Monday, November 26, 2012

Opper Knockity Tunes

Good Evenin'

And, another fine day! 60 degrees, sunshine and a gentle breeze.

Kind of a paperwork, post office day; nothin' very eventful. Mailed a few books and got postage for a few more. Paid my tax bill and came on home. A little laundry, a load a firewood and a romp with the boys, just before dark, 'bout summed it up.

I reckin' the only new part'd be a start on another book, which is kinda an adventure. The first one took a couple a years of trial and error, 'fore I landed on a solid idea and this one's like ta follow suit. I wrote three or four pages and already I can see it goin'places I didn't intend. But, I guess that's a big part of the adventure; how to let something happen that seems to involve you, but also seems to have a life of it's own.

And, I suppose, that's life! One fantastic mystery, waitin' ta be unravelled; all the little things that happen and the meaning, that longs to be known.

As a wise man might have said; "stay tuned!". And, I'm so inclined; so inclined.

Have a nice night!




  1. Oh wow, wonderful news, wonderful adventure! I'm excited for you as you begin the process of exploring what's there that wants to be said. Enjoy, and bon voyage!

  2. Yes, Stella and I will definitely stayed tuned. It's a wonderment when "words" create life. Supposedly that's all there was in "the beginning" ... the word. Beautiful not to try to whip it and steer it in a particular direction, but let it skip, saunter, and dance on the road it must journey to say what it needs to say. Smiling.

    "The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common."
    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

    So you had another miraculous day ... it's snowing here, a miracle in itself ... such hushed silence ... so quiet you can hear it.

