Thursday, November 29, 2012

Got It Colored

Good Evenin'

And, a few high clouds today, as they predicted. Supposedly, el ni~no didn't. Shape up like they thought it would and we've got la ni~na swirlin' around, again this winter. So, the weather's either goin' south across Mexico, or north up through Nevada and Idaho. But, don't quote me, I might have the "ijos" backwards. Anyway, all in all, another pretty fine day.

And, a fair inspirin' day, ta boot. Got a note from Justine Toms, co-host of New Dimensions Radio outta Ukiah, CA. I listen to their show whenever I get a chance, keep up on "new age" thinkers and writers, poets and healers. Anyway, I'd come to find out she's pretty fond of horses and so, I sent her a copy of the book, a month, or so, back. Got a note today that she really liked the book! Way kind a her, take time and she sent me a beautiful card with a picture of her and Michael, her husband and co-host, taken in Louisiana. I was pretty well, thrilled.

Otherwise, looks like the Wedo dog is fixed ta travel on Saturday, and, all goes well; he'll stop over in Belen with a friend 'till I can get down ta co-llect him. And, I'm pretty well, excited on that account, as well.

Then, a course, there was just the day and where I've been hustlin' some late, I made a point of just takin' a nap and goin' for that "extra" prayer/visit time; no excuses. And, that was maybe, the sweetest of all! Don't suppose I can explain it, simple as it is, and considerin'all the times I took the time, over the years since I met my teacher, but, somehow, it's always like new and rich, rich, rich; unbeleivably, unexplainably, rich. And that just ends up colorin' the whole day ta match.

Have a nice night!




  1. Maybe the better/deeper things go, the less words there are to describe them .... color is so amazing ... I really like that analogy.

    Looking forward to Wedo's homecoming. How sweet of your Friend to take Wedo in until you can get him. Also, hopefully, we'll be hearing you're going to do an interview ... that's exciting!

    Dry in the mid-section of the country ... I'll put some of our snow in a box and send it your way. :D It sure is pretty sitting on the branches of the balsams.


  2. Great news on the Wedo dog. I'm confused. Is that his name or his breed? Either way, may he be wonderful company for you and Princess Hutzpah.
