Thursday, November 1, 2012

Less Stuff, More love

Good Evenin'

And, ya, another peach; a tad breezy, with a few high clouds, but by and large, gorgeous.

Pretty simple day; small load a hay, early, brief conversation with an old friend, a few email, breakfast and the woods. It really works pretty good; the horses'll hang around all day, less I get 'em movin' and I get to play in the woods with the down trees, fill up the ditches with brush and make piles of good wood I can raid winter time. And, it ends up lookin' kinda spiffy.

Breakin' up the down trees and fillin' up the ditches, slows down the water when it rains, which helps it soak in more and feeds the grass and the trees. It also opens things up, so the horses, deer and elk can move freely here and there, which, I believe makes everyone more comfortable. And, as I said, it looks really nice; not perfect but real nice.

Anyway, I sure enjoy the fall; cool temps, beautiful days, a fire take off the chill at night, it's just the best.

And, I finally gave Julio his wormer, try to knock out those mites again. He's such a sweetheart; he just stood there and took it, little dose at a time. I know domestic horses aren't that easy.

I'd been waitin', see if it might warm up just a little, where that stuff does get the mites, or worms, as the case may be, but it is basically, poison and I believe it knocks out their furnace for a day or two, where their stomachs kinda run on fermentation. Seemed like those high clouds might bode for a warmer night.

Anyway, so far, so good; the winter's comin' on easy and mild and nobody's starvin'; 'cept maybe the donks. Don't know what's got into them, but they aren't eatin' their hay and honkin' for more. I know they used to get treats at their old place, but we ain't so high on the hog over here and it's the treats that ruin their feet. So, I just been tryin' a little "tough love", which ain't really my nature, but we sure can't get picky, about hay; not this winter.

See what happens; I sure do care for 'em, but we just ain't a luxury establishment. Love we got. Groceries, too. We just ain't always flush and hopeful the love makes it work. And, I'd have to say, 'bout any horse comes in, I do see 'em adjust; horses no different from us. They suppose what ever they known, that's just the way it is. Similar, too, I suppose, folks that are used to "stuff" stead a love, it can take 'em a while, absent some a the "stuff", notice the love and learn to take comfort in that.

Anyway, headin' for beddin'.

Have a nice night!



  1. So sorry to hear about the burros. Hope they adjust and pull through. Tough love is still love, and sometimes just the ticket. Enabling bad habits does no one any favors. When that happens with kids, it just ruins them. I've seen it happen far too many times. The ones who learn to adjust to disappointment grow stronger and more determined to reach their goals. The ones who never learn to adjust, or never have to face disappointment because their parents are running interference for them..... they can face a hard awakening later on.

    Never did hear a wood pile described as "spiffy," but it works here. Adds a humorous touch.

  2. That last sentence about folks who are used to stuff instead of love and it might take them awhile to get used to love instead of stuff .... and from what I've seen ... they LIKE it much, much more! Something of substance finally in life, something they can't lose and they can line the heart with as much gold as the length of life allows. Awesome! One of the best things I've ever heard.

    Hope Julio is feeling better and the burros get back on their feed ... sugar is no good for any animal ... maybe figure out how to make hay cookies. :D Okay, I'll see if I can find a recipe. :D

    I like a spiffy wood pile. I bet your place is looking fine and all the critters appreciate your effort. What a beautiful life.

