The Adventures of Jeune Hall, Boldly Goin' Where, We Have No Idea, But He's Darn Sure Goin' With Horses!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Travel Prayers for Wedo
And, another fine day; quite some high clouds, but generally fair and mild.
Finishing touches on the itinerary for the Wedo dog; thought about tryin' to get a ride, pick him up, myself, but nothin' panned out. So, early mornin' he heads for Belen and my friend will meet the owners next to the freeway exit; take him back to her ranchito, 'till I go down for my eye surgery.
Otherwise, see if I can't take the horses out for one more graze, 'fore another batch a hunters come in Monday; they've been hangin' by the barn, but I oughta encourage them a little. They might talk me into a flake now, but they might wish they hadn't come February. Hard ta blame 'em though, with cannon fire here and there, I just don't think they feel particular safe, out yonder.
And, I guess I'm fadin' early, this evenin', so I'll bid my "g'nights" and head for bed!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Got It Colored
And, a few high clouds today, as they predicted. Supposedly, el ni~no didn't. Shape up like they thought it would and we've got la ni~na swirlin' around, again this winter. So, the weather's either goin' south across Mexico, or north up through Nevada and Idaho. But, don't quote me, I might have the "ijos" backwards. Anyway, all in all, another pretty fine day.
And, a fair inspirin' day, ta boot. Got a note from Justine Toms, co-host of New Dimensions Radio outta Ukiah, CA. I listen to their show whenever I get a chance, keep up on "new age" thinkers and writers, poets and healers. Anyway, I'd come to find out she's pretty fond of horses and so, I sent her a copy of the book, a month, or so, back. Got a note today that she really liked the book! Way kind a her, take time and she sent me a beautiful card with a picture of her and Michael, her husband and co-host, taken in Louisiana. I was pretty well, thrilled.
Otherwise, looks like the Wedo dog is fixed ta travel on Saturday, and, all goes well; he'll stop over in Belen with a friend 'till I can get down ta co-llect him. And, I'm pretty well, excited on that account, as well.
Then, a course, there was just the day and where I've been hustlin' some late, I made a point of just takin' a nap and goin' for that "extra" prayer/visit time; no excuses. And, that was maybe, the sweetest of all! Don't suppose I can explain it, simple as it is, and considerin'all the times I took the time, over the years since I met my teacher, but, somehow, it's always like new and rich, rich, rich; unbeleivably, unexplainably, rich. And that just ends up colorin' the whole day ta match.
Have a nice night!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Princess Bride
Well, a few high clouds today, early, then by afternoon we were back up to 60 degrees, blue sky and sunshine. Sure could use some moisture, but it sure is pleasant.
Otherwise, it looks like Princess Hutzpah, may have a new boyfriend; Wedo, an Australian Cattle Dog from Tuli-Rosey, New Mexico! I debated the puppy v. older dog some and decided, where she's always been prone to the scruffy old boys, an older dog'd be the better bet. Sides, old Wedo, apart from color, is about the spittin' image of the Stink and he's got the bone and the fur, winter pretty fair up here, seems to me.
I've been watchin' the princess, see if we're better, two or three, but, as much as she likes bein' my one and only, I believe she's a little anxious and three'd be a happier deal, all things considered. Anyway, see what happens; gotta make a call tomorrow, see if the pieces fit together.
And, otherwise, writin', feedin' and tryin' to get things picked up, case winter comes callin', though this week it's been firewood and mailin' books, filled in the blanks. One thing sure, I never run outta things to do. And, hopeful, this evenin', I can sneak in a little more prayer/visit time, where I've been missin' my afternoon go and it sure keeps the glow in my lamp.
So, thanks, one and all for all your love and encouragement along the way and hopeful, we'll pick'er up man~ana.
Have a nice evenin'!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Horse of a Certain Color
And, ya, another peach! I know we need some winter and moisture, even more, but dang these days are sweet! About a month now, 60 degrees, sunshine and blue skies.
Anyway, so far, so good and we'll keep our fingers crossed for a nice wet spring.
And, otherwise, booksales are pickin' up a tad; funny how that goes. Just the past few days, I was gettin' kinda worried about money and hay and horses, among others and kinda had to wrestle myself back to "trust amigo!". Then, outta the blue, I sold 12 books. Not that that'll solve all my problems, but I might just come a little closer to payin'my taxes come January. And, nobody's starvin' yet!
On the "next book" page, I did write a little more and the, almost spooky, sense of someone, or somethin', havin' it's own sense of where we're goin' persists. But, it's really not spooky, at all, just fascinatin' and encouragin'; afterall, I have few illusions of "knowin' what I'm doin'" and even fewer about "not needin' any help". And, for a fella spent most of his life, supposin' that we aren't alone, it'd only make sense, answers might show up, all kinda ways.
Anyway, it is a wonderful life and, quite comical; 'cause nothin', really substantial has changed, last week to this, 'cept maybe, I made just a little effort, not to "buy the worry", then, all of a sudden, somethin' within' is shinin' again and everythin' looks certainly bright. And, the "oh, my god, life is so uncertain", has changed back to, "wow, by god, life is, certain, one adventure!"
Have a nice night!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Opper Knockity Tunes
And, another fine day! 60 degrees, sunshine and a gentle breeze.
Kind of a paperwork, post office day; nothin' very eventful. Mailed a few books and got postage for a few more. Paid my tax bill and came on home. A little laundry, a load a firewood and a romp with the boys, just before dark, 'bout summed it up.
I reckin' the only new part'd be a start on another book, which is kinda an adventure. The first one took a couple a years of trial and error, 'fore I landed on a solid idea and this one's like ta follow suit. I wrote three or four pages and already I can see it goin'places I didn't intend. But, I guess that's a big part of the adventure; how to let something happen that seems to involve you, but also seems to have a life of it's own.
And, I suppose, that's life! One fantastic mystery, waitin' ta be unravelled; all the little things that happen and the meaning, that longs to be known.
As a wise man might have said; "stay tuned!". And, I'm so inclined; so inclined.
Have a nice night!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Well, two stories come to mind, but it's the second, I reckin' most accurate. It come from that book that was real popular, back some years; "The Trail Less Travelled".
There was a part where they talked about evolution, or growin', as a person, at least roughly translated. Anyway, they talked about times when you might figure you was kinda depressed and said how, it's not always the way it might first appear.
They went on to say, how sometimes, it's just that some old part of ourself is dyin', so somethin' new can be born. And, that depression is just a kind of sadness, for the old familiar part that's passin', where we might not, yet have learned to appreciate the new part.
Anyway, it's not that I'm particular depressed, but I am sorta uncomfortable and a little disoriented, these past few days. And, I have a feelin', it's kinda similar to that story.
Recent, I've been feelin' a lot of inspiration, make a deeper commitment to my heart and I've noticed, over the years that that kinda inspiration, is powerful, in a quiet kinda way. It really does move some kinda mountains, in our inner world. And, when large bodies of inner earth shift, it can kick up some dust.
O.K., so the first story gets included. I just remember a wise man once remindin' me, "when you really want to travel in the world of the heart, you must remember, it's like swimming; when you first dive in, you're apt ta kick up some sand. Don't be fooled. Wait for the sand to settle and a beautiful new world will open up before your eyes."
I guess I believe that happens again and again, as life and longin' unfold.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Up, Down and Sideways
Well, it must be the moon fillin' up, or maybe it was the after effects of that turkey dinner, but I musta woke up about two o'clock.
Sat up and spent some prayer/visit time, long as I could, but about four o'clock, I started to get pretty hungry and rolled outta bed and started the fire.
Seems I spent the rest a the day, tryin'/waitin' ta see if I'd come back around, tryin' everything from food to coffee, to more quiet time, to a nap. Finally, I figured it was just one a those days, and least I could take a walk. So, I headed out to check the low gate, where we clearly had hunters around.
Found the bunch down yonder starin' at the barn. The neighbors to the south, don't give much thought to neighbors any which way and they'd been sightin' in their cannons, in the mornin', right next to their house, which is way too close to the yard, here, and which, I reckin', accounted for the bunch wonderin' about comin' up the back way, which doesn't run so close to the neighbors.
Anyway, I give 'em a scratch and a howdy-do, each and they followed me back to the barn, long overdue for a flake. And, feelin' a little closer to normal, with the stretch and some fresh air, I gathered up Ruben, see if we might could play just a little, over in the round pen. And, that went pretty well; the boy is changin'. Slow, but sure, sure.
Anyway, then the owners showed up on their way home and we got to visit just a smidge, 'fore the light began to fade and the thermometer drop.
So, it was a beautiful day, inside and out; just a little on the topsy turvy side. But, by and large nice! I even consider that extra quiet time, just mighta helped me understand, just a little more, how simple and great, life can be, evev in the midst of the ups and the downs.
Have a nice evenin'
Friday, November 23, 2012
Stinker Shoes
And, ya, another peach! Blue sky, sunshine and 60 degrees, with just a gentle breeze.
Movin' just a little slow today; thanks givin' dinner with the owners here and my, once a year, glass a wine. But, I did get up and get after things; returned some hay I borrowed from the neighbors, there last week, get me through 'til my load came. And, luck a the draw, they had friends up, just itchin' to get outdoors and do somethin'. So, I came home with a truck load of log chips, too small for Pa Ron ta use. I reckin' that's called a win, win, win situation; those kids got some exercise, Old Ron don't have to bury the chips, and I got a big start on firewood.
Otherwise, I snuck in a late afternoon prayer/visit, where that wine had left my head just a little fuzzy and my heart a little sleepy. So, I reckin' I'll pack her in early, give it a go "en la man~ana".
Oh, and I checked on Pepito, the Blue Healer I found on Craig's list, fill the "Stinker Shoes"; turns out, someone else had money. But the fella said he'd call me if that deal fell through. I'll post a picture below; he's fairly young. Looks like a Chihuahua, just yet.
Have a nice evenin'!
Best, Always
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Rat Got Packed; North
And, ya, another peach! We did have a few high clouds off to the south over the San Pedros, and a gentle breeze, but, way pleasant for this time a year.
I suppose the excitement for the day, was relocatin' my pack rat. I borrowed a hav-a-hart trap from my neighbor and put in some dog food and just about the time I turned off the light, it'd done the deed. I got up and threw some rags on top, so my rodent friend wouldn't freeze to death and hauled it up the road to an old abandon cabin, about three miles north, after breakfast. I left her a jug a water and one a her old nests I'd raked up, full of hay and some old grain and wished her well.
I know it's just a rat, but we all have our short comin's and she was a happy critter; night time, the way she moved around, it sounded like she was hoppin' and skippin', like she was at the mall and everything was free. It was just, come to find out, she had an equal fascination for the outhouse, and that tripped my switch and spelled out her relocation.
Anyway, she looked around, when I opened the trap and scot under the house, and I dumped out her old nest and set up the jug; god willin' she'll have all she needs, get by 'til snow fall and food for the winter, hay for beddin'.
So, case ya ever wondered, if I'd lost my marbles, I reckin' yer question'd be about answered. But, I just gotta believe, we can get along, mice, human, horse and the lot.
Have a Thankful Evenin'!
Best, Always
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Waste Not
And, yes another peach; blue sky, calm and 60 degrees.
And, a course, a day not to be waisted on anything unessential, so, I went for a toot with the bunch! It's really been way to long, since we all went for a good poke and, with one a the owners comin' up for thanks givin', it was the perfect excuse, go check my gates and open the gate to their place, over on the west side. And, pretty as it was, the bunch havin' come in early and already havin' given them two flakes each, a good excuse to save hay; once we'd made the round, I let 'em in to the patch in the southwest corner, where there's still some fair grass and let 'em graze there, hoofin' it home with the "Hutz".
Just, about dark, I got in a round a hide and seek with the boys, and they were in the mood. They'd run out to the end a the run and hide behind a tree, then I'd sneak out real quiet, like I was fixin' ta pounce, and they'd high tail it back to the barn. Then, a course, wait 'til I was almost back and high tail it back to the run. Couple or three times, we were all tuckered out, so we wandered in for a flake.
Anyway, it was almost a holiday, and I'm like ta get busy tomorrow, but a day like that, it just begs ta be enjoyed. And, I'd say we did it up fair.
Have a nice night!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Hopin' for the Ruben from the Rough
And, another peach! Blue sky, 60 degrees and calm.
It did take me a few starts get goin'; woke up hungry about 4am. Did manage some quiet/prayer time 'fore, I lit the fire and tried a cup a tea, warm and loosen me up. But, time I warmed and got movin' just a tad, I realized I really didn't get all forty winks and took a nap 'fore I got up for good and commenced ta eat. I reckin' I did burn some calories on that hay, and some part a me wanted 'em back, thank you very much.
Anyway, as often happens, a day as pretty as we had, plans get bumped and I succumb to just bein' around and enjoyin'. I did putz in the office a tad, a little nervous about my math on that check for the hay and I verified all my appointments for December with the Doc. But, soon as I could, I was out ta play with the boys; Ruben today. And, we had a fair extended workout.
Talked to a horse friend up in Utah, the other day, sayin' how I missed havin' days at a time, to just work with one horse. But, with Ruben, curious as he is, I reckin' this "once in a while" stuff, works pretty good. I do believe he got some "over exposed" pulled outta the forest, away from his kin and run through the mill at the forest service pens. And, I know my skills aren't the best, so this "once in a while" arrangement, is givin' us lots a time to get to know each other, and hopeful, one day I'll see clear, the spot that love needs to mend. So easy make assumptions and mistakes and he's such a fine horse, I'm bettin' the time'll pay off.
And, my bed roll is callin'! Have a great night and, quote old Garrison Keilor, "be well, do good work and keep in touch!".
Monday, November 19, 2012
And, another unbelievable, beautiful day; even if I did sleep through a fair portion. The hay came! So, I was up and at 'em early; had the gate open at 7:45 and Dave pulled in about 7:50. And, pretty much he just backed in and we got after it; two hours and 240 bales later, we were rollin' straps and tradin' dough.
It took me a couple a hours come back down to earth, ate my lunch and passed out cold. Got up, through a flake for the ponies and went back for seconds; woke up just before dark. And, now it's 8:30 and I'm ready for bed!
Simple math, I reckin'; ain't as young as I was!
Have a nice night!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
The Bunch Was Out for Lunch
And, another pretty day! Musta been mid 50's, sunny with a floatilla of small clouds off to the south.
And, pretty much, side from correspondence, in the mornin', just got after the barn, get it shaped up and cleaned out for hay. All went pretty well, but I found at least three nests the pack rat is buildin', which I left for another day; hays comin' 8am and the rakin' and cleanin' was top a the list. Meant to take a picture, but it got dark 'fore I remembered.
And, I give Julio a little romp, with the last of the light; a walk, a trot and a canter, this way and that. Picked up his feet and give him a brush. Only thing I missed, pretty much, was a hike ta visit the bunch. They ain't come up since the cows come by yesterday, but it has been pleasant and mild.
And, all things considered, anyday they stay out, is another bale for deep winter.
Anyway, best hit the rack, where mornin's like ta come early.
Have a nice night!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The Cows Have It
And, a pretty fair day. A little cooler, with a low pressure system bringin' in a little cool air from the north. But, by and large, not too shabby.
Kind of a "ketchup" day, where I been hustlin' some all week it seems; special yesterday, runnin' off to deliver books and, just possible, a tad overdone, with my makeshift, pure sugar breakfast at the tradin' post. I do try to look for somethin' moderate healthy, but look as I might, the pickin's are slim, where they cater most to the oilfield fellas and I wouldn't say they're a "health leanin'" bunch.
Anyway, excitement today was our neighbors to the north, movin' their cows back home. I had the boys out on the run, and they was all a bother, cows and horses comin' up their road. And, I reckin' I give the wives a wee thrill, when I yelled over the fence, askin' if any were ridin' mares; Ruben and Julio doin' their best "prance and blow". "Why, yes, are those stallions?". I took a look at the boys, as I walked out to gather 'em in and noticed, that prancin' as they might, they were stayin' as far away as they could from the cows. "I reckin' we'll be alright", I yelled back across the run, as the boys, happily pranced back to the barn. Mares or not, a hundred head a cows, trucks and riders, that was a lot for a couple a boys from the woods and the barn was lookin' fairly fine.
Even the bunch, in for a flake, decided to head for the hills, leavin' their flakes behind.
Otherwise, a little corespondence, a little firewood, a start on cleanin' the barn out for winter hay and a wee hike around the back, check on the bunch , spot my gates from the ridge and the valley for the absence of hunters; all quiet, peaceful and pretty, the sun comin' in low from the west.
And, it's way passed bedtime.
Have a nice night!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Rags to Riches, and Back Tomorrow
Well, that was a day! Headed out for the tradin' post, pretty much soon as I fed; had to meet Sonja there for a "book signin'", which I missed yesterday, count a the poachers. Anyway, she's a peach; I used to trim her mule's feet, over in Gallina. She's real well read, an old, long time school teacher and "bleedin heart" liberal. So, when I took the first proof of the book over, few years back, see if she'd check my punctuation, she fell in love with the book and ordered 12 copies on the spot.
Anyway, since I spent pretty much every penny I had on the book, or hay, I hadn't been able to make the trip, deliver the books, so we finally settled on the tradin' post for the festive occasion; about half way in between. And, it was. Turned out tomorrow's her birthday and we signed all twelve. She was real pleased with the final product, even if her "punctuation" bit the dust, as I have some very opinionated help. (And yes I'm laughin' pretty fair!)
But let me tell you, you want opinions, try fabricatin' a book with volunteer help; I guess the math has somethin' to do "hush money" or, folks that figure, if they ain't gettin' paid, by god they have a right to an opinion. (And yes, now I'm laughin' way fair, as I'm quite sure my "help" is apt ta read this!)
Then a course as soon as it goes to press, I start gettin' urgent messages from concerned friends about serious grammatical problems! Anyway, most a my friends can't, don't or won't read anyway and the pictures are great, thanks to young Brandon Johnson, so, by and large the reviews have been great; it looks like it's worth it and it sits on a shelf just fine!
(I must be tired, everything strikin' my hill-airious this evenin'.)
Anyway, then I stopped at the cook shack, way home and old Larry starts goin' on about my breakin' horses like I was Wild Bill himself and 'fore ya know it, these two hunters, there havin' lunch, are pullin' out their wallets and books are changin' hands. I looked at old Larry after they left and he just started laughin'; "we'll make you rich yet!". Eighty years old, but his sense a humor is good as a six year old gets.
Anyway, good news is a spent my last penny mailin' a book to the Enchantment Periodical and came home with 5000 more!
And, yes, I do believe it's time for bed.
Have a nice evenin'!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Countin' The Ways
Well, looks like we're in for a little cloud cover; started out pretty nice but it turned cool and the clouds come in about noon.
Never made it to the store; I heard gunfire at day break and it sounded awful close, so I spent the mornin' walkin' the back, see if we had poachers. By the time I made my run for hay, the day was headin' for night. But I got the hay and headed out in the dusk, check and see if our outfitter had cleaned up the carcasses. Cool evenin', but I mader home for dark, dark and threw some short wood on the fire; my sweet neighbors, gave me some are their shorts, help me along with my woodpile.
And, sure enough, my recent spike of inspiration, turned to a wee disappointment, but, it does ring a bell. Seems like that often happens, but I've learned to look for the good. And, I'm convinced it happens for love; Creator just might love us so much, that when that inspiration spikes, we're shown a little more, the work that's still needs doin'; take advantage of the spike, redouble our resolve. Least it seems that way to me and, my case, it also keeps my feet on the ground; ya know high horses and pride before falls. I do believe we are all taken care of, each in our own special way.
So, one more time for the road:
And love says,
"I will, I will take care of you."
To everything that is near.
Have a nice night.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Things Change
And, another peach; musta made it into the mid 50's and, clear as a bell.
Made the rounds today, check water and gates and the neighbor's house on the backside. Nice to get out and see the place, though I did come up on some "irregularities", but, I suppose that goes with the territory; oilmen leavin' gates open and hunters dumpin' carcasses. It's kinda disappointin', where I'm apt ta think folks are respectful, but I guess that's just the way it is anymore; folks get squeezed and courtesy (and common sense) go out with the bathwater.
Could be I need to make some noise, least so they know I'm payin' attention, but we don't need to bring the lions in off the cliffs and, my opinion, a little respect is good for everybody; the place, of course, a piece of our own dear mother, but them that's gettin' sloppy ta boot. Respect, seems ta me is one a those things shines every which way; we quit givin' it and pretty soon, we got none, even for ourselves.
Anyway, I believe I got over it, and I'll just follow up tomorrow, when I'm fresh and I got some distance.
Otherwise, the bunch is well, the boys are happy and I'm pretty close to makin' full payment for hay. And, I got a note from the Enchantment periodical, that they'd be happy, review the book. I was hopin' for Christmas, but the books come in late and the Christmas issue's already gone to press. Either way, it'll sure be interestin' hear what they have to say.
And I suppose that's about it; make a run tomorrow, groceries at the tradin' post, and borrow my last lot a hay, get me through to Monday, when the "hayman cometh". But, I have had Hafiz on my mind, and it sure is funny, 'cause a friend a mine, read my book, said it reminded him of Hafiz. So, I went and looked him up, read some of his poems and a little history of his life and times. And, two things I considered; one that my friend is as generous as ever and two, that books are amazin'. Not only the books of Hafiz's poems, but the books of his life and times. Between the two, I just really got a sense that he was a regular guy, livin' a regular life, though he happened to be extremely inspired and had an amazin' gift for passin' it on. And, there's just somethin' so great, when you realize that these people we admire so much, and clearly had such a gift, were also, in so many ways, just like you and me. Don't know how that strikes you, but to me it's extremely inspirin'; whatever the differences, time, space, culture, in some ways we're exactly the same. And, if he could express those things, he must have felt them. And, if he could feel them, then, they just got closer to me.
I find that completely amazin'! Just makes me wonder, when Old Uncle Albert talks about time and space as illusions; "persistent, but illusions!". But, either way, to catch a glimpse of Hafiz, somehow, it just changes everything, ever so slight but ever so sure.
Have a nice night!
P.S. My friend sent me another of his poems today; a short one.
And love says,
"I will, I will take care of you."
To everything that is near.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Pine Spirit
And, another peach; warmer still and crystal clear. Can't say nothin' but "thanks", for a day like that.
But, I can see the cold gettin' to the ponies; even with short rations, they eat and pass out, lyin' in the sun like small beached whales. Took some doin' this afternoon, convince 'em that a flake and a half was far as I'd go, but we don't have hunters for a week, or so, and once I convinced 'em I wouldn't give up, got 'em started, I opened the gate to the north end and they figured it fair compensation. Took off on the fly, headin' for the last patch a sunlight, make the best of the last sprigs of grass.
I checked the pond for ice and headed back to the barn, arm a fire wood scooped on the way. Threw a flake for the boys and went for more, gatherin' pieces of an old pin~on, dry to strands of pure spirit, as it stood in the arms of a grand old cedar. Sometimes wood like that is hard to burn; it looks so charmin', all grey and gold and dark carmel. Years in the makin', years in the dryin', truly a work of art. But, a reminder I quess, that we all come and go, where those are the pieces make the old wood burn bright.
Anyway, a friend sent me a poem of Hafiz; a persian poet of some reknown, lived some 700 years back. I liked it pretty good, so I thought I'd pass it along.
Have a nice night!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Well, a little warmer, the wind give up and clear as a bell. Pack it in early tonight; I don't even want to think about what time I woke up this mornin'. Let's just say it's time to break out the second sleepin' bag.
I do suspect, however, we won't get that cold again 'til after Christmas. Supposed to be back up in the fifties, rest of the week; lows in the upper teens.
And, another simple day; shuffled some paper in the office, figurin' the budget, 'til I realized there weren't nothin' to budget, least 'til I get this load a hay paid for, but we're darn close to gettin'er done, and there's nothin' pressin' right off.
Otherwise, the bunch come in for a flake and a drink, I reckin'; I don't believe there was anything that weren't froze solid. And, I loosened my grip on the hay just a bit, though I gave 'em pretty small portions. They all knapped pretty hard, all stretched out in the sun, then afternoon, I headed for the woods and give a whistle and I guess they must be gettin' the picture about short rations, 'cause little by little, one by one, they picked up and followed, browsin' here and there, while I made piles of firewood.
Anyway, it's early but I'm ready and short as the days are gettin', bedtime's about the only time fit in my "extra" prayer time. So, good night and sweet dreams.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Tendin' the Fire
And, another icey one; pretty, but 30 degrees and windy.
But we did get out and do a few things. Spruced up the pent house for Gramma and Grampa Burro, brought in some firewood and took a walk just before dark, see if I could find the bunch.
Have ta check tomorrow, see if they broke out for the north end. I shoulda got out earlier broke some ice, but cold as it was, I kept expectin' them, come in for a flake. Ya never know, with the bunch; all that summer tallow they mighta just figured a fine day for a romp.
Otherwise, I lay pretty low, icey as it was and the wind, a fair gust. Kept the fire up and snuck in a nap, remindin' myself it was Sunday.
Anyway, pack it in early, save some wood for the mornin' and see if I can't catch a little prayer time, 'fore I nod off 'til the morrow.
Did you know the "roots" for morrow are Greek? They say it means "to sparkle"; a little more fuel for my new attitude!
Have a nice night.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
A New Attitude
Well, the cold air sure come in behind the moisture! Woke up to a chilly "white christmas"; don't think we made it above 30 few degrees all day and fair breezy ta boot.
And, I also woke up with a new attitude toward my quiet/prayer time. I was talkin' to a friend and he asked what I meant. Only thing I could think, was to compare it to a good friend I'd been meetin' for coffee, every mornin' most of my life. And, to suppose I was meetin' this hypo-thetical friend, 'cause his company always improved my mood. 'Til one day it occurred to me, what if I went to meet him and, instead of grumpy as I'm accustomed, I went just a little more enthusiastic; maybe even grateful, heaven forbid, after all these years. Well, it might be like startin' from the "plus" column, 'stead a my usual "minus" whatever.
It was a simple consideration, but, first go and I would say, it really made a difference! And, it is kinda funny, in a pathetic kinda way; all these years, some kinda attitude I picked up from goodness knows where, "well if Creator's so wonderful, I can just be my miserable old self, and by golly, it's just his/her job to just pick me up and make everything better!". So, almost forty years, since I took on the practice and it finally occurs to me, "ya know, a little gratitude, a smidgeon of enthusiasm, it just might sweeten the whole deal".
Just call me Speedy Quick!
Anyway, I might not be the quickest, but better late than never and, who knows, but I do believe I turned a corner. So, in keepin' with my lighter, bright attitude, I'll celebrate the corner and leave the clock and calendar for the grumps.
I wouldn't say that attitude is everything, but even, if it made a small difference, well, it sure is affordable, no?
Have a nice night!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Colors of Change
Well, the weather come in a little quicker than what they said, but all in all, a nice day. Started out like a sweet spring day; beautiful silky clouds, all pearly and grey, on a luminous blue sky. The temp was mild and the air was moist. Then, a matter of minutes, it seemed we were over cast and sprinklin'; must a been the cold air movin' in.
But, for November, pretty mild; showers off and on, maybe 60 degrees. And, it did make for a pretty fine nap, with the tent all buttoned up and a good fire in the stove.
And, I did get a little done in the office and made it out ta see the bunch just before dark and a small but vociferous thunderstorm. Pretty, pretty, comin' back over the hill, with the fadin' light, dark clouds and a light rain, bringin' out deep rich colors, from the black, black of stump, trunk and twig, to the tender green of the sage, the red and brown comin' outta the dirt and the gramma grass, brilliant rose cream; an aria of light midst the otherwise muted tapestry.
A flake for the boys, beans for the cowboy, a note to my friends and sweet dreams, god willin'.
Have a good one.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
The Balance
Well, the scales are tippin'; high clouds driftin' in, breezy and not so warm. But, for November, a pretty fair day, all the same.
And, hopeful, the weather'll hold off one more day, like the weatherman's sayin', let me get the barn roof patched and the yard tidied up a smidge; a little more firewood, case it gets wet.
I did get the tent buttoned up pretty fair; cut the bottom off the old tent, found an old tarp just big enough, pulled the new tarp off, laid the old one on top a the tent, put the old tent top on top a that, then re-fixed the new tarp and tucked it all in. I'm hopin' this'll hold a little more heat and keep water off the new tent, where my "beloved" pack rat took a fancy to the flavor of tarp and modified the new one, severely reducin' it's water repellent characteristics. I did talk to my neighbors and they do have one a those humane traps and, first chance, I aim to relocate my "blissful", not so wee rodent; she seems to like everything just a little too much, includin', most recent, my soap. A large half a pound cake, gone without a trace!
Anyway, a pretty fair day; one more and we should be good for weather. And, if the mild temps return, I'll give a go on the truck, see if I can't give it a once over 'fore snow.
Then we'll see about sellin' some books for Christmas; god willin', we sell what we got, I'll be able to pay my help, the taxes, our little loan and end up the year back at zero! Could be worse. Could be way worse!
Have a nice night.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Where You are
Well, another peach and I did get after it pretty fair, though most of it "ketchup"!
Anyway, tomorrow's another day and a cold snap ain't the end of the world; look past a couple of pre-cipitous days and by Tuesday they're sayin' sunny and 55!
Did check on the ponies early; climbed the ridge and seen 'em grazin', down the valley. I was concerned where they didn't come in for a flake and there'd been a lot of comin' and goin' with the hunters and all. But, I made some breakfast and filled up the water tank, back of the truck and hauled on over the hill. Sure enough, my sense that the hunters were runnin' amuck, did have some fact behind; there were gates open here and there and human tracks where there shouldn't a been. So, I called the outfitter and asked him if he had a grip, or was figurin' ta get one anytime soon.
Really not a big deal, but thing is folks come out here and see (sort of) all this open space and imagine "they're free"! And, they are, but "free" don't mean ya throw everything out the window and that there's no one else on the planet. So, remindin' them there are and just 'cause they got an elk tag they don't own the ranch, well, it just puts things back in perspective.
Other night, about dark, I'd gone out to check the bunch. I was comin' back on the cross road and here comes a hunter up the hill. I was pretty surprised as the well "camoed" shape emerged from the dark; too late for hunters ta be about. Anyway, he's walkin' and starin' at his cell phone, almost right next to me, and I offer my slightly surprised "hello". It's almost pitch dark and we are in the middle of nowhere and he looks up, completely distracted and says, "oh, hello", and walks right on by, like we was on a street in Albuquerque, broad daylight and I was Joe Blow.
It's not that I was offended, but it ain't healthy, out here, walk around in a fog, and I might add special after dark; there might not be muggers or someone wants your wallet, but I know a few lions might like everything besides. So, my chewin' on the outfitters ear, wasn't just fer fun, but some a these fellas get so outside a themselves, if it takes a little shoutin' and stompin', get their attention, well, it just might save a life.
They go fogettin' North from South, start shootin' toward the ponies, they'll wish that lion had got 'em.
Anyway, there's my rant for the day, but dang folks freak me out, when they don't even know where they are! And, yes, I will now go read some "good books" full of reminders about pointin' fingers, patience and understandin'. I suppose one a my favorites is that one about the person that upsets you the most, is the lesson you most need to learn.
Have a great night!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Letter to a Navajo Friend
I think about you most every day and hope you know, I consider you family and not just on account of the foster home, but for your heart, all other concerns aside.
That said, I'd sure be pleased, you kept it in mind, as I'm like to need a lot of help and I do believe it could be somethin' special. I'm hopin', among other's, we can find:
A Dine' Mom with a passion for the kids and hopeful a background where she could pass on your culture and home school.
Some good thoughtful board members for settin' up the non-profit.
Some young folk/college students that might understand or want to help settin' up the non-profit; work on the grant writing and fund raising.
And, a young cowgirl/horse lover/ranch hand, might have a passion, like me, for the animals, ranchwork and life the "middle of nowhwere", who could carry on as I get older, though I will help as long I am able.
Again, I'm thinkin' single gender, in the name of "simplicity" and feminine, where women are not only so important, historically, in Dine' culture, but also the "force of change and strength" for the future; not unlike yourself.
If we manage a "big house", the Mom and the kids could have that, and I can build a small house near the horses for myself, at first, and the cowgirl, when I'm too old to help.
If we get this ranch right, no reason we could inspire other, similar situations, develop "extensions", maybe a summer camp for example and serve as a small center for other folks Dine' or otherwise native, come visit and talk about what's working.
Either way, always a place for you, whether you are visiting folks over east here on the checkerboard, or just a retreat, if you're needin' recharge your "batteries".
I know it's ambitious, but I'm thoroughly optimistic, it can be done and it can be "smart", like beautiful, or "ho'zho'".
My Horse
My horse with a mane of short rainbows
My horse with ears of round corn
My horse with eyes made of big stars
My horse with a head made of mixed waters
My horse with teeth made of white shell
The long rainbow is in his mouth for a bridle
And with it I guide him
When my horse neighs,
Different colored horses follow
I am wealthy because of him
Before me peaceful
Behind me peaceful
Under me peaceful
Over me peaceful
Peaceful voice when he neighs
I am everlasting and peaceful
I stand for my horse
Love and Best Wishes, Always
Monday, November 5, 2012
Almost Perfect
And, yes, I made it there and back! Had to leave about 6:30, but I made it. Caught my ride at the post office, with my school teacher friend, and my ride in Cuba with my wonderfully eccentric, retired school teacher friend and arrived at the hospital at 10:15. Actually had time to drop off a book I'd promised to Ms. Katie, who hosts the children's hour, saturday morning on KUNM and still make it back to the hospital for my appointment at the stroke of 11:00.
Anyway, everybody was real nice and seemed very good at what they did, includin' the receptionist that was so cute she looked like she should have been in middle school; yes, I'm gettin' old. They run all kinda tests on my eyes, includin' an ultra-sound, but far as they were able to tell, my left eye is not havin' a baby. And, I past the object poverty test and the whole thing, scheduled for December, is only like to run about 100$.
An old friend picked me up when they were done and shuttled me back to the shuttle in Bernalillo and, I suppose that was the highlight of the day, as she is so sweet and tries so hard to do right by everyone, that she lives quite exposed emotionally and always has fantastic questions and comments on life here on earth. She is a true gem.
And, come to find out "I aren't a senior yet!", least accordin' to Rio Metro; still two dollars, Bernalillo to Cuba! But, seems, I always meet someone worth the fair; this time, Julio Zamora, a child of Cuba in all it's curious colors. He lives up on the divide, over by Chuilli, with his six brothers and two sisters, old ranch his granpa homestead back in ought-knows.
Dropped off at school, back to the post office and home; flake for the boys, and over the hill, find the bunch. The Queen Missy Mum, took one look at me, walked over to the water tub, looked in, looked at me and walked away, with a hard sachay; no water.
"Well, it was full when I left!"
Have a nice night.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Leavin' Right
And, ya, another peach; a few high clouds, but mostly, just wonderful.
And, I found a ride to Albuquerque; my ride from Bernalillo fell through and there weren't no way, get from there to the hospital on time. So, I started from scratch and two or three phone calls later, I found a ride right from Cuba, all the way to the hospital door, which was extremely fortuitous, as I already missed one appointment and if I was gonna make this one, I couldn't spend all day on the phone.
Anyway, it worked out and I got to catch up on some maintenance on the bunch, three horses still needin' wormer for it gets much colder and I found a sore on Big that I got to clean up. And, by and large, it all went well, special where it all took long enough and with the wormer, everybody got that cherished second flake, 'fore I shoo'd them out to pasture, tagged along and dallied a while in the woods, just for "I love yous" and clean another trail.
And, I got the better part of a shave, haircut and bath, enough I figure, where I shouldn't offend anyone in too bad. And, still had enough daylight check my cross fence 'fore dark, dark, where they'll be hunters in tomorrow and I'll be gone most a the day; always helps leavin', if I did everything I know, make sure everyone's safe, while I'm in town.
Learned that from a very wise friend a mine; "do everything you can, then let go and trust!". The fella just has a genius, seems to me, for living well; and I gotta say, so much, what I learned from him, it really does make a huge difference, just like that. Bein' away from the ones you love can be heart wrenching, but do whatever you can, make sure they're o.k., then consciously, let go and trust, it is amazin' the peace it lends and, somehow, it always works out.
So, I best turn in; gotta get up pretty early, make it all work!
Have a nice night and best, always!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Bhutan on the Rio Gran
And, yes, another peach of a day!
Humble apologies for not writin' last night, but I got lost in a computer! Someone gave me an old Mac and it was the only way I could look at some old pictures, we might use for The Medicine Bend web site. Anyway, another lesson in things I should definitely leave to others; a computer for me is little more than a "universe of uncertainty". A universe I can little afford!
Anyway, another day playin' in the woods, haulin' water, feedin' ponies. But, little by little, I am gettin' that whole stretch a woods, just this side a the ridge, shaped up fair and some darn good piles a wood for winter. Fact, yesterday, I started wonderin' if I mighta been a beaver in my last life, all the satisfaction I feel, makin' pretty; punk wood in the ditches, good wood under a tree, exposin' chutes for the ponies and slowin' down the rainwater, grow more grass and feed the trees. I mean this is "wholesale" satisfaction!
Now, I see the genius of that little country, Bhutan, I think it's called, where instead of "GDP", or gross domestic product, the use "GNH", or gross national happiness; I might produce little more than first class horse manure, but I sure have first class fun doin' it!
And, with the exception of me gettin' a little carried away and breakin' off a big limb, with a slightly more than "genteel" crash, the ponies really seem to enjoy us all bein' together out yonder; them grazin' the chutes I uncover, me putzin' about like a beaver. And, happy company's hard to beat!
Have a great day!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Less Stuff, More love
And, ya, another peach; a tad breezy, with a few high clouds, but by and large, gorgeous.
Pretty simple day; small load a hay, early, brief conversation with an old friend, a few email, breakfast and the woods. It really works pretty good; the horses'll hang around all day, less I get 'em movin' and I get to play in the woods with the down trees, fill up the ditches with brush and make piles of good wood I can raid winter time. And, it ends up lookin' kinda spiffy.
Breakin' up the down trees and fillin' up the ditches, slows down the water when it rains, which helps it soak in more and feeds the grass and the trees. It also opens things up, so the horses, deer and elk can move freely here and there, which, I believe makes everyone more comfortable. And, as I said, it looks really nice; not perfect but real nice.
Anyway, I sure enjoy the fall; cool temps, beautiful days, a fire take off the chill at night, it's just the best.
And, I finally gave Julio his wormer, try to knock out those mites again. He's such a sweetheart; he just stood there and took it, little dose at a time. I know domestic horses aren't that easy.
I'd been waitin', see if it might warm up just a little, where that stuff does get the mites, or worms, as the case may be, but it is basically, poison and I believe it knocks out their furnace for a day or two, where their stomachs kinda run on fermentation. Seemed like those high clouds might bode for a warmer night.
Anyway, so far, so good; the winter's comin' on easy and mild and nobody's starvin'; 'cept maybe the donks. Don't know what's got into them, but they aren't eatin' their hay and honkin' for more. I know they used to get treats at their old place, but we ain't so high on the hog over here and it's the treats that ruin their feet. So, I just been tryin' a little "tough love", which ain't really my nature, but we sure can't get picky, about hay; not this winter.
See what happens; I sure do care for 'em, but we just ain't a luxury establishment. Love we got. Groceries, too. We just ain't always flush and hopeful the love makes it work. And, I'd have to say, 'bout any horse comes in, I do see 'em adjust; horses no different from us. They suppose what ever they known, that's just the way it is. Similar, too, I suppose, folks that are used to "stuff" stead a love, it can take 'em a while, absent some a the "stuff", notice the love and learn to take comfort in that.
Anyway, headin' for beddin'.
Have a nice night!