :)

