And, another peach; musta made it into the mid 50's and, clear as a bell.
Made the rounds today, check water and gates and the neighbor's house on the backside. Nice to get out and see the place, though I did come up on some "irregularities", but, I suppose that goes with the territory; oilmen leavin' gates open and hunters dumpin' carcasses. It's kinda disappointin', where I'm apt ta think folks are respectful, but I guess that's just the way it is anymore; folks get squeezed and courtesy (and common sense) go out with the bathwater.
Could be I need to make some noise, least so they know I'm payin' attention, but we don't need to bring the lions in off the cliffs and, my opinion, a little respect is good for everybody; the place, of course, a piece of our own dear mother, but them that's gettin' sloppy ta boot. Respect, seems ta me is one a those things shines every which way; we quit givin' it and pretty soon, we got none, even for ourselves.
Anyway, I believe I got over it, and I'll just follow up tomorrow, when I'm fresh and I got some distance.
Otherwise, the bunch is well, the boys are happy and I'm pretty close to makin' full payment for hay. And, I got a note from the Enchantment periodical, that they'd be happy, review the book. I was hopin' for Christmas, but the books come in late and the Christmas issue's already gone to press. Either way, it'll sure be interestin' hear what they have to say.
And I suppose that's about it; make a run tomorrow, groceries at the tradin' post, and borrow my last lot a hay, get me through to Monday, when the "hayman cometh". But, I have had Hafiz on my mind, and it sure is funny, 'cause a friend a mine, read my book, said it reminded him of Hafiz. So, I went and looked him up, read some of his poems and a little history of his life and times. And, two things I considered; one that my friend is as generous as ever and two, that books are amazin'. Not only the books of Hafiz's poems, but the books of his life and times. Between the two, I just really got a sense that he was a regular guy, livin' a regular life, though he happened to be extremely inspired and had an amazin' gift for passin' it on. And, there's just somethin' so great, when you realize that these people we admire so much, and clearly had such a gift, were also, in so many ways, just like you and me. Don't know how that strikes you, but to me it's extremely inspirin'; whatever the differences, time, space, culture, in some ways we're exactly the same. And, if he could express those things, he must have felt them. And, if he could feel them, then, they just got closer to me.
I find that completely amazin'! Just makes me wonder, when Old Uncle Albert talks about time and space as illusions; "persistent, but illusions!". But, either way, to catch a glimpse of Hafiz, somehow, it just changes everything, ever so slight but ever so sure.
Have a nice night!
P.S. My friend sent me another of his poems today; a short one.
And love says,
"I will, I will take care of you."
To everything that is near.
Picture up top is really creative and very strong looking!
ReplyDeleteSo, you piqued my interested with the first Hafiz entry, so I had to dig deeper. Such straight-forward beauty but fraught with deeper passages and doors depending which way/angle of the heart/mind you look, good energy! This one line "change rooms in your mind for a day" really woke me up for today's piece of insight into how mechanical thinking can be rewired inside of you with "a thought." What a joy to read and feel. I don't want to go through life in a mechanical state.
Going out to my own little town today, recycling, a few supplies, maybe even a conversation here and there. Smiling at the possibilities the day holds.
Thank you for the good words, Jeune. Glad you're diligent with the Bunch. We have people leaving predator-drawing piles after the big hunt here too ... why don't they put them in a bag and put them on their own property ... I could help them. :D
Giving respect before expecting to maybe get it back. Yep. Works with kids. They want to be seen, heard, and considered, not just ordered around or dismissed. Seems that this year, the pols who followed that model did better than those who just paraded around bloviating.
ReplyDeleteLove does take care of us, but only if we allow it to. Easier said than done.