Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Bunch Was Out for Lunch

Good Evenin'

And, another pretty day! Musta been mid 50's, sunny with a floatilla of small clouds off to the south.

And, pretty much, side from correspondence, in the mornin', just got after the barn, get it shaped up and cleaned out for hay. All went pretty well, but I found at least three nests the pack rat is buildin', which I left for another day; hays comin' 8am and the rakin' and cleanin' was top a the list. Meant to take a picture, but it got dark 'fore I remembered.

And, I give Julio a little romp, with the last of the light; a walk, a trot and a canter, this way and that. Picked up his feet and give him a brush. Only thing I missed, pretty much, was a hike ta visit the bunch. They ain't come up since the cows come by yesterday, but it has been pleasant and mild.

And, all things considered, anyday they stay out, is another bale for deep winter.

Anyway, best hit the rack, where mornin's like ta come early.

Have a nice night!



  1. Have an uneventful Hay Day! Nice to get it tucked in the barn.

    A moment in time with Julio, no distractions, no chattering thoughts, just in the moment. Good feeling.


  2. "flotilla of small clouds" .... been thinking about that for two days, looking up at the sky as I compared your image to the one over my head. I love clouds - beautiful, mighty, fragile, ephemeral, weighty - so hard to paint, difficult to capture even on film. They have one aspect from the ground, and a totally different one from the air. No wonder kids of all ages enjoy lying on their backs for hours and watching the clouds.
