Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Gift of Knowin'; It Wasn't Me.

Good Evenin'

And, kinda overcast today, but mild. Supposed to have a day of precip, then go back to sunshine, with temps in the fifties.

Pretty quiet weekend; I knew my heart teacher was meetin' some folks over on the east coast, so I took the opportunity, for some extra quiet time. With the milder weather and comin' spring, those chances are apt ta get a little more scarce.

But, I did start ta sketch things out a little for summer; try and get an idea where I might start. The rest, I suppose, feedin' and firewood; lookin' at the ponies, too, who needs what and how soon. We start to dry up, it'll be time for "tootin'".

Kinda funny, this "trail less travelled"; no one ever told me, though maybe some parta me knew. But, it sure lends itself to some "soul searchin'". I am no kinda organized person, and my plans never had much ta do with money, but here I am hopin' ta put somethin' together, might help a horse and a kid and all of a sudden, everything seems ta hinge on the two things I was never much good at. So, maybe "soul searchin's" only half the picture; really lookin' inside, see if this is the best I can do, 'cause odds are the other half's grace.

And, seems ta me grace is no hap-hazard thing; it's real, and it does happen, I seen it too many times, but it sure seems ta like a "good path". Settin' off on a "trail less travelled", yer apt ta need a lot; really nowhere ta look for directions and re-assurance. But, work at it, think and pray on it; do yer best ta clear a path and it's plumb amazin' the things I seen.

And, I don't reckin' there could be, a more wonderful way, spend a life, but buckin' odds and givin' a try, makin' room for another miracle. And, half the time, it's so simple and dis-miss-able, yer the only one'll ever know, "that was grace"; but that knowin's the ultimate gift, near as I can tell. Maybe the only thing, next to a bunch a thanks, we ever really get ta keep.

Have a nice night.



1 comment:

  1. It always seems to come out better than you ever imagined when following the "grace" path ... full of miracles and light. Thanks for the good words, Jeune!

